trayvan martin

but yet Zimmerman was knock out by one punch... Guy must be a pussy being defended by the likes

Actually he didnt knock him out.He knocked him down.And then instead of running home to get away from this huge scary vigilante he climbed on top of him and proceeded smashing his head into the concrete.All the while zimmermans screaming for help.Seems legit.
Actually he didnt knock him out.He knocked him down.And then instead of running home to get away from this huge scary vigilante he climbed on top of him and proceeded smashing his head into the concrete.All the while zimmermans screaming for help.Seems legit.

if you believe zimmerman's changing story, that is.
Last time I checked zimmerman wasn't a cop nor did he do anything that needed some sort of special police privalege.

Unfortunately for you , to detain and question someone you really DO need those privileges. Take the incident you cited from your experience , the actual LEOS had the right and said powers , some citizen running up on you wouldn't have had those powers and you wouldn't have to answer their questions. And if they were aggressive you'd be well within your rights to defend yourself.

And as I stated , in the long run the whole " race issue " is secondary , this goes far beyond that to the citizens right to walk where they please peacefully without undue harrasment or interference.

And also as I stated , giving Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt as regards having a conscience , he could have well precipitated a living Hell from which only death can save him.

He may well have ruined his life with a moment of misguided authoritarian " dogooderism" , in which case society loses not just one possibly productive member but TWO.

As an example ( though extreme) od where such conscience driven grief can lead look to the example a couple of years back of the guy who ran over the child in the Ca Delta while drunk on a jetski.

The courts of course did him up brown , and he pled guilty , and the remorse ate him alive until he ate the muzzle of his own shotgun.

So in the end run , this stands a goodly chance of being a tragedy on *both* sides.
never said you threw out misinformation, i just breeze over the gun law pissing matches.

my gun is a mastiff and an axe.

I generally go right past them , seen too many of them , in this case however there was an extreme amount of misinformation flying about and it wasn't real pertinent anyway.

  • And as I stated , in the long run the whole " race issue " is secondary , this goes far beyond that to the citizens right to walk where they please peacefully without undue harrasment or interference.

thanks ronin but in some cases the two are inextricably tied.
Actually he didnt knock him out.He knocked him down.And then instead of running home to get away from this huge scary vigilante he climbed on top of him and proceeded smashing his head into the concrete.All the while zimmermans screaming for help.Seems legit.
Oh my a "one punch knock down". He still a straight pussy as to the ones defending this no fighting; wannabe cop, woman-beating poser. I guess you can relate seeing how this type of shit must happen to you.
Can't wait to see this medical report from this "smashing of the head onto concrete". He must have been hospitalize for weeks
if you believe zimmerman's changing story, that is.

What about witness testimony.Police reports, the fact zimmerman was treated at the scene by SFD.Go listen to the 911 tapes all these supposed witnesses are on there.The 13 yr old that claims it was trayvon sreaming said on the 911 tapes he seen a man with a red shirt on the bottom getting beat.Then he tells a news station the same thing.A few days later his story changes and he didn't see anything just heard a "child screaming" for help.Mary cutcher also phones 911 and says she didnt see anything.But heard screaming for help.She then tells the 911 operator its a black "guy" down.Not child or kid or teen.She then describes zimmerman as a black man standing over top the guy on the ground.At one point the operator says to her is it kids? mary replies no.When the police come around to gather statements she tells them she doesn't wanna get invololved.Police then send a memo around to the neighborhood asking any witnesses to come forward.Later Mary comes out and says she also heard "child like" screams for help.Trayvon was 17 did his voice not change yet? No one seen the actual scuffle except "john" which by the way is a real person.He wants to remain anonymous for good reason.All the other supposed witnesses only heard "child like" screams.How can you identify someones screams when you have never even met them or heard their voice?
Look folks can we ashcan the whole " size " issue? I mean really ? I have no doubt that any given one of us could put up a dozen examples of smaller guys whipping up on bigger guys and vice versa. And in the long run it proves nothing.

Look ,if it turns out that by some stretch Zimmerman actually approached in a civil and courteous manner and said something along the lines of " Hi I haven't seen you around here before , could I give you a hand finding something?" and the kid went batshit crazy on him then you won't see me defending the kid. But knowing the area I feel that's a very unlikely scenario.
And get over using his childhood pictures.
Show the gold grill middle finger flicking gangsta wanna from his facebook page.
Unfortunately for you , to detain and question someone you really DO need those privileges. Take the incident you cited from your experience , the actual LEOS had the right and said powers , some citizen running up on you wouldn't have had those powers and you wouldn't have to answer their questions. And if they were aggressive you'd be well within your rights to defend yourself.

