Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
Hookedoncronic, There are a couple small shoots on the kush I could prolly clone, but I'm gonna wait to clone them till right before I flower them like I did with the others. I did take 4-5 WW clones the other day though. I've got pretty much 4-5 clones off each of my plants but the kush and mango. All the clones are actually looking really good, a couple are showing slight yellowing on the leaves, but that just tells me they are making roots!! The first clone I took has been rooted and in a small container for about a week now, and its doing great too, on its 3 set of leaves already.

King I read in your thread about the rez thing, and dropped a couple ideas. I hope oyu get it figured out man, I don't know much about hydro yet though. I need to learn, I wanna change over once I go perptual. I hear you about having 2 month old plants that are only 6 inchs tall. The Kush and mango have both been being bitchs like that, but they are both very hearty plants too. The stem on kush is almost a half inch thick, and its bushing out real nicely, its just gonna be several solid buds, the nodes are like 1/2 inch apart. I'm sure over the next 2 weeks it will get some more size too it, and then there is the "stretch" once I flower it, so its got some time to bulk up.

Well heres the pictures, its only a couple group shots, my batteries died mid photo shoot.



Well-Known Member
Thanks every body!! I'm pretty stoked about them!! Its my biggest grow yet, and looks like it will be turning out pretty good. Squatty and bushy is what I've been tryin for, so I'm please with them. I'll post some individual pics of them once I get more batteries. I'm still gonna tie them up to, so I'll take pics once I do. Latta guys, and thanks its great to have you all along for the ride!!! TC


Well-Known Member
Ok TC, I havent been on in a while, I read quite a bit of what i missed, but can you explain to me is that a whole new light setup or is it just a new reflector? Well nvm on that because i know its a new setup, what is it? plants are looking good how many weeks?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Sacred, the blue light with the 3 plants and clones is a 400w MH which, until this weekend, was in the tent with the 1000w HPS. I just got the MH a month ago and I've had the HPS. They all seem to be really happy under the lights, they are getting good and bushy. I hope to see signs of sex asap so I know what I am dealing with.
The ones in the tent, the sativas, are just over two months. The WW, Kush, and Mango are about two weeks behind them. The exciting part is yet to come, stay TC


Well-Known Member
Well I've got 13 plants in 10 4 gallon grow bags, and about 30 clones for the next batch, but the trick to all of this is I have to move after this grow. So I'm gonna have to pick my favorite clones to take with me as mothers, and hopfully I can have them ready to clone as soon as I move, or maybe even before. I honestly think I'm going to end up with mostly WW, mango, and kush for the next grow, but we'll see how the sativas turn out. I also need to get more genetics before I move.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Looks really good tc. Do you have a microscope to check your trich's? I have some sativa dominate going right now and took the tops at 9 weeks and was going to let the lower parts of the plants go for a week and chop. The problem was I nute locked the plants and didn't realize it. When I started to flush at 7 weeks it started to unlock the plants and after i took the tops the plants took off like crazy. It seems every time I water them now they show new growth. All the trich's were cloudy on the tops and most of the lower were showing alot of clear but after a week and a half after the harvest I still don't have any amber heads yet. I was going to chop last weekend but decided to wait for at least a few amber to show. Now I'm afraid that after unlocking them that they are going through this huge growth spurt and all the new growth will be clear when the old starts to go amber..... It will be 11 weeks this sat, I posted some pic's of the first harvest if you wanna check it..... If this thing will let me I'll rep ya for all your good work and impressive garden. Good luck on your move and may the pot gods bless your next harvest.....


Well-Known Member
THanks alot 5 oclock, I'll stop over, and check out your pics for sure. The power skunk says it will take 9 weeks, but I just don't believe that since its such a heavy sativa, and I believe the purple power is supposed to take 11-12. then theres the mystry tree, which is a mystery. I need to give them a really good flush, its just a pain to do that, since I'm having to buy the distilled water.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I found my strains are not very tollerant of alot of nutes, hence the lock out. I didn't over feed and was following the Bio-Biz schedual. It seemed that after week 7 when I started to flush them with Ph'ed water and mollasses that they snapped out of it and are taking off again like crazy. Do you have a scope to check your trich's?


