Trump Wants To Limit Aid For Low-Income Americans

And fog, I'm not saying kids shouldn't get snap. I'm talking about the people abusing the system. However, when people talk about it they too often talk about the kids. Well there won't be enough for the kids if you don't tackle the bigger problem which is red tape and abuse.
It has been studied many times...mis-use if gov assistance is a very small %, and cost more $$ to investigate and prosecute, than is being mis-used.....
Yes it is, but it is also the one that is being faked a lot now. We're not talking vets here either. Co-worker told me about one person who had ptsd from their parents divorce apparently.
Let me tell you about a forgotten group or class of people where there is wide spread PTSD. The inner city. I was born and raised in the ghetto and I know that there’s thousands of kids and parents and people in general in the inner city suffering from PTSD. Getting jumped by gang members, seeing your friends get shot and killed, drive by shootings etc..It effects you just like a soldier but there’s no help or resources for them. The way it’s looked at in poor areas is It wasn’t me that got shot so I’m grateful and you go on with living the best way you can.

If you went into any 3rd grade classroom in Compton or South Central L.A. and ask that class, “How many of you seen someone get shot, murdered or have family members who were shot or killed?” Watch damn near the whole class raise their hands. Ask the same question in a more well to do area and it’s a different story, and how many ghettos and inner cities are there in the United States? That’s a lot of people. Seeing that kinda shit, day in and day out will fuck you up one way or the other. Cost money to get therapy, so there’s that. Sad.
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And fog, I'm not saying kids shouldn't get snap. I'm talking about the people abusing the system. However, when people talk about it they too often talk about the kids. Well there won't be enough for the kids if you don't tackle the bigger problem which is red tape and abuse.
Before you go off about how SNAP is abused, maybe you should learn some facts about who receives it and why. Most work. Most are only on SNAP for less than 2 years. Most have kids.

Trump is making it harder on those people. All you are doing is repeating his justifications for doing that and it's simply a distortion of the program. Maybe we should talk about how to improve wages for the working poor so they don't need SNAP.
Before you go off about how SNAP is abused, maybe you should learn some facts about who receives it and why. Most work. Most are only on SNAP for less than 2 years. Most have kids.

Trump is making it harder on those people. All you are doing is repeating his justifications for doing that and it's simply a distortion of the program. Maybe we should talk about how to improve wages for the working poor so they don't need SNAP.
SNAP nation
Sort of like a slave work / travel pass all rolled into one.

As long as the slave sends some money back to the home plantation eh?
man, you're conflicted in all directions.
first you extol the virtues of work and independence, live & let live an stay out of my life & business,
then you criticize how and what they do with their own earned income.
you're a phony libertarian.
SNAP nation
Oh, look at how Bush's recession pushed millions of people onto food stamps.

Simply posting the number of people on food stamps is as interesting as counting tree rings. Yes, there are a lot of people of food stamps. To the shame of this country and the way it pays wages that don't even meet the cost of living to hard working people.
It has been studied many times...mis-use if gov assistance is a very small %, and cost more $$ to investigate and prosecute, than is being mis-used.....
It pretty common for people to complain about government programs without them knowing what they are talking about.
I remember getting out of the Navy and working in Mass and Conn. I didnt work in either state long enough to collect unemployment. I worked back and forth. It was hard there werent many jobs. I was denied welfare, but they said send in your wife, maybe we can help you somehow. She was told to throw me out and they would give her emergency assistance, which was a check and food stamps immediately. They had been jerking me around for weeks. Its really hard for low income people. Many have no idea how hard it is but they have plenty of fucking opinions. Go beat up a homeless child and declare yourself a Republican, listen to the crowd of idiots cheer
Oh, look at how Bush's recession pushed millions of people onto food stamps.

