trayvan martin

are you familiar with the cops in the US, much less this particular incident-ridden force?

sanford police had what you might call a history of similar incidents.

do you always believe the police reports when they say they busted a guy with 40 pounds and kept a million dollars worth of drugs off the street?

Do you think this debacle will help fix the problem with corruption in the Florida legal system? I see how it helps Obama secure more votes there. I don't have a problem with that, I have a problem with the fresh new round of racial tensions. If people care so much about hate crimes, why has the mother of 5 in El Cajon, CA been given so little coverage in the media?
We are giving Zimmerman powers only the Police have.

if you're not breaking the law, all the police can really do is ask for your name, not "what are you doing here?" or any nonsense like that.

we are giving zimmerman powers far beyond what the police have.
Just look like kids running in the store..Didn't see anyone take anything. Maybe they all got lost and the man in the light shirt was directing them the correct way out. :roll:

LOL really? They probly all went in to buy skittles I suppose. LOL take off the blinders bro.
Whoa, calm down and take a bong rip.bongsmilie

Actually I'm quite calm , this is just amusing entertainment. And in the most basic analysis , even given all the carping the vast majority of folks here see this death as a tragedy , regardless of where they happen to lay the blame.

And as I pointed out some time back , if Zimmerman is actually a moral and ethical man with a conscience then his life is over ,he will effectively punish himself for more thoroughly than the punitive courts of man will ever be able to do.

In a way TWO lives are over here , not just one.
if you're not breaking the law, all the police can really do is ask for your name, not "what are you doing here?" or any nonsense like that.

we are giving zimmerman powers far beyond what the police have.

The can ask you whatever they like.You don't have to answer.
Especially considering Skittles Tray-Van "is the son Obama never had"...because all Black people look the same apparently. Ask Obama.

actually, the quote was not what you put in between quotation marks, the quote was "if i had a son, he would look like trayvon". ya know, sympathizing with the family whose son is lost, human emotion, that sort of thing.

the irish know nothing about human emotion though, just potatoes and venereal diseases. and since a lot of you are gingers, there's not that many souls on your god forsaken island.

Yeah what the fuck did he mean by that?

i believe he meant that if he had a son, that son might look like trayvon.

one day you'll pass remedial grade school english.
Details like a bloody nose, bloody head and the appearance that he'd been on his back on the ground...this is way different to exaggerating bust numbers.

zero physical evidence of this.

awesome police work. better just take them on their word, despite their long history of shit like this.
That's awful. Jesus now i know why i moved from cali.

Oh it's much worse than just that , the " button law" as regards magazines on the " assault rifles" , a lot of NON CAl handguns because of the absolutely ridiculous drop test , no .50 bmg chambered rifle ( not that I'd want one but show me a crime every commited with one in the States) , and then of course we have the "condor Zones" ( no lead zones) and the states and feds jumping outa the bushes at duck and goose hunters to wave the magic wand over your shotshells and make sure that they're steel shot and you don't have any more allowed ( fined by the shell by the way).

As has been pointed out several of the southern states and certain others are still sort of open , but the FEds have raided gun shows all over the country in locales where that goes on in an effort to close said loophole , some NC ones got raided due to impetus from the Northern cities , too many " straw buyers" taking 'em back to NYC , DC , Jersey etc.

And they've raided in Texas and Louisiana too. And if you've noticed certain firearms are at an extreme premium and the price of ammo and components is wwwaayyyyy up , you're not getting propellant for 10 bucks a lb anymore and slugs have gone up enough that I'm back to casting and swaging my own.
zero physical evidence of this.

awesome police work. better just take them on their word, despite their long history of shit like this.

You believe that Travan was still 1/2 the size of Zimmerman despite being a 6'3" football player.

I cant really believe that anyone is still arguing with you.
Oh it's much worse than just that , the " button law" as regards magazines on the " assault rifles" , a lot of NON CAl handguns because of the absolutely ridiculous drop test , no .50 bmg chambered rifle ( not that I'd want one but show me a crime every commited with one in the States) , and then of course we have the "condor Zones" ( no lead zones) and the states and feds jumping outa the bushes at duck and goose hunters to wave the magic wand over your shotshells and make sure that they're steel shot and you don't have any more allowed ( fined by the shell by the way).

As has been pointed out several of the southern states and certain others are still sort of open , but the FEds have raided gun shows all over the country in locales where that goes on in an effort to close said loophole , some NC ones got raided due to impetus from the Northern cities , too many " straw buyers" taking 'em back to NYC , DC , Jersey etc.

And they've raided in Texas and Louisiana too. And if you've noticed certain firearms are at an extreme premium and the price of ammo and components is wwwaayyyyy up , you're not getting propellant for 10 bucks a lb anymore and slugs have gone up enough that I'm back to casting and swaging my own.

Why are we still bringing up gun laws? Zimmerman had a legal CCW permit.That is fact.
You believe that Travan was still 1/2 the size of Zimmerman despite being a 6'3" football player.

I cant really believe that anyone is still arguing with you.

and about 150 pounds, he was a stringbean.

compared to zimmerman, who is well over 200, possibly around the 225-250 range.

i'm 190, and i would have no problem getting someone who weighs 160 like you do off of me.
and about 150 pounds, he was a stringbean.

compared to zimmerman, who is well over 200, possibly around the 225-250 range.

i'm 190, and i would have no problem getting someone who weighs 160 like you do off of me.

but yet Zimmerman was knock out by one punch... Guy must be a pussy being defended by the likes
Really Buck ? I brought it up and threw out a buncha misinformation did I? Guess I haven't pointed out repeatedly that it's not really of much pertinence have I?

never said you threw out misinformation, i just breeze over the gun law pissing matches.

my gun is a mastiff and an axe.