Trumper Dies After Taking Trump's Advice

Why are the 2020 troll socks so fucking boring?


Dwaynewayne is not unusual in his flailing, helpless, shit choked witlessness. I submit that he is the digital anal afterbirth of one of these former disgraced beta bitches:
choomer Well-Known Member: Whose stupid again?
6ohMax Well-Known Member : "Its just too bad that the Jews run that website."
b4ds33d said: who is obama? you mean barry the kenyan
Dwaynewayne is not unusual in his flailing, helpless, shit choked witlessness. I submit that he is the digital anal afterbirth of one of these former disgraced beta bitches:
choomer Well-Known Member: Whose stupid again?
6ohMax Well-Known Member : "Its just too bad that the Jews run that website."
b4ds33d said: who is obama? you mean barry the kenyan
try this one
Dwaynewayne is not unusual in his flailing, helpless, shit choked witlessness. I submit that he is the digital anal afterbirth of one of these former disgraced beta bitches:
choomer Well-Known Member: Whose stupid again?
6ohMax Well-Known Member : "Its just too bad that the Jews run that website."
b4ds33d said: who is obama? you mean barry the kenyan
He was never worried about that but Trudeau did do blackface once so ya know
@OldMedUser Can you point to any real science about silver and virus loads in human beings. I don't doubt it can have anti bacterial properties like copper, all hospitals and doctors offices should be required to have copper alloy hand rails door knobs and such. It may also have anti viral properties in a lab setting but at what level would it be required in the body to be of any help without causing problems? Is there any real scientific study or is everything anecdotal?

isn't it zinc that disrupts the replication? ie. Zicam.
Here's what Mayo says about Cannabis, lol.

Safety and side effects

Medical marijuana use is generally considered safe. But different strains of marijuana have different amounts of THC. This can make dosing marijuana difficult.
Marijuana can cause:
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Dry eyes
  • Lightheadedness
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Paranoid thinking
  • A disconnected state (dissociation)
  • Increased appetite
  • Coughs

Don't drive or operate machinery when using marijuana.
If you have a mental health condition, use marijuana with caution. Marijuana use might worsen manic symptoms in people who have bipolar disorder. If used frequently, marijuana might increase the risk of depression. Marijuana use also might worsen depression symptoms. Research suggests that marijuana use increases the risk of psychosis in people who have schizophrenia.
Smoking marijuana can affect your memory and cognitive function and cause harmful cardiovascular effects, such as high blood pressure. Long-term marijuana use can worsen respiratory conditions.
Marijuana has a central nervous system (CNS) depressant effect. As a result, marijuana use in combination with anesthesia or other drugs used during or after surgery might cause an additive effect. Don't use marijuana two weeks before planned surgery.

Pretty dissapointing actually for "medical professionals", fuck that pedestal unfortunately.

some sativas can bring on panic attacks if you're prone.
Yesterday's Shit Sandwich

Donald J. Trump
Yesterday at 10:51 AM ·
Just reported that the United States has done far more “testing” than any other nation, by far! In fact, over an eight day span, the United States now does more testing than what South Korea (which has been a very successful tester) does over an eight week span. Great job!


10K Comments5.1K Shares

But in making the claim, Trump overlooks a huge piece of context: The United States population is more than six times the size of South Korea’s. On a per capita basis, South Korea is testing far more of its citizens than the U.S.

@OldMedUser Can you point to any real science about silver and virus loads in human beings. I don't doubt it can have anti bacterial properties like copper, all hospitals and doctors offices should be required to have copper alloy hand rails door knobs and such. It may also have anti viral properties in a lab setting but at what level would it be required in the body to be of any help without causing problems? Is there any real scientific study or is everything anecdotal?

This site sells a CS machine of their own but have a decent info library and this page with a long list of scientific papers.

Been awhile since I've visited that site and I just spent a half hour going thru it and there's lots more. Who knew you could combine CS with H2O2 for better medicine?

Yesterday's Shit Sandwich

Donald J. Trump
Yesterday at 10:51 AM ·
Just reported that the United States has done far more “testing” than any other nation, by far! In fact, over an eight day span, the United States now does more testing than what South Korea (which has been a very successful tester) does over an eight week span. Great job!


10K Comments5.1K Shares

But in making the claim, Trump overlooks a huge piece of context: The United States population is more than six times the size of South Korea’s. On a per capita basis, South Korea is testing far more of its citizens than the U.S.

View attachment 4514507
We would have tested earlier but we couldn't... Because diversity.

A modern penny is copper coated zinc. The copper coat wipes right off with sodium hydroxide.

Don't tell them or we'll have a penny shortage. Shhh.

Canada got rid of the penny. Cents are still used in financial transactions but not in physical transactions. We just round up and down to the nearest nickle.
That is FACT....if you are predisposed. Like dissociative schizophrenia but not factually reported. It can induce an acute episode in persons already suffering from schizophrenia untreated. Ive seen that. Kinda alarming how fast a person can go from pleasant to scary crazy.
Also some functioning schizophrenics want off pharma meds and think medical cannabis is the cure. So it only takes a short time off meds and some puffing to make them snap. Thus inducing a psychotic break. This happened to a neighbor I knew. He got his card, started smoking. He was smoking more and more every day. Getting a lityle weirder. Before he snapped he was literally all day smoking, non stop. He walked barefoot in shorts 20 miled thru blackberrys and forest to a camp ground and was found by sherrifs on top of a hill laughing and mumbling gibberish. On meds dude was a hard worker, had a job, awesome mechanic and really nice guy.
Its unfortunate that cannabis cant be for everyone.
Post these studies, lol. This forum sounds like a DEA online conference. Dr Tashkin, UCLA, Head of Pulmonary Medicine, discredited at least 3 of the Mayo clinic statements, suck on that.