If we can so easily control our elected representatives then why do over 50% of US citizens support legal cannabis yet it's still illegal?
Why in Washington (where cannabis was voted legal, directly by the people) are MMJ facilities being raided?
Tokenretard strikes back, again!
1) Because the elected representatives don't really represent you, they just take your vote and then go and do what they are told/bribed/or just WANT to do. Its a rare politician that votes only in the interest of ALL the people. You can vote for the most MJ liberal person TIME and TIME again, but the laws never change because the Fed controls SO much of what a state can do by clutching the almighty purse strings and withdrawing its tax payer based bounty.
2) Because states are no longer sovereign, Hey if they needed a fucking CONSTITUTIONAL amendment to make alcohol illegal, why don't they need one to make other recreational drugs illegal? The fact that MJ is illegal isn't the concern, it isn't illegal. Its illegal in that it is classified as a controlled substance and only "Authorized" people can be in possession of it. Kind of a catch 22 for most.
Taxes aren't fair, to anyone, but they are necessary.
A income tax is what made this HUGE military we have the most well equipped in the world, without the income tax we NEVER could have war mongered as much as we have. The current war monger in chief is most likely devising a plan to invade yet another country as we speak.
War, Has to be the biggest racket ever.