Thundercat's Groooooooow


Well-Known Member
The hood I have for my 400w mh is a air-cooled hood. It came with glass, and has 6 inch flanges on both ends. The hood I have for my 1000w is a pretty simple adjustable hood, but I'm going to put a 4 inch flange at the opposite end from the cord set, with 6 inch fans pulling the air out the end of the hood. I think this should cool it well enough, and then I can run the exhaust through the carbon filter for any smells. I havn't jumped on the air cooling much yet because the tent is still open on the ends, and there is no smell yet. I'm gonna be LSTing my biggest puprle power prolly tomorrow. It is out to the edges of the grow bag, and I topped the 4 main branchs tonight so all the inner branchs should start to grow up even better, which they have done nicely in the last couple days. There is one of the skunks thatis right behind it, and the other purple powers, and skunks are prolly another week or so behind those. The WW is looking nice, growing well, and taking good shape. The Kush and Mango are atleast 3 weeks behind the rest, and I'm now workingon a plan to give them an extra couple weeks of veg time, and maybe starting the rest flowering a week or 2 early. We'll see what I come up with!


Well-Known Member
Oh ya so I hooked up the air lines today too!! I went with the pump for the 60 gallon tank. It had dual air ports, and I've got 3 plants hooked to each side with an air line gang valve. So if I did it right that should be helping with the growth too!!


Well-Known Member
I'm very glad to say that they all seem to be growing like weeds finally! All of the sativas have made notable progress since last night. As well as the WW, the mango and Kush are still moving a little slow but they sure are strong little plants. I finally transplanted the mango, and the 3 power skunks that are in one container. I was gonna turn them into an ornamental plant, but I don't think thats gonna happen with all the changes I've had to do to my plans. Now I need all the plants I have since I'm not gonna be flowering a bunch of clones too. Those 3 skunks do look really nice, and healthy though, so I think I'll still get some yield off them even if its not full potential since they are all in the same pot. One of the other single power skunks is getting massive, its bigger then my big purple power. It has blown up since the transplant, I topped it other 2 main branchs this morning.

I decided that I'm going to give the sativas 2more full weeks, and as long as I'm satisfied (which from the current growth rate I will be) they will be switched over to 12/12 on 3/21, 2weeks from today. I will be takeing the Kush, the ww, and the 2 mangos (also in one 5gallon bag) and putting them al under the 400w for an extra 2 weeks I think. This should also get them all finishing closer to the same time since those plants shouldn't take as long as the rest. I'll get some pics up here in a little bit so you guys can see the progress!


Well-Known Member
Well heres the pics. I think they are all labeled except the ornamental power skunks, but they are the picture with 3 plants in one grow bag! The first picture is of the clones I took, the 3 onthe right are from the biggest purple power, 2 on the left are from the next biggest purple power, and 1 is from one of the ornamental power skunks.

Then the first picture of the mushrooms is of the second flush of South Americans, and the second picture is of the KS tray! Its blowing up, gonna be a ton of shrooms off it!!

Then the rest are of each of the plants, so enjoys guys, I am!

Have a good day guys I'll be back on after work tonight!


Well-Known Member
Hey JG, great to hear from ya, and thanks. I thought you had disappeared like King! I havn't heard from ya in forever man! Hows life been treating you?


Well-Known Member
You ever fucked around with amanita muscaria? Picked a couple a few months ago but have heard crazy stories about em. Local fungi fair had people saying they are great but everyone I personally know had a bad trip off them.


Well-Known Member
Hey JG, great to hear from ya, and thanks. I thought you had disappeared like King! I havn't heard from ya in forever man! Hows life been treating you?
I'm around..just havent posted in a while, but I've been following your grow.
Life has been busy, just got done with another semester and getting ready to graduate soon and get up out this bitch:bigjoint:

SanFrans havent been started yet but going to very soon..but i did just pick some more b+



Well-Known Member
Hey Gastanker, I use wild bird seed, and vermiculite. I colonize the wild bird seed, then mix it 50/50 with damp vermiculite when I tray them up. I'll put them back into the incubator for a day or 2 till it colonizes, then case it with a bit more dry verm, and then mist the top and into the fruiting chamber. I havn't eaten, or even seen and amanitas, they are poisonious. They won't always cause harm, but they can do liver damage. Cubensis mushrooms aren't actually poisonious, but rather have a drug in them. Amanitas are poisonious, but can also make you trip. I don't need to mess with it, when i've got bad ass cubensis all I want.

JG thats sweet your about to graduate man. Where you movin when you getout? Also thats a sweet lookin B+ flush! How much did it yeild? Did you end up getting another bud grow going? I'm really getting excited with mine, they are finally growing good, and I'm gonna be flowering the sativas in 2 weeks!!


Well-Known Member
You ever fucked around with amanita muscaria? Picked a couple a few months ago but have heard crazy stories about em. Local fungi fair had people saying they are great but everyone I personally know had a bad trip off them.
it's all in how they are prepared. though, u do need to be very careful with them...some can be incredibly potent...there are some dangerous chemicals in them also and from experience i recommend learning the proper time to pick them and prepare them...because with the right preparations they will deliver a peyote like experience that is a blast!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input Twisted I don't know much about them, just a little I remember reading at some point.


Well-Known Member
JG thats sweet your about to graduate man. Where you movin when you getout? Also thats a sweet lookin B+ flush! How much did it yeild? Did you end up getting another bud grow going? I'm really getting excited with mine, they are finally growing good, and I'm gonna be flowering the sativas in 2 weeks!!
I want to make my way to Colorado, but I guess where ever I can find a job..might work in NOLA for a few years to get some work experience before leaving the state. I've got some seedlings going, I've killed a bunch by letting them get too dry..forgot how sensitive they are as babies. I'm trying to get back on track though. Can't wait to see your plants in bud mode..they look goodbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Well yesterday I had to work all day, so I wasn't on here, and I did't do much with my plants. My gf LST'd all of the longer branchs for me yesterday though. They are lookin real nice this morning. The tips that were LST'd are starting to turn up and the inner growth on them has been going crazy for the last several days. Next time you guys see them they are gonna look very differant I promise you that, lol!

I'll be puttingup some pics of hte mushrooms tonight!! There are several SA that will be ready today, one real nice size one that I'm gonna prolly pick before I go to work today. Also once again I'm very pleased with the KS!! The tray is covered. Just like last time, the first flush has alot of ones that prolly won't get that big. But each flush after that they got bigger and bigger. I got 3 full flushs last time, and a couple more spare mushrooms. That was with 3 jars of myc,this time I used 4, so I'm hoping for 4 flushs. I think this first KS flush will likely be done tomorrow, but I may pick a few tonight that are already getting close.


Well-Known Member
Well like I said this morning, the SAs where done today. I forgot to pick that big one before work, so it opened wide, and split on the top. They all got pretty big though, and I picked them a little bit ago. I cut the caps off 2 of them for spore prints, and the rest are drying!!

My plants looked awesome when I got home today! I trimmed a bunch of immature fan leaves, and a couple lower shoots I wasn't happy with. They are really taking shape. I even topped several more of the long branches to even out the canopy.