And as I stated , in the long run the whole " race issue " is secondary , this goes far beyond that to the citizens right to walk where they please peacefully without undue harrasment or interference.

And also as I stated , giving Zimmerman the benefit of the doubt as regards having a conscience , he could have well precipitated a living Hell from which only death can save him.

He may well have ruined his life with a moment of misguided authoritarian " dogooderism" , in which case society loses not just one possibly productive member but TWO.

As an example ( though extreme) od where such conscience driven grief can lead look to the example a couple of years back of the guy who ran over the child in the Ca Delta while drunk on a jetski.

The courts of course did him up brown , and he pled guilty , and the remorse ate him alive until he ate the muzzle of his own shotgun.

So in the end run , this stands a goodly chance of being a tragedy on *both* sides.

Show me one shred of proof to prove to me trayvon was being detained.You don't need to be a cop to question someone.I ask people questions all the time and Ive never been assaulted for it.Maybe thats why trayvon puched the bus driver too.Bus driver asked for bus fare POW right in the kisser.Don't you question me you Racist cracker.
Keeerrrrriiiiiissttt on a frigging CRUTCH , ya keep yapping but you don't put up any of the statutes. it's no longer *most states* , if you were freaking bright enough to put aside your personally oriented BULLSHIT we might *actually* get to a viable discussion of those laws as regards specific locales and the specifics of purchase , carry , transportation etc. along with a discussion of some of the more ridiculous statutes such as the NJ hollowpoint laws and the reciprocity issue as regards CCW.

You might actually find that you'd learn something , and it just might be something that may stand you in good stead if you travel with a firearm.

Or we can go back to playing an InterWebz game of " dozens " makes no never mind to me.

What are you talking about? What does any of that have to do with a racially motivated vigilante killing?
Show me one shred of proof to prove to me trayvon was being detained.You don't need to be a cop to question someone.I ask people questions all the time and Ive never been assaulted for it.Maybe thats why trayvon puched the bus driver too.Bus driver asked for bus fare POW right in the kisser.Don't you question me you Racist cracker.

Shhh!!! He was a fine outstanding citizen......
Look folks can we ashcan the whole " size " issue? I mean really ? I have no doubt that any given one of us could put up a dozen examples of smaller guys whipping up on bigger guys and vice versa. And in the long run it proves nothing.

Look ,if it turns out that by some stretch Zimmerman actually approached in a civil and courteous manner and said something along the lines of " Hi I haven't seen you around here before , could I give you a hand finding something?" and the kid went batshit crazy on him then you won't see me defending the kid. But knowing the area I feel that's a very unlikely scenario.

Trayvons own g/f said zimmerman said what are you doing around here? If he were so racist why didnt he throw in some racial epitaths to provoke a dispute? What are you doing around here? doesnt sound aggresssive to me.
What about witness testimony.Police reports, the fact zimmerman was treated at the scene by SFD.Go listen to the 911 tapes all these supposed witnesses are on there.The 13 yr old that claims it was trayvon sreaming said on the 911 tapes he seen a man with a red shirt on the bottom getting beat.Then he tells a news station the same thing.A few days later his story changes and he didn't see anything just heard a "child screaming" for help.Mary cutcher also phones 911 and says she didnt see anything.But heard screaming for help.She then tells the 911 operator its a black "guy" down.Not child or kid or teen.She then describes zimmerman as a black man standing over top the guy on the ground.At one point the operator says to her is it kids? mary replies no.When the police come around to gather statements she tells them she doesn't wanna get invololved.Police then send a memo around to the neighborhood asking any witnesses to come forward.Later Mary comes out and says she also heard "child like" screams for help.Trayvon was 17 did his voice not change yet? No one seen the actual scuffle except "john" which by the way is a real person.He wants to remain anonymous for good reason.All the other supposed witnesses only heard "child like" screams.How can you identify someones screams when you have never even met them or heard their voice?

" Treated at the SFD"...that about says it all. And now that we're getting down to the nitty gritty , yes the "screams" are at this point a non sequitur. They don't mean a whole lot either way.

And I don't know about your neck of the woods , but 'round here if you just has the FD put some tape and bandaids on you then you weren't in a fight. Hell the lst one I got in I spent four hours in the emergency room getting my hand set and cast.

I'd be a lot more likely to lend credence to that with an *actual* medical report and photos , and if he'd gotten his ass beaten that bad there would have been photos.
Trayvons own g/f said zimmerman said what are you doing around here? If he were so racist why didnt he throw in some racial epitaths to provoke a dispute? What are you doing around here? doesnt sound aggresssive to me.

That would be E P I T H E T. And are you making the assumption that he didn't? Please direct us to some positive proof either way if you would be so kind.