Trump Wants To Limit Aid For Low-Income Americans

Katie Johnson was 13 when she was allegedly raped. Do you believe she consented?
I re-read your first post on this thread and you don't seem to be talking about immigrants when you complain about "recipients" not working. So you are now saying immigrants are slackers and abusing the system? Not credible. You talk as if you were reading from a right wing propaganda script.

Which program do you claim is rife with fraud? Name the program.

The problems in this country stem not from the slacker-poor.

If you can't understand what I have already written then I can't help you
If you can't understand what I have already written then I can't help you
I recognize your plea for pity and will give you all you deserve.

When you say recipients, I thought you meant everybody receiving aid and not just those scum sucking bottom feeding lazy immigrants that you find are all about you. You must be surrounded by a host of lazy immigrants.

Funny but I don't see that around me. You must live in a real shithole.
You could help me understand by answering why your personal experience would trump (pardon the pun) any and all studies re rates of fraud, which put the numbers way lower than your 30%.

Have you worked in any industry where people get government subsidy? No? Then keep on doing what you do, speak from ignorance and point to studies that you think prove something. Meanwhile those of us who actually work in the field know the facts.
Fogdog again, if you can't read and comprehend basic English you are a freaking idiot. You are everything that is wrong with America today, you pick a side and turn your brain off.

I do agree with 2 of those points. If you are sponsoring a foreigner for a green card part of that promise is that they won't become recipients of certain services. There's a difference between asylum seekers and others. Anybody coming to this country with a green card and a sponsor should expect on working and paying their own way. Not rocket science. And if you sponsored someone it's right there in the contract, you may be forced to support them above the poverty level if they don't support themselves.

And something certainly needs to be done to get some recipient to work. I work in a related industry and half of my recipients are scamming the system. People 100% capable of working. Got a bad back can't work....but playing catch with their service animal and running around.

I have been an immigrant, and my wife is a green card holder. When I was an immigrant I was expected to work and I didn't get any handouts from host country. Of course it was a sane country with universal health care and groceries didn't cost 1/3 of your salary to eat something that wasn't toxic to your body.

More train to work programs need to be tied into their support with a limit on how long they can get that support if they are able. The system and the people already in it rot they young. Again, I see it all the time, people get initiated into the system and learn that it's much wiser to stay in the system. Government studied how much a single mother with need to make an hour in order to pay out of pocket for all the services she receives for free and it was $18 an hour. And people are crying about $15 an hour minimum.

Daily conversation with poor

Me: What income do you have
Poor: None
Me: How did you buy those cigarettes and pay for your iPhone?

When you say recipient, who are you talking about. The English I speak would take that word in the context of your post to mean everybody receiving aid. When you say "poor: The English I speak would take that word to mean people who have little or no income. Perhaps it means people who don't work and recieve aid. Again everybody.

What form of English are you speaking? If it's different from mine, perhaps you could clarify:

When you use the word "recipient", what segment of the population are you referring to?
When you use the word "poor", what segment of the population are you referring to?


What aid program are you referring to in other posts that is so rife with fraud?

I would like to point out to you, sir, that much of what you say is repeated ad nauseum on right wing radio that falsely portrays SNAP and other federal aid programs as rife with fraud similar to what you are saying. I assume you are not an asshole and so I perhaps have jumped to the conclusion that you are a nice guy but a dupe who is repeating right wing propaganda about federal aid programs.

