ok i will bite lemme ..look up these broads
BULLLSHITTTT!!!!! Don't pretend to be better than all of us bro, your not fooling anyone but yourself. BTW this guy was not a "kid". A "kid" is not 6 feet tall. So get that innocent "kid" imagine out of your head because it's not real.
manny paq? not sure...we would not be boxing we would be fighting and can promise you he can not wrestle anywhere near as good as me...and i am physically stronger..but no broad can take me.not happening man
Private Gated Community is private property, he'd a right to question Martin, it was a bad call, but he was legally entitled.
Private Gated Community is private property, he'd a right to question Martin, it was a bad call, but he was legally entitled.
There's shitloads of women fighters of various disciplines that would fucking kill the average man in a fight, if he thinks otherwise I dare him to step up.
The dude you're conversing with is high on himself tho, he's the kind of guy who when a Neighbourwood Watch guy asks him what he's doing he starts a fight with them...
Those girls are professionals... I know personally girls outside of competition that are tough
He has permission to CC, he has to carry his gun if it's in his possession I believe. He also wasn't TOLD not to follow, the police said "We don't need you to do that".private property how? he was visiting family that have as much right to the grounds as zimmerman...... not one of you have explained why zimmerman exited the car after being told not to..and he took his weapon
Think you're gonna get real far telling me what to do? And yet again another blanket statement. A friend of mines son plays center on his junior high team , he's a 6'1 stringbean , so even though he's a 7th grader " he's not a kid"........nice to know that you suddenly became the arbiter of maturity.
Now you show me where I said I was better than folks or back the hell off with the hyperbolic bullshit.
What does maturity have to do with anything? Being 6 feet tall doesn't make you mature, hell I know of 40 year old guys who are still immature as if they were 15 still. What I'm talking about is size, when your 6 feet tall you don't go shopping in the "kids" section anymore do you??
You said that you don't judge people by their appearance?? So when you see a bum walking down the road with no shirt and ripped pants you think "hey maybe that's a doctor who decided to walk to his house today and had a little accident with his pants"...really??? Is that how you think or are you just so damn genuinely naive ?
You said that you don't judge people by their appearance?? So when you see a bum walking down the road with no shirt and ripped pants you think "hey maybe that's a doctor who decided to walk to his house today and had a little accident with his pants"...really??? Is that how you think or are you just so damn genuinely naive ?
he can follow me all night long.........i'm an innocent man, not looking for a beef.
He has permission to CC, he has to carry his gun if it's in his possession I believe. He also wasn't TOLD not to follow, the police said "We don't need you to do that".
Is there no property rights in the US? You think if youre acting "suspicious" in Disneyland that a security guard isn't gonna question you? A private gated community is PRIVATE PROPERTY, the road belongs to the residents, the path (aka "sidewalk"), the houses, etc. ANY resident has the right to question a non resident.
You's make out like Zimmerman was stalking a kid, when in reality he was keeping an eye on a stranger on private property. He didn't ultimately need to approach the kid and he definately didn't need to shoot him, but he was WELL within his rights to watch, approach and question him.
He has permission to CC, he has to carry his gun if it's in his possession I believe. He also wasn't TOLD not to follow, the police said "We don't need you to do that".
Is there no property rights in the US? You think if youre acting "suspicious" in Disneyland that a security guard isn't gonna question you? A private gated community is PRIVATE PROPERTY, the road belongs to the residents, the path (aka "sidewalk"), the houses, etc. ANY resident has the right to question a non resident.
You's make out like Zimmerman was stalking a kid, when in reality he was keeping an eye on a stranger on private property. He didn't ultimately need to approach the kid and he definately didn't need to shoot him, but he was WELL within his rights to watch, approach and question him.
So you admit then that HEIGHT has nothing to do with MATURITY , which IS the criteria of whether one is a " kid" or not? Right? And based on such criteria you then have know way of stating that Martin was NOT a " kid".
Thank you for playing. Next.
And I'd just go right on by that bum , if he's not on my property and he;s just walking on through it's none of my damn business, And I'll ask you once more to stop with your borderline ad hominem and insinuations , after that the gloves come off.
A. There are NO " bums" in my " neighborhood" , it's a half hour or better *just* to the pavement.
B. Do you *really* think I have any naivete as regards out cities? Really?............well you're fulla shit on that one. A mere cursory read of the previous part pf the thread would have kept you from making a fool of yourself on that one.