trayvan martin

Zimmerman was a registered democrat, so i guess if he's racist it proves liberals are the true racists.
The individual at the center of the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting is a registered Democrat.

George Michael Zimmerman, born Oct. 5, 1983, registered as a Democrat in Seminole County, Fla., in August 2002, according to state voter registration documents.
It is unclear whether he voted for President Barack Obama in 2008.
Some in the media have sought to blame Republican politicians and conservative activists for Martin’s death.
“[Republican politicians] reinforce and validate old stereotypes that associate the poor and welfare as criminal behavior with African-Americans and people of color, calling us lazy, undeserving recipients of public assistance. In the case of Trayvon, those festering stereotypes had lethal consequences,” said MSNBC political analyst and Democratic fundraiser Karen Finney.
According to the document, Zimmerman’s race is officially listed as Hispanic. The son of a white father and Peruvian mother, he has been described as a “white Hispanic” in most media reports.
Following the Feb. 26 fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in a Sanford, Fla. gated community, Zimmerman has been the target of widespread outrage.
Zimmerman shot and killed Martin following a physical confrontation, but has yet to be charged with a crime. He says he acted in self-defense, a claim supported by the Sanford, Fla., Police Department investigating the case.
Protesters and activists led by professional racial justice advocates Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have suggested Martin’s killing was racially motivated, and have called for Zimmerman’s arrest.
“We want George Zimmerman in court with handcuffs behind his back,” Sharpton said last week.
Martin’s mother, Sabrina Fulton, has alleged that Zimmerman killed her son “because of the color of his skin

Craig Sonner, the attorney representing Zimmerman, has denied such allegations, noting that his client has acted as a mentor to a black single mother and her two children, and had helped them raise money for their all-black church.
For Zimmerman’s safety, the Free Beacon has redacted his address from the registration document. The New Black Panther Party has offered a $10,000 bounty for Zimmerman’s capture.
Please link your source....when using cut and paste, please include where information was taken
Trayvon protesters ransack store.
Video here.
NORTH MIAMI BEACH, Fla. - North Miami Beach police said surveillance video shows dozens of high school students demonstrating in the Trayvon Martin case Friday ransacking a Walgreens store.
The incident occurred during a walkout from North Miami Beach Senior High School in support of Martin, 17, who was fatally shot in Sanford. Protesters have been calling for the arrest of George Zimmerman, 28, who has not been charged because he claimed self-defense in the shooting, according to police.

Occupy protesters need to take note.This is how you get a message out.
Especially considering Skittles Tray-Van "is the son Obama never had"...because all Black people look the same apparently. Ask Obama.

actually younger pics of Obama does favor the way Trayvan could have been my son as well..sooooooo what you saying
Especially considering Skittles Tray-Van "is the son Obama never had"...because all Black people look the same apparently. Ask Obama.

Please don't agree with me and then make racist comments, it makes me look bad. I am morose over this because seeds of racial indignation are being sown and I value peace.
Uncle Buck they were in FLA the oldsters don't hear shite. In Florida a considerable amount of people pull down their hurricane shutters at night to protect themselves and then they are cut off from the world until the next morning. So of course they didn't hear anything.

this was at 7pm and the lady, mary cutcher, is not exactly old. all blinds were open, don't recall if the window was as well.
That is why he used the words MOST STATES, so as to indicate that it wasn't universal. You are dense son!

Keeerrrrriiiiiissttt on a frigging CRUTCH , ya keep yapping but you don't put up any of the statutes. it's no longer *most states* , if you were freaking bright enough to put aside your personally oriented BULLSHIT we might *actually* get to a viable discussion of those laws as regards specific locales and the specifics of purchase , carry , transportation etc. along with a discussion of some of the more ridiculous statutes such as the NJ hollowpoint laws and the reciprocity issue as regards CCW.

You might actually find that you'd learn something , and it just might be something that may stand you in good stead if you travel with a firearm.

Or we can go back to playing an InterWebz game of " dozens " makes no never mind to me.
I suppose the police are liars and it's all a racist conspiracy?

are you familiar with the cops in the US, much less this particular incident-ridden force?

sanford police had what you might call a history of similar incidents.

do you always believe the police reports when they say they busted a guy with 40 pounds and kept a million dollars worth of drugs off the street?

You go Girl! er I mean BRO!

this earned rep.
are you familiar with the cops in the US, much less this particular incident-ridden force?

sanford police had what you might call a history of similar incidents.

do you always believe the police reports when they say they busted a guy with 40 pounds and kept a million dollars worth of drugs off the street?
Details like a bloody nose, bloody head and the appearance that he'd been on his back on the ground...this is way different to exaggerating bust numbers.
Have you ever noticed that the thread gets back on track whenever you aren't around? You know why that is? Because you keep hijacking it with your accusations and insults.

Don't spend so much time paging through a thesaurus trying to make epic good posts, it doesn't work for you, instead make more succinct and timely posts as befitting the low context culture that is America.

BLAH BLAH , yet more off topic ad hominem. So sorry wee deluded EgoBoy , I have no need of a thesaurus for the likes of you and haven;t for about forty years plus.

Now go squirm your cheeks in you diaper while grunting blissfully some more.