Thundercat's Groooooooow

lol, I guess I'm back already,

Gambler I'd be glad to try to help you "understand" as you put it. I've topped all the plants , and some of the larger several times. They are growing low like that kinda on there own to be honest. Must have to do with the lights and trimming from the begging. I've been trimming the immature fan leaves instead of leaving them to grow larger. This has been encouraging the plants to use more energy to grow more bud sites. I am going to reduce the amount of trimming I do to them over the next couple weeks as they start to flower to reduce any more stress, but they have been doing pretty good since the transplant. The idea has just been to encourage more bud sites. They are also mostly sativa, so I have a feeling they are going to triple in size over the next couple weeks.

The indicas look bare but I am done trimming them this week , and they are going to turn into some nice plants, they are also a couple weeks behind the rest. They havn't responded as well to the training as the sativas. But thats just a lesson for the future. I like to experiment with different things till I get something I like. I'm really pretty new to this whole growing thing. I've never tryed to claim I know much about it. Just learning as I go.

Worm, thanks for commenting, lol always glad to have the company!
I've topped all the plants , and some of the larger several times. I am going to reduce the amount of trimming I do to them over the next couple weeks as they start to flower to reduce any more stress, but they have been doing pretty good since the transplant. The idea has just been to encourage more bud sites. They are also mostly sativa, so I have a feeling they are going to triple in size over the next couple weeks.

The indicas look bare but I am done trimming them this week , and they are going to turn into some nice plants, they are also a couple weeks behind the rest. They havn't responded as well to the training as the sativas. But thats just a lesson for the future.

so you've just topped them alot. i never liked growing sativas (sativa dominant phenotype)... but maybe that's the way you gotta do it indoors... cuz they look nice for sativas for sure.

and ya, the more predominantly indicas deffinitely need less trimming than sativas. god bless em :D
Thanks Gambler I think they are turning out ok. I think I deffinitly prefer how a hybrid grows. I'm very happy with the WW. I am looking forward to smoking some pure sativa buds though. That will be a first for me, at least to my knowledge. And also the opposite goes for the Kush, Indica in its purest form!!

So I am a big fan of the South Americans now too. They don't produce as high of numbers as the KS, but the ones they do produce, are BIG, and good and potent!! They also seem to be fairly contam resistant, atleast so far. Thats also something I like about the KS. This is 4 strains now, and the Burmas are the only ones I havn't been pleased with.

Well its time for a bowl of nuggets, ad bed. Talk to you guys latta TC
the plants are looking good, nice small and lots of growth. Stoked to see you up and running, cant wait to see those girls in flower. haha going to be awhile though with the strains you got going, but ill be in for the long run!
YA its gonna be a long flowering for sure, thats why I decided last week to start them early. I'm counting on 13 weeks, but I've given myself the window to allow 14-15 if I must. I don't really think they will take 14-15 that would be kinda crazy. The Kush Mango, and WW shouldn't take that long, that's why I'm gonna give them another 2 weeks veg time out of the tent. Thanks for swingin by though little grower, glad to have ya along for the ride!!
the ww i got from bcbud says it takes 9 to 11 and it took almost the complete 11 weeks, so you will probably be good splittin it for another 2 weeks
Thats good to know, I was kinda thinking would finish some where in the middle of the rest. It seems to be a nice hybrid, atleast the pheno I got. Its just one of the free fem seeds from G-13 labs, but its grown pretty fast right from the begining.
Well guys I think its been about a week since my last picture update on my plants. I've been talking about it all this week, but no bodies been around so I guess it doesn't matter that I didn't post them, lol. So here they are either way. I'll take some better pictures next week when I make a few changes and switch them to 12/12, but you should be able to see the difference since last week easily enough. The mango, and Kush are both still pretty small, and when I take them out of the tent to veg for another 2 weeks, I think I might put the light up kinda high, and see if I can get them to stretch a bit. They are dense, lots of growth in a small area, just small. All the rest of the plants are looking great, the WW is turning out beautiful. Any way, I've been updateing all week, so there isn't much new to say really. I still gotta take those cones, but I want to get a tray with a dome, so I can take a whole bunch of cones, instead of the peat pellets I've been using. Well hope you guys enjoy, lol if any body even sees them.












