trayvan martin

I generally go right past them , seen too many of them , in this case however there was an extreme amount of misinformation flying about and it wasn't real pertinent anyway.

Actually there wasn't a single shred of misinformation, you just can't read.
What about witness testimony.

you mean the conflicting an unreliable eyewitness testimony from people looking out of lit homes into the pitch black? ever notice what happens at night with the lights on inside? the window becomes a mirror.

Police reports

lol. you mean from the same police force that "corrected" witness statements?

the fact zimmerman was treated at the scene by SFD.

zero physical evidence of any injuries. lol.

Go listen to the 911 tapes all these supposed witnesses are on there.The 13 yr old that claims it was trayvon sreaming said on the 911 tapes he seen a man with a red shirt on the bottom getting beat.Then he tells a news station the same thing.A few days later his story changes and he didn't see anything just heard a "child screaming" for help.

gee, eyewitness accounts sure can be unreliable, can't they?

Mary cutcher also phones 911 and says she didnt see anything.But heard screaming for help.She then tells the 911 operator its a black "guy" down.Not child or kid or teen.She then describes zimmerman as a black man standing over top the guy on the ground.At one point the operator says to her is it kids? mary replies no.When the police come around to gather statements she tells them she doesn't wanna get invololved.Police then send a memo around to the neighborhood asking any witnesses to come forward.Later Mary comes out and says she also heard "child like" screams for help.Trayvon was 17 did his voice not change yet?

she has gone on the record and told people that she had to try to talk to the cops at the scene several times.

No one seen the actual scuffle except "john" which by the way is a real person.He wants to remain anonymous for good reason.

he saw part of the scuffle. he did not see what happened immediately before the gunshot. but we have a witness who saw what happened immediately after the gunshot, within mere seconds. the police tried to "correct" her statements.

What are you talking about? What does any of that have to do with a racially motivated vigilante killing?

Blah bl;ah blah. And again no address of the direct points of a subject that apparently you thought was pertinent, And now you're asking the exact same thing I pointed out.

Thanks for acknowledging that your crap as regards firearms laws weren't germane to the discussion in the first place. I offered you the chance to discuss the subject on a factual and rational level , sorry to have made the assumption that you *might* be capable of that , I won't make such an assumption again.
" Treated at the SFD"...that about says it all. And now that we're getting down to the nitty gritty , yes the "screams" are at this point a non sequitur. They don't mean a whole lot either way.

And I don't know about your neck of the woods , but 'round here if you just has the FD put some tape and bandaids on you then you weren't in a fight. Hell the lst one I got in I spent four hours in the emergency room getting my hand set and cast.

I'd be a lot more likely to lend credence to that with an *actual* medical report and photos , and if he'd gotten his ass beaten that bad there would have been photos.

Zimmerman was treated at the scene by SFD.For injuries to his nose and head.
So pics don't prove anything? Coming from the guy whose been crying for pics all night of zimmermans injuries.LOL

Ummm are you talking about the picture that was later found out not to be Trayvan..Thats what we are talking about...WTF..please pay the fuck attention Canadian
So pics don't prove anything? Coming from the guy whose been crying for pics all night of zimmermans injuries.LOL

pictures of zimmerman's supposedly "great bodily harm" including a "broken nose" and a "smashed skull" taken at the scene of the crime are one thing.

posting up fake pictures in a smear campaign against martin is another matter entirely.
Zimmerman was treated at the scene by SFD.For injuries to his nose and head.

I believe that I reiterated you statement in that regard did I not? We're all aware of that. Just as we're aware that if the injuries were beyond mere scuffs he'd have been transported and there'd be an E-room med report. Where is it/ Where are the evidentiary photos?
There is absolutely no proof, no evidence, nothing, absolutely NOTHING to the RUMOR that Trayvon assaulted a bus driver. It was taken from a tweet. A FUCKING TWEET. Supposedly/allegedly from his brother. Jesus you guys will swallow a camel but choke on a fucking gnat. Like several people before me stated.. that "gansta" picture isn't Trayvon but you all didn't notice cuz... they all look alike.
pictures of zimmerman's supposedly "great bodily harm" including a "broken nose" and a "smashed skull" taken at the scene of the crime are one thing.

posting up fake pictures in a smear campaign against martin is another matter entirely.

Kind of like pics of a huge zimmerman in all orange looking thuggish and 5 yr old pics of trayvon?
Unfortunately for you , to detain and question someone you really DO need those privileges. Take the incident you cited from your experience , the actual LEOS had the right and said powers , some citizen running up on you wouldn't have had those powers and you wouldn't have to answer their questions. And if they were aggressive you'd be well within your rights to defend yourself.
I don't think Zimmerman was trying to detain Martin, he was just asking some questions. I see no facts to corroborate a physical detention.
I believe that I reiterated you statement in that regard did I not? We're all aware of that. Just as we're aware that if the injuries were beyond mere scuffs he'd have been transported and there'd be an E-room med report. Where is it/ Where are the evidentiary photos?

Pics don't prove anything remember?
I don't think Zimmerman was trying to detain Martin, he was just asking some questions. I see no facts to corroborate a physical detention.

he had many chances to ask him questions. do the windows on his truck not roll down? he had many chances right away to roll down his window and ask what he was doing there, he abstained and chose to pursue instead.
Ummm are you talking about the picture that was later found out not to be Trayvan..Thats what we are talking about...WTF..please pay the fuck attention Canadian

The pics of him shirtless giving the finger to the camera are supposedly fake.The pics of him with the grill and tattoos are real.