Well-Known Member
Ya I've got a scope, just no trichs yet, lol. I think mine have been fighting the same thing. Thats why I want to start using only distilled water, but its tough to buy that much as once. I think mine have been getting a little locked up from the random crap thats in my tap water.


Well-Known Member
So what do you guys think? How good would boiled water be for my plants? I know it removes alot of impurities. I was thinking about making a large rez, like 20-30 gallon, and boiling enough water every couple days to fill it. I could add my nutes right to that, and then either pump them out, or scoop them out with a container. I think DaGambler does something like that, but he has a RO system. I'm gonna boil some later on and see what the ppm reads after its cooled. I suppose that should tell me if it will work for me or not. I went and got my open seasame today, so they will be getting a dose of that with the next watering. Hopefully this will help to jump start the flowering process.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Boiling it only purifies the steam. The water will evaporate and the remainders concentration will rise on a curve equal to the evaporation. If you mean your going to boil water to steam and capture the steam it would be purified but at what cost? I think it would be alot cheaper to buy a water filter to catch all the unwanted shit and still give you usable water. You peeded in on my grow and saw how I'm doing, well I use tap water that comes out of the tap at 8.5 ph and put it in a 5 gallon bucket and have an air pump that adds O2 and keeps it moving. After a few days the chlorine has evaporated and I use Ph down to get to 6.5-6.8 and feed away. As soon as it's empty I fill it again so it's ready for the next watering... It has worked fine for me


Well-Known Member
Ok so boiling won't work? I've tryed leaving the water sit for a couple days to breath the chlorine out, I stirred it a couple times a day. Its not that they aren't growing, but I think the extra 350 ppm in my water is blocking nutes if that might be the right way of looking at it. They just seemed to grow more when I use distilled water. Its just a pain in the ass to buy 10, 20, or even 30 gallons of distilled water at one time, or over a short pierod of time, not to mention the expense. I've been trying to get by as I have been, I just feel like I'm not giving them the best, and I want to. I'm willing to try other filter ideas, I'm just on a very tight budget. I'm gonna look around more, and see what I can find.


Well-Known Member
the 350 might not hurt them... letting it sit for a couple days is good (an airstone would lessen that to 24 hours). the big question is what is your pH at? and you should know that depending on what is in your water... the pH reading of nuted water may not be accurate. if your tap water is 8.5 and then you add nutes and it goes down to 6.5... it may go back up to 8.0 again the next day - cuz you could have a something like calcium hydroochloride (or something like that) that just jacks the waters pH so that stuff won't grow in it like bacteria.

almost all cities can supply a water report (and make a copy of it for you) upon request. it will tell you avg. ppm for your area as well as what the ppm consists of. 176 dollars on a 100 gallon per day RO system ='s Priceless.


Well-Known Member
I deffinitly will thanks 5 oclock.

I'll look into the water report thanks gambler. My water is at about 7.3 out of the tap. When I nute it, it drops a but, but I usually have to add some ph down as well, not much, less then 1/4 tsp. I agree the 170 RO system= priceless, I just don't have a way to come up with that extra cash right now. I looked at some distillers, but they are in the same price range. My parents used to have a distiller, so I'm gonna call them and ask them if they still use it. I'm gonna have my gf go get a water report today, so we can see what I'm dealing with. The 350ppm hasn't killed them, I just don't think they are growing as well as they should be, which I need them to do. lol, any way I'll keep ya updated on it all like usual. I am getting 10 gallons of distilled today, and all the sativas are getting a dose of the open sesame I got yesterday. I'll give this one with just ph'd water and the open sesame, like the fox farm schedule shows, then next watering they will get nutes, and the open sesame.