Latta guys TC

lookn good man, i was waitn for your pics :blsmoke:
did you top at the second node on most of these ?
Hey Weedman, thanks for stoppin over to check things out! Actually I waited till just after the 4th node to top them. Yesterday I did a bunch of work on them again. I took about 20-25 clones, between 4-5 off most of the plants. I couldn't take clones off the Kush, mango, or WW, there wasn't any good shoots to cut off them yet. I hope by the time they are ready to flower, I'll be able to get a couple clones of each of those. The WW I know I'll be able to , not sure about the kush or mango yet. I also went through the sativas, and trimmed some leaves, and topped all the shoots again. I am trying to keep these sativas under control, thats part of why I've been topping so much. They are really turning into some nice bushs now though. I think another day to fully recoup what I cut off, I'm gonna water either tonight, or tomorrow again. I'm gonna give them all a full gallon of straight water this time. I'm hoping I get some run off I can test this time, to get an idea where the PH is at in the soil. The plants seem to all be ok, I'm just curious. A couple still look like they need some more N, so I'm gonna continue the foliar misting, it seems to be working well. The ones that need the N have been gradually getting darker green on the leaves, I'm assuiming from the misting, and the last feeding.
God damn brother your ladies are comin along nicely for sure!! Is that mystery tree somethin from what we did a while back?? It's lookin like it's gonna be a Fuckin beast man. Glad to see your workin it out so good man, your doin us proud for sure. Now, also I'm glad to see you hoooked up the pallets too- excellent idea lol. Mine are about 5 inches shorter than yours man but I started takin a clone here n there to see if I can get them to root, cuz i've never had any luck with getting them to root n I wanna make sure I can do it before I have to make it count on my flood table. These Fuckin things are takin MAD long to grow out, I'd say like twice as long asmy 1st grow for sure.

Anyways man, I dropped u an email, n I'll defintely be around more now that my confusion is over with as to what the fuck I'm gonna do with myself, n I decided NOT to go with the 100 plants that I originally decided to do. Just 40 in the 4x8 table, n another 10-14 on pallets In growbags. I may keep two or three a moms for the next time around but that remains to be seen as far as vigour in growth goes I'm not that impressed with anything but my Dj short BB, so she may be the only lady I keep around. Sub's Sputnik ain't too far behind, n I'll probably wait to see how her n the sour p do in clone form before I make a desicion about them.

Bah... I'm done hijackin your thread bro, I'll go hit up my journal n let everyone else know I'll be back around aswell.

See you round soon brothaman ;)

KING whats up man!! Great to hear from ya!!! Also glad to hear you'll be around a bit more. Sounds like your workin out all the bugs, which is sweet. Every plan goes through changes on its way to perfection, I've made so many changes to my plans as this grow has been developing. The mystery tree is either a durban poison, super silver haze, or a thai skunk. I got the peat pellets mixed up when I didn't think a couple were gonna sprout. Thats the only one that did sprout, I just don't know what it is, LOL. Its been a decent plant, I think I'm the most excited about the WW to be honest. The Kush will be sweet, its just growin kinda slow. The WW is lookin great, and has been growin pretty fast. Well any way Great to hear from ya man, and your never highjackin my thread so don't sweat it bro!
So I forgot to post this earlier, but I've got alot of Irish blood in my, so I just wanted to say.........


Hope everybody has some GREEN to enjoy today. If not, heres a nugget blunt for you all!!! :bigjoint: lol, pass it around make sure everyone gets a hit!

Talk to you guys latta, TC!
That is a awesome CFL light setup you have created! How did you do it?

What are the exact items you used to build it i'm really digging it and want to create one myself.

Where did you get that black connector that connects all the cfls?
Thanks little grower, it was a nice day, I didn't end up drinking, ate shrooms instead!

I built it with an assortment of connectors from lowes. I just went to the electrical section, and found a bunch of lamp outlet connectors, and plug connectors and hooked them together. I honestly don't know what they are all called. As far as the black connector that holds it all together, its just electrical tape wrapped around those individual connectors to hold them all together. I actually am going to take it back apart, and use epoxy, or glue to attach them more securely. The hood is made out of cardboard, and is lined with reflective wrapping paper. Hope that helps. It cost about 15 bucks to build not including the bulbs.
So I watered all the plants today with about a gallon of plain ph'd water. I actually got some run off this time, but I didn't have the time before work to check the ph on the run off. They are lookin good though, nice and happy. The clones seem pretty happy too. I'm gonna water them again on saturday or sunday whever they are ready, and give them another dose of nutes then.
Whats goin on guys! Not alot to say to be honest, just checking in for the day. The kids are lookin good. I noticed alittle bit of tip burn on the mango,I don't know exactly what its from, except maybe just my less then great water. Which means the filter isn't helping I guess. I'm gonna have to buy distilled water, atleast every other time or something. But other wise they look good. Tons of new growth on all the tops, I think they are gonna be great once they start to flower. The "stretch" will give them a little extra size, lol, prolly alot of extra size I imagine, since all the sativa. And I'm hoping that under that 1000w they put on some nice dense buds. Fingers crossed that they aren't all males, lol. Well any way, 2 more days till flower!!!
2 more days till flower cool.

i've done it before... so i don't seem to be getting excited at all about mine... i just keep seeing what -isn't- there yet. I need to see some monster buds dang it !!! ;-)