Trump's War on Factual News Journalism.

We’re adjacent once again, but…
Running your mouth always has consequences...sometimes it's a fat lip, sometimes it's a prison sentence, sometimes it's a wad of cash....
but it's ALWAYS a demonstration of how stupid you are.
Running your mouth always has consequences...sometimes it's a fat lip, sometimes it's a prison sentence, sometimes it's a wad of cash....
but it's ALWAYS a demonstration of how stupid you are.
People are still buying his shitty pillows, it's just a scam and lies and since he got into bed with Trump sales among magats have probably soared. It a TV offer kind of product, so it should be right up their ally, he does advertise on foxnews.

He had documents on the coup plot and was photographed with them at the WH, they are evidence, where are those documents Mike, if you destroyed them that is obstruction of justice. I figure Jack might be interested in Mike one day, were the documents government property?


Not sure if it's the right thread. Or if story has been posted elsewhere. Hard for me to keep up.
I didn't see the outburst by Nicole. But she's a right winger, just like Joe Scarborough.
She worked for Dumbya, and with Joe, is part of the reason we're in the anti-democratic situation today.
You can almost see Joe's eyes well up with tears at the mere mention of Reagan's holy name. These
people are not at all what they appear to be on MSNBC.
I didn't see the outburst by Nicole. But she's a right winger, just like Joe Scarborough.
She worked for Dumbya, and with Joe, is part of the reason we're in the anti-democratic situation today.
You can almost see Joe's eyes well up with tears at the mere mention of Reagan's holy name. These
people are not at all what they appear to be on MSNBC.
They are right wing democrats now and the classic battle between right and left will be fought out inside the democratic party, the republicans have been written off.
I didn't see the outburst by Nicole. But she's a right winger, just like Joe Scarborough.
She worked for Dumbya, and with Joe, is part of the reason we're in the anti-democratic situation today.
You can almost see Joe's eyes well up with tears at the mere mention of Reagan's holy name. These
people are not at all what they appear to be on MSNBC.
Simmer down now :cool:
If they are right of center it’s better than than the extremist
We aren’t gonna end up Bernie babies but it’s a start
2024'll tell if you're right. I'm not optimistic, don't have much reason to be if last 60 years of history tells anything.
I meant they are written off by serious people concerning policy, it doesn't mean they won't win elections and when they do expect the worst, but not policy, except bad policy.
i ain't a big bernie fan either, mainly cuz most of his supporters voted for that orange demon. but hell, that was the DNC's fault, actually.
Who can know what they did at the ballot box? But during exit polling in 2016, of people who said they voted for Bernie during the primary, 90% said they voted for Hillary. That's higher than the norm for people in other elections whose candidates lost the primary. I think we might agree that Bernie and his supporters were divisive. Many Bernie voters might have abstained from voting in the general. Bernie Bros might have soured voters against Hillary with their histrionics that summer and hurt her in that regard. But those who showed up to vote, voted tactically and probably voted against Trump when they voted for Hillary.

2024'll tell if you're right. I'm not optimistic, don't have much reason to be if last 60 years of history tells anything.
On the one hand, I hear ya…on the other, a LOT has changed, and it doesn’t take a boatload of optimism to see things play out very differently

One of the biggest changes of the Age of Chump was wrought on democrats & liberals in general, who had long soaked in the complacent view that vestiges of civil-war holdovers of the so-called ‘patriotic right’ were honestly ignorant & mostly performative.

This led to much ‘right-wing’ humor about liberals being too stupid to know when they’re in a fight (late 80s-mid 90s), and “pwning the libs” became a popular pastime.

The overthrow crowd has been overreaching since Obama took office, and with Chump’s installation in office, GOOP seems to have forgotten that they’re doing & saying all the secret stuff in front of everybody. Carefully not noticed during this same time was the fact that the GOP - and the NRA - had started bleeding members. The squeakier any given wheel, the more could be obscured behind it, so the volume went up and the web-rodent-sphere went into overdrive, but the actual conservative party content has been draining away.

SINCE Jan6, that drain has been flowing. Accompanying that has been the clarifying effect of the coup attempt itself & ALL the toxic gabble that’s poured out since. The Republican Party has never been weaker in my lifetime.

This doesn’t mean they’re toothless, but they *are* used to overreaching by now, so they’ll continue to make some mistakes, and they come up with some new ones (Thomas + Crow?).

They also have a sold grip on county-level government in many states, an unknown number of billionaires committed to taking the USA away from the voters, and have shown they’re willing to try just about anything to fake their way into victory… they also have some loose judiciary cannons currently being used to take the legs off a lot of ordinary citizens, so no - not helpless.

We’ve had a series of clarifying elections in the last dozen or so years; they have shown the republicans struggling nationally - so much so that I’ll be surprised if The Republican Nominee in ‘24 gets more than 60 million votes. Down 14 million from ‘20.

That doesn’t mean easing off, doesn’t mean it’s in the bag: these characters are as false and duplicitous as you can imagine..and it’ll be make or break for them: one last chance to win it all & undo the American Experiment itself - or failure, disgrace, prison - perhaps exile in Russia or Hungary or Saudi Arabia.

We need to hit them with EVERYTHING, again and again, we need to call them liars when they lie, cheaters when they cheat, traitors when they betray their oaths of office. Every bit of pressure available.

