trayvan martin

BULLLSHITTTT!!!!! Don't pretend to be better than all of us bro, your not fooling anyone but yourself. BTW this guy was not a "kid". A "kid" is not 6 feet tall. So get that innocent "kid" imagine out of your head because it's not real.

150lb 17 year old, a kid, any way you slice it. 150lbs again 150lbs outweighed by at least 50lbs. Zims got a bitch chin but he should have been able to pin him. My brother falls on me its over. And were both 30lbs heavier than those 2.

And you do understand that in a gated community there are COMMON AREAS and that Martin was shot in a COMMON AREA. Are all you BogIrish still as bloody dense as you are? You do understand that Martin was visiting relatives therefore giving him a LEGAL RIGHT to be on the property?

Egads , and I thought that the Welsh were dense.
Our education system works, you "dumb Yanks" could probably learn something from us, so perhaps hold your tongue on the "dense" comment? ;)

Anyways Iv waked and baked so I don't really care anymore, plus the Martin apologists have already made up their minds regardless of the emerging facts so its like flogging a dead Horse, peace folks.
Bring back, UB and Londonfog, the race baiters!

pot. kettle. dumbass.

When you have the president lamenting the son he never had and Al Sharpton agitating you can be sure that somebody is going down.

Let's face it, all the liberal, thought-crime groupies here are confused about who to sympathize with. One one side you have a latino (Jorge) and on the other is a young black kid (Trayvon). It's so confusing, who is the hater here? What we need is a white guy with blue eyes named Chad doing the shooting, then the case would be slam dunk.

lol, wut?
Something that has been bothering me, how frickin HUGE is this gated community? If Zimmerman followed for 15 minutes then the gated community must be MILES wide. I think its strange that Trayvon wasn't able to make it home in that amount of time.

the gated community i stayed in while in palm springs over christmas time could have taken me 20 or more minutes to walk across.
Also, I don't know about you, but I walk a mile in 10-12 minutes, so 15 minutes walking, assuming he's nearly running, is at most 2 miles.
Also, I don't know about you, but I walk a mile in 10-12 minutes, so 15 minutes walking, assuming he's nearly running, is at most 2 miles.

Trayvon stopped at the club house to get out of the rain while Zimmerman was pursuing him. Jesus the speculations and assumptions are starting to get a little wild.
private property how? he was visiting family that have as much right to the grounds as zimmerman...... not one of you have explained why zimmerman exited the car after being told not to..and he took his weapon

He was never told not to follow. The dispatcher said "We don't need you to do that". If an old lady spilled her groceries all over the pavement and you went to help and she said, "oh, that's alright, you don't need to do that". Would you interpret that to mean "STOP"?
Dont even pretend its about community when you're in a gated community you've said fuck it normal living has failed and Im keeping you lowlife away from my toys and Ill shoot you if you want to take my PS3. GTFO

What you consider hood actually have decent people who've found a way to deal with the shitty conditions they're in. They dont resort to blasting innocent people who mind their own business. At least in the hood we know who and where the criminals are and we stay away, we dont have to guess at it.

Ya you're right noone innocent has ever been "blasted" in the hood.More stupidity keep it up.

most people learn that^ at age 12-13, so i just figured.

LOL thats what you got? spelling mistakes and typo's? Im rubber your glue what ever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you.Ya buck lets turn this into some school yard hissy fit Add something relevant you tard.

And you keep forgetting that capital to open your sentence.