Simply posting the number of people on food stamps is as interesting as counting tree rings. Yes, there are a lot of people of food stamps. To the shame of this country and the way it pays wages that don't even meet the cost of living to hard working people.
Interesting how they skewed the y-axis isn't it, by starting at ten million?Considering the growth in population and shift of concentration of wealth to fewer and fewer hands, I would say we're seeing pretty moderate growth. And then there's the fact that this program is rather effective at what it's aim is. A shame we haven't seen more growth in the program.

Of course there are abuses, like the 60 year old white woman I heard of with several homes in gated communities and a six figure income getting benefits. Right @schuylaar ?

It has been studied many times...mis-use if gov assistance is a very small %, and cost more $$ to investigate and prosecute, than is being mis-used.....

See the problem is that a lot of us see the fraud but there is nothing we can do about it. Guy is getting his rent paid by the State. I know he is working but I am not allowed to tell the State. From first hand experience I can tell you the % is not small at all. Any studies that claims that are flawed. I would guess 20% are outright frauds, and another 10% are doing scams. Government says that people need to have some form of income to get into some housing go prove that they will pay their weight. Well guess what, there is nothing that says they have to stay employed once housed. Most quit their jobs within weeks. This is shit I see day in day out. But I do understand that it would be more expensive as is to prosecute it. They need to make changes not use the system as is.
I remember getting out of the Navy and working in Mass and Conn. I didnt work in either state long enough to collect unemployment. I worked back and forth. It was hard there werent many jobs. I was denied welfare, but they said send in your wife, maybe we can help you somehow. She was told to throw me out and they would give her emergency assistance, which was a check and food stamps immediately. They had been jerking me around for weeks. Its really hard for low income people. Many have no idea how hard it is but they have plenty of fucking opinions. Go beat up a homeless child and declare yourself a Republican, listen to the crowd of idiots cheer
The two years between me getting out the military and going in to the Department of Corrections was a very hard two years for my family. I applied for assistance and was told I didn’t qualify. It was me, my Wife and 4 boys and we were running out of money before the end of the month. I had to take my CDs to the pawnshop just to get money get groceries to last til I got paid again. I gave blood at the blood bank for $20.00, it was hard. I paid into the welfare system and all I wanted was food stamps to help us get through the month and until I went to the academy. I was very offended that I was denied and I was gonna use it for what it was intended. Sucks.
See the problem is that a lot of us see the fraud but there is nothing we can do about it. Guy is getting his rent paid by the State. I know he is working but I am not allowed to tell the State. From first hand experience I can tell you the % is not small at all. Any studies that claims that are flawed. I would guess 20% are outright frauds, and another 10% are doing scams. Government says that people need to have some form of income to get into some housing go prove that they will pay their weight. Well guess what, there is nothing that says they have to stay employed once housed. Most quit their jobs within weeks. This is shit I see day in day out. But I do understand that it would be more expensive as is to prosecute it. They need to make changes not use the system as is.
We're the richest Nation in the history of the planet, and reap Billions of $$$ in profits daily from this great land. Don't you think we can afford to drop a few crumbs to the poor peasants toiling away in the streets? If the greatest nation on earth can't take care of our own people our priorities are all fuck up. That's not the america I live in. Even if a few people are gaming the system, they ain't getting rich, they are getting by. But the money is at least going into the hands of Americans, right here in America, where it should be going. How about USA first? Not taking care of our poor is a nation disgrace...
We're the richest Nation in the history of the planet, and reap Billions of $$$ in profits daily from this great land. Don't you think we can afford to drop a few crumbs to the poor peasants toiling away in the streets? If the greatest nation on earth can't take care of our own people our priorities are all fuck up. That's not the america I live in. Even if a few people are gaming the system, they ain't getting rich, they are getting by. But the money is at least going into the hands of Americans, right here in America, where it should be going. How about USA first? Not taking care of our poor is a nation disgrace...
We are a nation in disgrace. Welfare for billionaires is OK but it's the family in line at the supermarket with food stamps that's the problem. Gtfo