Trump's War on Factual News Journalism.

Rupert says it's not about blue or red, but about green.

Remove the incentives for broadcasting lies and disinformation while sowing social division and hate for profit. Tearing the country apart with lies for a profit and tax breaks while using the public airwaves and publicly controlled cables should not be financially rewarded with a broadcast license and every cable operator should have one. TV like radio is a broadcast media, spoon fed news for simple minds who want their biases confirmed and which are amplified by lies. Many of their mentally unstable viewers often act out based on the lies Foxnews tells them, from mass murders to insurrectionist seeking to overthrow the government and constitution. A major broadcaster cannot be a mouthpiece and propaganda organ for a political party and making government policy like they did with Trump. Nor should their propagandists be able to blackmail the house speaker into providing exclusive security footage from J6.

Remove them from the air and cable, fuck the investors who profited from the destruction of America and fuck their viewers too, none will vote for the democrats anyway, so nothing would be lost if they did it right after the election. They will bitch and moan about anything, good or bad, so remove the tit they've been sucking down bullshit from. Have YouTube ban them too, if you are banned from cable you are banned from YouTube too, they can go to twitter to follow them. A house divided cannot stand and they have been dividing Americans for profit and playing nearly half the country for suckers and fools, step on them hard and squash the cockroaches.

Broadcasters are required to provide a public service, not national self-destruction by spewing bullshit for profit and political power. They exist because of a government license or can be made to and it's time the government pulled the rug out from out under foxnews. Maybe when the voting machine companies win their billion-dollar lawsuits, the government should fine them a billion or two for broadcasting bullshit on top of that and then remove their broadcast license, even for cable, which they need to regulate. Their covid coverage alone should be reason enough to get rid of them as a public menace.

Fox News bomb goes off: Murdoch confesses they endorsed the lie as billion dollar case heats up

14,266 views Feb 27, 2023 #msnbc #foxnews #rupertmurdoch
Fox News Chief Rupert Murdoch admitted under oath that some Fox hosts “endorsed” Donald Trump’s election lies, according to new court filings. Murdoch acknowledged in testimony that some of Fox hosts, including Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs and Maria Bartiromo specifically pushed the lie. Murdoch’s testimony is part of Dominion Voting’s $1.6 billion defamation suit against the network. NYU Law Professor Melissa Murray and Political Reporter for The Daily Beast Will Sommer join MSNBC’s Ari Melber.
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the government should fine them a billion or two for broadcasting bullshit on top of that and then remove their broadcast license
And then lock them up for sedition. Murdoch's intention when he bought the NY Post was to foment sensationalism.
It's bad enough at the level of a tabloid but then they began relying on sensationalising our democracy to sell papers. Then he buys Fox News.

Lawrence: Rupert Murdoch's 'temple of lies' at Fox exposed by Dominion lawsuit

12,502 views Feb 28, 2023 #msnbc #rupertmurdoch #foxnews
MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains the truths revealed by the latest court filing in Dominion Voting System’s lawsuit against Fox including that Sean Hannity was ‘disgusted’ by Trump and Rupert Murdoch says he ‘could have’ stopped Fox from airing election lies, but didn’t.
Looks like Fox has another problem coming down the line........

yep another lawsuit...this one for almot 3billion........

fuck those lieing asshole

Destroy fox. As soon as Dominion and Smartmatic get through with them, throw the scraps open to civil litigation from the injured masses. I'd like to see the DC cops get the lions share of what ever is left over.
Destroy fox. As soon as Dominion and Smartmatic get through with them, throw the scraps open to civil litigation from the injured masses. I'd like to see the DC cops get the lions share of what ever is left over.

personally i'd like to see fox off the air all together, and they're FCC license should see the Bullshit stories down here they prop up
That's why if the democrats win, they need to change the law to include cable and other things the FCC can regulate like perhaps social media, expand its powers and make penalties dire. They can regulate broadcast, phones and internet, so cable TV should not be an issue, it's just a long-exploited loophole, one that can't be closed unless the democrats win a hat trick with enough of a majority in the senate to get rid of the filibuster.
That's why if the democrats win, they need to change the law to include cable and other things the FCC can regulate like perhaps social media, expand its powers and make penalties dire. They can regulate broadcast, phones and internet, so cable TV should not be an issue, it's just a long-exploited loophole, one that can't be closed unless the democrats win a hat trick with enough of a majority in the senate to get rid of the filibuster.
I’m thinking we need a new Federal agency in charge of the various informational media. The FCC was originally focused on assigning the available spectrum to various users. Everything from search&rescue to citizens’ band to a few fallow spots for the astronomers.
Remember, fox should me muted more than usual this election cycle; they are facing an even bigger second voting machine lawsuit, among other legal issues. If fox is involved in the election, it will be to promote DeSantis and discretely shit on Trump. Fox is facing an existential threat and following Donald and his base off the cliff into the abyss won't help with the legal issues, or with the democrats, if they should gain power.

Fox 'News' hit with HIT with another EVEN BIGGER lawsuit

159,342 views Mar 18, 2023
A second defamation case against Fox News by a voting systems company has been green-lit by a New York court, this time filed by Smartmatic who is suing for $2.7 billion in damages stemming from lies surrounding the 2020 election. Harry Litman breaks down the merits of the case and how it differs from the Dominion lawsuit currently underway.