Trumps last days in office

Yeah, he is dangerous and I'm trying to warn people but they are getting upset at me for pointing my predictions of him.
You seem to think you're a seer, of sorts. Only you thought of the worst he could do? Don't take too much credit. You must be proud.
I saw the achievements a few pages back, a little late and will not be going through the list.

"Created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since 2016 election."

I was told this one by by my nephew.

Categories > Population, Employment, & Labor Markets > Current Employment Statistics (Establishment Survey) > Manufacturing

View attachment 4794110

Seems Trump had roughly the same expansion of jobs as has been happening since 2010.
I love that this particular troll starts during Obama's presidency.
I hope Joe's director of homeland security is confirmed by inauguration day. They just got handed a full automatic belt feed shot gun in the middle of a Trump turkey shoot.

They blew the element of surprise bigly, it will be a slaughter of the morons if they try anything at all.
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BREAKING: There are armed Pro-Trump protestors at the Texas State Capitol right now. The state has not banned guns on capitol grounds.
Sow the wind and reap the whirlwind, just those dummies who made it legal have to worry. I see they changed that in Michigan in a hurry.
BREAKING: There are armed Pro-Trump protestors at the Texas State Capitol right now. The state has not banned guns on capitol grounds.
The "deep state" is on high alert now and moving into maximum readiness, there will be a real president to answer to next week and they know it. Not just Joe though, congress is gonna take a deep dive into this domestic terrorism and policing issue. I think Trump's entire fanatical base could end up on a new domestic terrorist watch list, no guns and no flying. Millions of the fucks could be freaking out next year about going to prison and losing their guns and the right to own them. Greyhound is gonna see a rise in business next year.

Trump and their coup attempt might have made their worse "deep state" nightmares come true, for those who drank the Koolaid. If they try anything else over the next week it will go very badly for them, fatal in fact. Donald destroyed himself, the republicans, his cronies, his "investors" and his base. He will take thousands of assholes to prison with him, it will be like a national enema.
And why would that be? Because of the jobs wiped out because of that little financial crisis? I thought of starting at 2000 but really what happened before 2008 has little relevance to today's growth. And Troll? I am saying that Trump's growth is just the continuation of the economy. The Trump Tax Cuts did not increase manufacturing jobs as it was sold as. How am I a troll?
So will the feds confiscate their guns next year or allow them to sell them at an auction?
Looks like ANTIFA and the left are gonna get themselves armed real cheap as thousands of assault weapons and assorted gear hit the market in government auctions! There should be some real bargains too! :lol:

Just remove the MAGA and swastika patches from the body armor and put an ANTFIA patch on and you'll be ok. There should be plenty of supply from a variety of private, state and federal sources, so get ready for some deals!
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And why would that be? Because of the jobs wiped out because of that little financial crisis? I thought of starting at 2000 but really what happened before 2008 has little relevance to today's growth. And Troll? I am saying that Trump's growth is just the continuation of the economy. The Trump Tax Cuts did not increase manufacturing jobs as it was sold as. How am I a troll?
I didn't mean you. I guess maybe check the link I provided, what your nephew said happens to come from one of those troll fact sheet kind of posts that are spread around by trolls.
And why would that be? Because of the jobs wiped out because of that little financial crisis? I thought of starting at 2000 but really what happened before 2008 has little relevance to today's growth. And Troll? I am saying that Trump's growth is just the continuation of the economy. The Trump Tax Cuts did not increase manufacturing jobs as it was sold as. How am I a troll?
Here is the original troll post I was fact checking in that other thread I linked:

I actually appreciated your updated use of the chart form FRED too.
They've had state police and a few National Guard troops at the state capital here in Georgia since the 6th. They're their for the duration.
I didn't mean you. I guess maybe check the link I provided, what your nephew said happens to come from one of those troll fact sheet kind of posts that are spread around by trolls.
Sorry, it had me confused about you for a second. The problem with the written word at times.
Sorry, it had me confused about you for a second. The problem with the written word at times.