Trump Wants To Limit Aid For Low-Income Americans

We're the richest Nation in the history of the planet, and reap Billions of $$$ in profits daily from this great land. Don't you think we can afford to drop a few crumbs to the poor peasants toiling away in the streets? If the greatest nation on earth can't take care of our own people our priorities are all fuck up. That's not the america I live in. Even if a few people are gaming the system, they ain't getting rich, they are getting by. But the money is at least going into the hands of Americans, right here in America, where it should be going. How about USA first? Not taking care of our poor is a nation disgrace...

Who is saying we shouldn't take care of the poor? Read what I wrote again and think about what I am saying. It's knee jerk reactions like yours that stops all dialog. Because you missed it the first time.....old ladies have no housing because young kids are scamming the system. Do you not think old ladies should be taken care of before healthy young men?
Oh, look at how Bush's recession pushed millions of people onto food stamps.
you mean Clintons recession ? I think it happened because of Bill Clinton

We're the richest Nation in the history of the planet, and reap Billions of $$$ in profits daily from this great land. Don't you think we can afford to drop a few crumbs to the poor peasants toiling away in the streets?

actually approaching 25 Trillion in debt, but sure

What is wrong with you people? Like Seriously? Did I say once that the rich shouldn't pay their share or that there isn't abuse all over the place? Start a thread about those topics and I'll be right there with you.

"We should punish thieves"
"No we should punish rapist"
you mean Clintons recession ?

no, bush's recession. it happened in 2008. after bush had been preisdent for 8 years.

dumb little girl

actually approaching 25 Trillion in debt, but sure


went up much slower during obama's time, even though he inherited bush's massive, record setting deficit.

i guess trump is on pace to break the record setting bush deficit though, even though he inherited obama's booming ecnomy
We're the richest Nation in the history of the planet, and reap Billions of $$$ in profits daily from this great land. Don't you think we can afford to drop a few crumbs to the poor peasants toiling away in the streets?
no, bush's recession. it happened in 2008. after bush had been preisdent for 8 years.
the economic conditions for the recession were caused by Clintons terms as president.

went up much slower during obama's time
yeah, only +10 Trillion debt. Very fiscally conservative. America's futures has already been sold by the bankers and greedy politicians, and dumb voters.
What is wrong with you people? Like Seriously? Did I say once that the rich shouldn't pay their share or that there isn't abuse all over the place? Start a thread about those topics and I'll be right there with you.

"We should punish thieves"
"No we should punish rapist"
you should have known that a fish starts to rot from the head down, trickle down corruption is still a trickle as opposed from whence it originated from the top where it festers the most...
Who is saying we shouldn't take care of the poor? Read what I wrote again and think about what I am saying. It's knee jerk reactions like yours that stops all dialog. Because you missed it the first time.....old ladies have no housing because young kids are scamming the system. Do you not think old ladies should be taken care of before healthy young men?
That's not true. Old ladies aren't as important as the billionaires running shit and neither are you or I. Our pockets are deep enough to subsidize the oil industry to the tune of billions $$$ but not the sick not the elderly not our veterans. Priorities are all fucked up and will continue to remain that way as long as people can be fooled into believing it's the little guys fault
yeah, only +10 Trillion debt. Very fiscally conservative. America's futures has already been sold by the bankers and greedy politicians, and dumb voters.
you know it was the bush/cheney neocons that tanked the economy projected surplus or not.
so you'd be cool with a depression & warsaw style ghettos in the nations cities across the map?...those were the only two bail or not bail...mitt romney was clearly for the latter...
the economic conditions for the recession were caused by Clinton

no, clinton left the country with a booming economy and a budget surplus

bush left the country in economic ruin and with the most massive deficit of all time

yeah, only +10 Trillion debt. Very fiscally conservative.

not a penny f it due to obama, all due to bush.

ya see, bush inherited a surplus. bush turned the surplus into the most massive deficit of all time. obama lowered that deficit by over a trillion dollars and left america with a booing economy. the economy has stalled under trump and his massive, trillion dollar deficits.

you are a dumb little girl
no, Clinton was most likely an Israeli agent.

actually, yes.

clinton left the country with a booming economy and a budget surplus

obama also left the country with a booming economy and a budget deficit that he shrunk by over a trillion dollars a year

trump's stock market hasn't gained a point since obama's last fiscal year ended and he has created endless trillion dollar deficits

don't worry, a democrat will fix the mess you retards made again
What is wrong with you people? Like Seriously? Did I say once that the rich shouldn't pay their share or that there isn't abuse all over the place? Start a thread about those topics and I'll be right there with you.

"We should punish thieves"
"No we should punish rapist"
Why are you repeating right wing propaganda about SNAP? It's a tiny program that helps a lot of people in need. Fraud in that program was estimated to be 0.9% in 2018. Go find a real issue to complain about.

I'm not saying this to be mean or saying you are an asshole for being duped by Republicans but you are being duped by Republicans even though you are probably a nice guy.
the economic conditions for the recession were caused by Clintons terms as president.

yeah, only +10 Trillion debt. Very fiscally conservative. America's futures has already been sold by the bankers and greedy politicians, and dumb voters.
Did you just take a stupid pill or something?
man, you're conflicted in all directions.
first you extol the virtues of work and independence, live & let live an stay out of my life & business,
then you criticize how and what they do with their own earned income.
you're a phony libertarian.

Based on your petulant and inaccurate post, it's likely you have misinterpreted some of my snark and made an incorrect assumption. I can forgive you...this time.
Who is saying we shouldn't take care of the poor? Read what I wrote again and think about what I am saying. It's knee jerk reactions like yours that stops all dialog. Because you missed it the first time.....old ladies have no housing because young kids are scamming the system. Do you not think old ladies should be taken care of before healthy young men?
why one or the other?.....if we quit subsidizing the rich we would have plenty for the common man. and yeah there might be a few scammers, but not enough to make any major difference
Based on your petulant and inaccurate post, it's likely you have misinterpreted some of my snark and made an incorrect assumption. I can forgive you...this time.
if you are so good at debating, why doesn't anyone ever agree with anything you say? why do they in fact disagree vehemently with what you say?

i don't think you're very good at debating, pedophile
What is wrong with you people? Like Seriously? Did I say once that the rich shouldn't pay their share or that there isn't abuse all over the place? Start a thread about those topics and I'll be right there with you.

"We should punish thieves"
"No we should punish rapist"
trump is a serial sexual predator....self admitted.....I'm right with you....lock him up