Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
ya the "waiting is the hardest part", lol. I've flowered plants a couple times now, so I know what to expect, but I have a feeling with the sativas its gonna be a long haul waiting on the buds to beef up. I'd like to get the fox farms solubles, I've heard the open sesame is supposed to help jump start the flowering process. I gotta see if I'm gonna have the money though, I still need to et my ventalation set up too.


Well-Known Member
Lol, its gonna be close man. I'm NOT cutting these sativas early, unless (fingers crossed) something major happened which forced me too. I'm gonna leave these girls go as long as they need. I've never grown pure sativas before, and I want the smoke as dank as I can get it!! If it takes 13-14 weeks, well that will suck, but I'll do it.


Well-Known Member
i chopped that dro bag seed plant like 2 weeks ago after waiting about 13 weeks.....

i was watching and it looks like everything is maturing and a couple days before i want to chop it shoots out brand new hairs in spots on these old buds and im like wtf ?


Well-Known Member
i chopped that dro bag seed plant like 2 weeks ago after waiting about 13 weeks.....

i was watching and it looks like everything is maturing and a couple days before i want to chop it shoots out brand new hairs in spots on these old buds and im like wtf ?
yep thats whats going to happen with alot of thundercats plants i predict haha..happen to me thats for sure


Well-Known Member
I'm under the impression that sativas have a tendancy to do that. I've heard that on some plants, they will always continue to produce new growth. I cna't remember what study I read about the other day, but one of the seed companies wanted to see how long this one plant would really take to fully mature, I think the cut it some where around 150 days, and it still had new white hairs. I'm not gonna go crazy with it, but I am gonna try to give it a full 13-14, and hope for the best.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the buds are maturing nicely though littlegrower. Have you been flushing yet?

Hows the durban looking 420?


Well-Known Member
looks fucking awesome like the widow :)
i smoked a little of the widow (little damp) yesterday and was fucking impressed !

when this shit is dry its gonna be insane.... have to conserve it till i harvest more.... mother plant is gonna go into flowering along with HG


Well-Known Member
I did some more work on the tent today and the sativas are in for 24 hours of dark. I may have screwed up my 400 watt light. I had it unplugged for like 10 minutes and when I went to plug it back in it didn't want to turn on. I'm gonna give it an hour or so to cool down and see what happens. If it's busted I'm gonna try to get it fixed through HTG. I hope there is a warranty or something. The 1000w will be going back on around 10 in the morning. They all seem to look pretty good today....clones are doing good. I can't wait to see some buds!!


Well-Known Member
Ya that sucks about your ballast man. I'm very glad mine turned back on.

Well tomorrow morning they sativas will come out of darkness, and be under 1000w 12/12. I'm prolly gonna lst the shit out of a couple of them to even out the canopies alittle more. They have all bushed out alot this week. I LST'd the WW today under the 400w. Its chillin with the kush, mango, and the clones. I'll post some pics tomorrow after I finish with everything. I think its been a full week since the last ones. Any way, night guys, talk to you latta today!! TC


Well-Known Member
Well guys the lights are all set and ready to go! All the sativas are in 12/12, and are looking great. I am gonna tie them up a bit later on today, just to even things out a bit. I'm gonna look at my finances, and I might order my solubles today. That way I can give them a dose of the Open sesame this week to jump start flowering. With my next watering I'm gonna stick with the 1/3 strength mix of nutes, I'm gonna go ahead and give them grow nutes still for a week or two, since a few look like they still need the N. I'm also gonna start them on the tiger bloom. I'm trying to follow the fox farm schedule, they just havn't been taking very many nutes I think cus of my water problems. But they look good, so I'm happy. They are all about 10-14 inchs above the dirt, but most of them are also about 14-20 inchs wide. I'm hoping flowering them now that they will stay under 3 feet tall. This will allow me plenty of height so they don't get burned on the 1000w. This is also another reason I'm gonna tie them down a bit, mostly the bigger ones. I'll get some pics up tonight once I'm done with them.


Junior Creatologist
Lookin awesome man, congrats on makin it to flower time :D :D

Cant wait to see how the Kush turns out dude, looks like a little runt, but she looks STRONG as fuck though, so im sure shell bust out soon enough n show you some growth love :D

Man, im allllllll fuckin mixed up dude. Still waitin on Garden Depot to deliver some shit to the pad, my fuckin clones aint takin root, n my moms have slowed down again. On toppa that shit i didnt put a damn air stone in my rez, and now it smells like ass n pond scum, n im afraid that for the last couple days ive been feeding the plants with that nasty shit, n that might be why theyve slowed up. Time to flush n feed some straight Ph'd water with a touch of BMO SPT n H202. I dont think this Promix is all that well arrated man, otherwise i wouldnt need to use the Peroxide as much as i do. bah, fuck it. Im sure this shit will fix itself man, im just alot less patient than i used to be when it comes to havin problems. Mainly cuz i didnt have this many problems at the beginning of my grow last time around. I have almost 2 month old 6 inch tall mother plants man. L-O-L!