And, just maybe, have a little faith that the “better angels of our nature” are coming home to roost.
i ain't a big bernie fan either, mainly cuz most of his supporters voted for that orange demon. but hell, that was the DNC's fault, actually.
I’m not a dyed-in-the-wool Bernie bro, but I’ll tell you what I saw back then: I saw people in the Bernie camp & w/ HRC who seemed to co-operate in starting a war between the factions. I never ran into a Bernie supporter who voted for trump, and the few things I saw passing as Bernie-supporters for trump didn’t sound like any Bernie supporter I ever knew or talked to.

That fire still smoulders, BTW…there are still some from the HRC camp who really believe that Bernie’s supporters voted for trump, not HRC.

I consider it one of the dirty tricks played during that election - and one of the dirtiest ever, especially given that Bernie is a pretty straight shooter
I’m not a dyed-in-the-wool Bernie bro, but I’ll tell you what I saw back then: I saw people in the Bernie camp & w/ HRC who seemed to co-operate in starting a war between the factions. I never ran into a Bernie supporter who voted for trump, and the few things I saw passing as Bernie-supporters for trump didn’t sound like any Bernie supporter I ever knew or talked to.

That fire still smoulders, BTW…there are still some from the HRC camp who really believe that Bernie’s supporters voted for trump, not HRC.

I consider it one of the dirty tricks played during that election - and one of the dirtiest ever, especially given that Bernie is a pretty straight shooter
Bernie's actions after the election was over were divisive to the Democratic Party. He spent the year after the election trashing Democratic party leadership. His behavior during the so-called Unity Tour was anything but unifying.

Also, when it was clear that he could not win the nomination, he continued his divisive speeches. So, no, Bernie was a destructive influence during that time.

I voted for Bernie in 2016 but lost faith in him shortly thereafter.
Bernie's actions after the election was over were divisive to the Democratic Party. He spent the year after the election trashing Democratic party leadership. His behavior during the so-called Unity Tour was anything but unifying.

Also, when it was clear that he could not win the nomination, he continued his divisive speeches. So, no, Bernie was a destructive influence during that time.

I voted for Bernie in 2016 but lost faith in him shortly thereafter.
I confess, by the time the general was upon us, I considered him a distraction, not a factor.
Well, that's a hella indictment there, bruh. I dunno where u get that from what I said, but jeeze, man.
Your disdain for anyone right of center would drag the Democrats into the same problem republicans have with flushing RINO's
You saying left or else isn't what we need
We actually need a functioning Republican party too and should welcome so called RINO's to our party if just for the numbers
Thats seems to be what you have issue with?
I may be wrong but thats how i took your remarks
And so, if i dislike the right, then you say,
You sure hate a lot about America
What r u gonna say next, "if you don't like it, leave it"?

The point is, that USA has swung so far right, that anybody who's with
that philosophy is extreme, and we need a hard adjustment back to the left.

Clintons are DINOs and they're not what this country needs. We need to
restore our democratic values and dismiss those oligarchical ideologies of
the right, including those of the 75 million people who voted for that orange devil.
Greed is NOT good, don't piss on my leg and call it trickle down economics. Don't
dumb down our people with a depleted, defunded education system. Stop with the
extreme tax cuts for billionaires. It's basically too late for any of those movements to
go into effect now. We sold out our manufacturing base to china in the '80s for short
term corporate profits and now accuse our people of being lazy when they've been
disenfranchised by the right for a quick buck, and then off to their island or a different
country after ours has been turned into a 3d world nation. I could go on...
Well, that's a hella indictment there, bruh. I dunno where u get that from what I said, but jeeze, man.
I've read over your comments several times and don't understand how someone could come to that conclusion. It was a really unfair comment towards you. Saying you're not a big Bernie fan and acknowledging that the DNC was the cause for many issues that election ≠ hate a lot about America.
They also have a sold grip on county-level government in many states, an unknown number of billionaires committed to taking the USA away from the voters, and have shown they’re willing to try just about anything to fake their way into victory… they also have some loose judiciary cannons currently being used to take the legs off a lot of ordinary citizens, so no - not helpless.
That one's called, the American Legislative Exchange Council. The GOP is always so active, always working. Dems seem lethargic and ineffective. The GOP successfully called the media back in Nixon's era, "liberal" to such a point that liberal became a dirty word. I was once a proud liberal, and since the 1980s began to wince whenever i heard the word. They've controlled the narrative, always. Always with the cute buzz words that the populace can grab onto and point at us and laugh.

We need to hit them with EVERYTHING, again and again, we need to call them liars when they lie, cheaters when they cheat, traitors when they betray their oaths of office. Every bit of pressure available.
TY for that, Mr. Bagginski. If the dems or the left, or both, can get a handle on things, give the people something to grab onto, and use to accuse and shame the right, (which i really don't like that kinda shit), we can perhaps take "our country back." They're the ones who convert the words "liberty, patriot, Christian" to something that becomes despicable to me. Try to find a Christian democrat, they're all atheists. And all the GOPs are Christians. It's the oddest paradox.
And, just maybe, have a little faith that the “better angels of our nature” are coming home to roost.
TY again, bruh. I certainly hope so. One RIU member thinks I hate america, but that's not it, i just would like some common sense, and intelligent, critical debate on events currently ongoing in our country.