Trumps last days in office

No need for name calling, I can tell this discussion hits a sore point. Denying he won't do something "patriotic" in the eyes of his followers is like saying a hurricane won't hit Florida in September.
"Slow" is a description, not a name. The rest is not an issue.
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Surprising, it is Georgia.

I understand the big corporate money has been cut off since the coup and sacking of the capital. The shills and bagmen are panicking as the cash dries up and donors step back from funding terrorism. The new rule seems to be if you support Trump's lies you are gonna be cut off from the corporate cash cow, they work for the rich and con the base.

I think the feds might seize Donald's cash haul from the stop the steal con, Donald committed acts of terrorism against the USA and he helped fund it through the con. The money was used to fund terrorism and sedition and might do so again, so it should be confiscated.
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Business Backlash Against The President Snowballs

The president won loyalty from corporate leaders willing to look the other way while he ushered in the largest corporate tax cut break in history, according to reporting. But now some of Trump's diehard boosters to sever ties.
D.C. Attorney General seeks to interview Donald Trump Jr., as part of an investigation into the use of charity money (from Trump's 2017 inaugural committee) to benefit Trump Org.
We can wait a week for the interview, these assholes are gonna have fun in front of the FBI and a grand jury. I'm pretty sure someone is quietly tracking Donald's finances, your NATO allies probably have additional information and perhaps even recordings of Donald's meetings with Vlad. All will be laid at Joe's feet.
Stinky wants a big send of with a military style parade and his dumb as a post supporters. What a little man in every way, petty, needy and smelly.

You just have to be a womanizing racist. That's why they love him. They don't care he ruined the nation as he has everything he's ever done.

They only cared about him being the racist in chief.