trayvan martin

This thread has gotten even more stupid than 100 pages ago, and not really entertaining either. Bring back, UB and Londonfog, the race baiters!
So whats up then? You always run your mouth, make ridiculous claims, then run away like a bitch?

Where am I running? It's the internet. I'm not the baddest man on the planet by any means, but I am 6' 2" - 270ish lb as of last week. LOL, might have gained a couple pounds since then, I do like eat. But I got dead weights in the driveway, so I ain't weak. I got no reason to run, nor do I have the motivation.
LOL probably most of us could check off a box or two. Thats why these "Suspicion charts" are really just a way to justify actions against ANYONE for doing ANYTHING. If it were me I would not have cared less about Treyvon, as long as he wasn't hurting anyone or screwing around with their property he is fine with me, its a free country. BUT if my and my neighbors houses had been robbed multiple times you can sure bet I would be extra suspicious of people I don't normally see.

not the same thing but he's already going in with that prejudice, when he wasnt even on duty. That chart goes to show the shitty training he got.
Where am I running? It's the internet. I'm not the baddest man on the planet by any means, but I am 6' 2" - 270ish lb as of last week. LOL, might have gained a couple pounds since then, I do like eat. But I got dead weights in the driveway, so I ain't weak. I got no reason to run, nor do I have the motivation.

And now we're all supposed to be REEEEAAALLLLLLL impressed at your " might makes right" bullshit? Hey you ougghta be able to get over on me REEALLYYY easy then since I'm a lot smaller and most likely a coupla decades older?

" dead weights" , yeah most likely dead and rusty from zero use.
This thread has gotten even more stupid than 100 pages ago, and not really entertaining either. Bring back, UB and Londonfog, the race baiters!

Here ya want some " race baiting"? Then I'll give you some race baiting.

Nascar SUCKS compared to Formula 1.................
Ahh, another "mma" fighter. Lol. You know how many people here and around the net claim to be an mma fighter? You a local amateur, or a professional? Too many people get into mma and think they're tough guys but can't fight for shit, sorry but that shit doesn't carry any weight in my book. If you were a real badass mma fighter, you wouldn't name drop it like you did and brush off someone's fighting skill because they weigh 150 lbs., I call bullshit.

lol moron...i am no mma fighter and never claimed to be...but the only way a 150 lb dude can take me is if he was an mma fighter up 60 lbs is a huge disadvantage you dope...i am not saying it is impossible ..but highly unlikely..the baddest dude i know weighs 185 lbs and can beat down a 260 lb dude fairly easily ...but if he fought a trained 260 lb dude he would is that simple ..just because the kid was six foot three means little...don't matter how tall you are when you are on your back
Something that has been bothering me, how frickin HUGE is this gated community? If Zimmerman followed for 15 minutes then the gated community must be MILES wide. I think its strange that Trayvon wasn't able to make it home in that amount of time.
Just my 2 cents but I'm tired of this hoody revolution crap. Sorry I don't buy it. I don't condone Zimmerman's behavior and this should have NEVER EVER happen and it is a tragedy BUT c'mon enough already with the sainthood of this kid and the hoodies. People need to wait for all the facts to come out and then make a proper statement or opinion regarding the incident. If it was true that the kid came back to him and punched him and then started to bash his head against the floor then it was in self defense; still of course should have NEVER EVER happen and Zimmerman should not have been carrying a loaded gun paroling his neighborhood.
...but the only way a 150 lb dude can take me is if he was an mma fighter

Really? So hey since of course Manny Pacquiao isn't an " mma fighter" and hell doesn't even get close to 150 in ring shape you can of course walk all over him ...right?

Hey hows about Karen Briggs , she's not a " mma fighter" and hell she only weighs a 110 lbs , you could handle HER , right?

Hey I bet you could just walk right on through some wornout "old man" like Gene Lebell? Right? I mean after all not only is he a lot less weight than you , he also never " fought mma" and hell he's eighty years old now. PLUS.

See how those things can backfire. The whole " size" issue is meaningless without an idea of the skills of the parties involved. It's a rabbit trail divergence from the central point.

Which continues to remain , had Z'man take the correct course of action instead of quite likely playing cop wanna-be " U Will OBEY mY aU thorRITAE" neighborhood seen one too many movies jackass the kid would still be alive and Z/mans life wouldn't be screwed forever , and it IS , whatever the court outcome.
Something that has been bothering me, how frickin HUGE is this gated community? If Zimmerman followed for 15 minutes then the gated community must be MILES wide. I think its strange that Trayvon wasn't able to make it home in that amount of time.

Equally strange to think of the obsession that would cause an individual to follow some kid for fifteen minutes. Strange that Zimmerman couldn't get a cop there in fifteen minutes.
man ......i had my best ass-whippin' from a 150 lb guy. i went 205 at the time; with some training. size don't mean shit. trayvon was a violent asshole, as per his recent escapades. zimmerman thought he was Marshal Dillon, and found out he ain't so tough. but if, and i say if, trayvon was beating his ass, and banging dude's head on the pavement, he needed to be stopped. as per Florida law. its all ifs to me. i wasn't there. just point the black rage at the Latino community, please.
Equally strange to think of the obsession that would cause an individual to follow some kid for fifteen minutes. Strange that Zimmerman couldn't get a cop there in fifteen minutes.

If you were captain of your neighborhood watch and saw a suspicious character walking under the rain with a hooded sweater where you can't see his face wouldn't you follow him? I wouldn't want a stranger walking around my hood where my kids play, specially if there's been recent robberies in the area. People this was a tragedy, no one meant to kill anyone and they were both at the wrong place at the wrong time.