trayvan martin

man ......i had my best ass-whippin' from a 150 lb guy. i went 205 at the time; with some training. size don't mean shit. trayvon was a violent asshole, as per his recent escapades. zimmerman thought he was Marshal Dillon, and found out he ain't so tough. but if, and i say if, trayvon was beating his ass, and banging dude's head on the pavement, he needed to be stopped. as per Florida law. its all ifs to me. i wasn't there. just point the black rage at the Latino community, please.

Could not have said it better myself. What was tray's twitter name before the incident : "No limit ni#@$a" or something like that? Yeah...
manny paq? not sure...we would not be boxing we would be fighting and can promise you he can not wrestle anywhere near as good as me...and i am physically stronger..but no broad can take me.not happening man
maybe no limit nigga means he is a fan of master p...

How do you complain about racism and stereotypes when your own son called himself a nigger? Can someone give me a rational answer please? Did he even know what the word nigger really means? Stop wanting to act and be like thugs and we'll stop the stereotypes hows that?
no chance...maybe some fat turd like zimmerman but not me man....great chin..physically strong .works out 3 times a week..great right..decent left wrestled for 6 years ...and mean as hell when i fight..i would not fight a woman it would never be fair...i probably would not even fight a 150 lb dude ..not a fair may know a bad bitch..i know a few too...some can take weak men..but not an average male that likes to chance
no chance...maybe some fat turd like zimmerman but not me man....great chin..physically strong .works out 3 times a week..great right..decent left wrestled for 6 years ...and mean as hell when i fight..i would not fight a woman it would never be fair...i probably would not even fight a 150 lb dude ..not a fair may know a bad bitch..i know a few too...some can take weak men..but not an average male that likes to chance

manny paq? not sure...we would not be boxing we would be fighting and can promise you he can not wrestle anywhere near as good as me...and i am physically stronger..but no broad can take me.not happening man

Dude , you might want to research her prior to running your mouth. It was an illustratory example that wasn't meant to be particularly offensive but now , well like I said do the research on the above. We both know it would never happen but truth is if you stepped on the mat with her you'd be tossed back off in mere seconds with the refs screaming IPPON!!

And NO woman? If you're ever in LA then sometime go down and just WATCH Cristianne Santos work out and **roll with the men** and THEN tell me that 'cause I just ain't a buying it.

My point was that all this crap comes down to a point that's MOOT , Never say NEVER right?

Oh and by the way Gene Lebell was coming up on 70 when he choked Segal out so bad *on the set* that Segal shit his pants in front of the cast and crew , and yes Segal shot off his mouth. Look up Lebell sometime if you want an example of *HARD*.

At any rate we have no assessment of the skill of either party , and it really comes down to who actually started it , for me wellll I can easily see some clown who went to all the trouble to follow somebody at such lengths being more than a little confrontational if what he views as a KID won't submit to his " Cartman" imitation , and then getting in over his head and getting his ass whipped , panicing and turning into a bitch and shooting the kid 'cause he was crapping his pants in fear over a hassle HE started , same old story , same old song , happens EVERY day all over the country. Just not with folks who are " neighborhood watch " and who are supposed to be responsible enough to know better than this crap.

And then we have the bullshit " Martin was a criminal" crowd.........and if he WAS? So what? What now criminals deserve to have a Z'Man tpe walk up and shoot 'em??????????................dayyyyuummm there's the solution , we give 'em all " 17 hours of class" and turn 'em loose and we can just save money by letting th various LE depts go , we won't need 'em , we've got The Neighborhood Watch........
How do you complain about racism and stereotypes when your own son called himself a nigger? Can someone give me a rational answer please? Did he even know what the word nigger really means? Stop wanting to act and be like thugs and we'll stop the stereotypes hows that?
The word n**g*r seems to be a stain on some and a badge of honour for others, blacks can say that word or call each other it but white people arnt allowed even think about it in the abstract context without the "Thought Police" climbing up your ass.