If you would do to favor of answering questions perhaps I can finally understand what you have said in such a clumsy manner. I understand that English is not your native tongue so my apologies for not being accomodating in my earlier posts.
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isHave you worked in any industry where people get government subsidy? No? Then keep on doing what you do, speak from ignorance and point to studies that you think prove something. Meanwhile those of us who actually work in the field know the facts.
how could he be speaking from ignorance when he is citing the actual studies and you are ignoring those facts in favor of your own personal, anecdotal experience
We had a guy on last night, retired Union carpenter who came on saying Trumps new tax laws gave him an extra $30 a month or something. I questioned him because I cant stand pro Trump bullshit. Guy said he didnt vote for trump, hes just saying then adds a short fucking right wing comment. So I go to his page and wham, a bunch of pro Trump 2020 shit and racist crap including 2016 campaign posts for the con man. Right wingers are such a bunch of fucking liars just like Trump. In this dudes experience of fucking what? Its a big ass USA, lots of people, 377 million or so, how many of them did you know? How many were on aid, recipients, It would be nearly impossible to experience 2% of all people who were recipients. How the fuck can you make a broad judgement based on a very small percentage like that? Let me guess, they are minorities, brown people, maybe some yellow people, maybe some white people. Who gives a fuck right wing suck ass republican bullshit. So obvious.
We had a guy on last night, retired Union carpenter who came on saying Trumps new tax laws gave him an extra $30 a month or something. I questioned him because I cant stand pro Trump bullshit. Guy said he didnt vote for trump, hes just saying then adds a short fucking right wing comment. So I go to his page and wham, a bunch of pro Trump 2020 shit and racist crap including 2016 campaign posts for the con man. Right wingers are such a bunch of fucking liars just like Trump. In this dudes experience of fucking what? Its a big ass USA, lots of people, 377 million or so, how many of them did you know? How many were on aid, recipients, It would be nearly impossible to experience 2% of all people who were recipients. How the fuck can you make a broad judgement based on a very small percentage like that? Let me guess, they are minorities, brown people, maybe some yellow people, maybe some white people. Who gives a fuck right wing suck ass republican bullshit. So obvious.
But it’s true, it’s really true, I know it’s true ........
no, Clinton was most likely an Israeli agent.
I bet you would. Although he was also a Chinese puppet.

Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton and Obama are responsible for the economic problems, based on actions they did in office.

All the Republican presidents have had new positive impact. Clinton benefit from Bush H before him, and Obama benefit for GW, etc...

I read an article about it

I read an article about it
i bet you did. Republican stupidity knows no bounds.
(1) you have to ask yourself why so many people are in need..(2) the answer is not to kick people off- taking what little is given from the system..inevitably people will resort to other ways.

(3) the 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps method doesn't work'..people deteriorate rather quickly when they aren't fed, clothed, showered and no medical- who will hire them?

(4) perhaps our country is going in the wrong direction?

(5) proof of this is the recent surge in homelessness resulting in (6) larger tent cities and rampant panhandling..which breeds crime.

(7) i said this before..the wave of the future is micro-living and builders would be smart to invest in affordable studio apartment sized units $600-800/monthly- there's a huge need here in SoFla low income housing not because you're derelict but because most don't make even $15/ is one to live? don't say 'family' not everybody has it and if you don't you're SOL.

if anything, the poverty level needs to be lowered not raised.

Trumps little stew is a recipe for disaster- he's running this country like his slumlord rentals..I said 'NO'! he a fvcking 5-year-old retard?

1. I think because we seem to try to quarantine poverty. The people that have had the means throughout History simply move themselves away from it. As the population grew the population of the poorer communities grew too meaning lots of people in need.

2. I think what you mean is it is unhelpful, not kicking people off is not going to actually fix the issue.

3. It can work for the people that can do it, but a lot are not able to really be functional enough to do that and we should have a better system to help them and keep them safe from abuse.

4. Its been the same throughout human history. Things are constantly getting better, just not for everyone and everywhere as quickly or as well.

5. I can't find an good graphs that are quick that show this, but one thing to make sure to think about is to make sure the graphs show it in per capita or something like 'per 100000 people' in it, because the population is growing, so if more people are homeless, it sucks, but it might actually be slowing down if you consider it with how the entire population is growing.

6. True.

7. I am hoping for a MEGA city personally, get all these charities to pool resources and make some utopia somewhere that can safely fit a billion or so people safely that is designed for 500 years before they need to move the population to the next site. I think it would be better if we quit spreading out on the planet and worked on cleaning up after ourselves. I do think it would work well with people living in micro spaces that don't want to be in the mega city though, so a combo would work well.