really comfy slippers
Active Member
So whats up then? You always run your mouth, make ridiculous claims, then run away like a bitch?
LOL probably most of us could check off a box or two. Thats why these "Suspicion charts" are really just a way to justify actions against ANYONE for doing ANYTHING. If it were me I would not have cared less about Treyvon, as long as he wasn't hurting anyone or screwing around with their property he is fine with me, its a free country. BUT if my and my neighbors houses had been robbed multiple times you can sure bet I would be extra suspicious of people I don't normally see.
That would have nothing to do with this case.
death has nothing to do with this case. Come back when you have a conscience and get the point.
Where am I running? It's the internet. I'm not the baddest man on the planet by any means, but I am 6' 2" - 270ish lb as of last week. LOL, might have gained a couple pounds since then, I do like eat. But I got dead weights in the driveway, so I ain't weak. I got no reason to run, nor do I have the motivation.
This thread has gotten even more stupid than 100 pages ago, and not really entertaining either. Bring back, UB and Londonfog, the race baiters!
No no no, NASCAR sucks compared to NBA!
There's your bait
No no no, NASCAR sucks compared to NBA!
There's your bait
Ahh, another "mma" fighter. Lol. You know how many people here and around the net claim to be an mma fighter? You a local amateur, or a professional? Too many people get into mma and think they're tough guys but can't fight for shit, sorry but that shit doesn't carry any weight in my book. If you were a real badass mma fighter, you wouldn't name drop it like you did and brush off someone's fighting skill because they weigh 150 lbs., I call bullshit.
...but the only way a 150 lb dude can take me is if he was an mma fighter
Something that has been bothering me, how frickin HUGE is this gated community? If Zimmerman followed for 15 minutes then the gated community must be MILES wide. I think its strange that Trayvon wasn't able to make it home in that amount of time.
Equally strange to think of the obsession that would cause an individual to follow some kid for fifteen minutes. Strange that Zimmerman couldn't get a cop there in fifteen minutes.
he can follow me all night long.........i'm an innocent man, not looking for a beef.So did Zimmerman really follow for 15 minutes, or was it more like 2?