I said about a million pages back "What sort of a respectable black person calls themselves a nig**r?" and was told I was being racist and it had no bearing on the boys personality or attitude... glad to see the liberal do-gooder squad seems to have fucked off.
no interest in looking up anyone...she is a woman ..period... do agree zimm started everything..that will be his downfall in the grand jury..he was told by the 911 operator to not follow him..he did follow..he also was armed.... i am confident he gets charged..not so confident he is convicted..if he chose a jury trial all it takes is one person..and in this thread alone i would guess 70% would convict and 30% would acquit ...
Note that he hasn't looked up the woman I named yet. Just wait until he does. I wonder if he thinks he could whip Ronda Rousey or The Cyborg?
There's shitloads of women fighters of various disciplines that would fucking kill the average man in a fight, if he thinks otherwise I dare him to step up.

The dude you're conversing with is high on himself tho, he's the kind of guy who when a Neighbourwood Watch guy asks him what he's doing he starts a fight with them...
no interest in looking up anyone...she is a woman ..period... do agree zimm started everything..that will be his downfall in the grand jury..he was told by the 911 operator to not follow him..he did follow..he also was armed.... i am confident he gets charged..not so confident he is convicted..if he chose a jury trial all it takes is one person..and in this thread alone i would guess 70% would convict and 30% would acquit ...
It's more like 80% say it was self defence/we don't know enough yet and 20% cry "won't anyone think of the children!" (the liberals).
If you were captain of your neighborhood watch and saw a suspicious character walking under the rain with a hooded sweater where you can't see his face wouldn't you follow him? I wouldn't want a stranger walking around my hood where my kids play, specially if there's been recent robberies in the area. People this was a tragedy, no one meant to kill anyone and they were both at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Is it a requirement that folks dress a specific way in your area? And I ASK AGAIN , what the HELL is " suspicious " about a kid walking home from the store with skittles and pop? No I wouldn't follow a person walking by , I don't judge folks on dress I judge them on behavior.

" YOUR" 'hood. What YOU own the whole thing? Sorry bud but I don't think so and frankly *ANY* stranger that wants to can walk right the hell through " your hood" on public throughfares in a peaceful manner at any time they wish to dos so. Can you follow them , sure you can , can you ask them questions? Yup and they're free to tell you to f*** off and leave 'em alone , and if you attempt to detain them physically they have recourse to self defense measures.
i would tell zimmerman to fuck off and mind his own business if he tried that shit with me..... who is he to question anyone? if a fight started he would get a beatdown ...zimm was the aggressor ..
manny paq? not sure...we would not be boxing we would be fighting and can promise you he can not wrestle anywhere near as good as me...and i am physically stronger..but no broad can take me.not happening man

Oh and I'm sorry but I just really gotta laugh at that " not sure about Paq" , because heres a bit of *reality* for you , you wouldn't last through the first solid combination , and if he double hooked you over the liver you'd be on the mat for ten minutes , if you *really* think otherwise then you're deluded.
Is it a requirement that folks dress a specific way in your area? And I ASK AGAIN , what the HELL is " suspicious " about a kid walking home from the store with skittles and pop? No I wouldn't follow a person walking by , I don't judge folks on dress I judge them on behavior.

" YOUR" 'hood. What YOU own the whole thing? Sorry bud but I don't think so and frankly *ANY* stranger that wants to can walk right the hell through " your hood" on public throughfares in a peaceful manner at any time they wish to dos so. Can you follow them , sure you can , can you ask them questions? Yup and they're free to tell you to f*** off and leave 'em alone , and if you attempt to detain them physically they have recourse to self defense measures.
Private Gated Community is private property, he'd a right to question Martin, it was a bad call, but he was legally entitled.
Is it a requirement that folks dress a specific way in your area? And I ASK AGAIN , what the HELL is " suspicious " about a kid walking home from the store with skittles and pop? No I wouldn't follow a person walking by , I don't judge folks on dress I judge them on behavior.

" YOUR" 'hood. What YOU own the whole thing? Sorry bud but I don't think so and frankly *ANY* stranger that wants to can walk right the hell through " your hood" on public throughfares in a peaceful manner at any time they wish to dos so. Can you follow them , sure you can , can you ask them questions? Yup and they're free to tell you to f*** off and leave 'em alone , and if you attempt to detain them physically they have recourse to self defense measures.

BULLLSHITTTT!!!!! Don't pretend to be better than all of us bro, your not fooling anyone but yourself. BTW this guy was not a "kid". A "kid" is not 6 feet tall. So get that innocent "kid" imagine out of your head because it's not real.