This kid just killed 6 people and wrote a 145 page manifesto

what's wrong with loving cock? why do you think that is insulting?
I do not use homosexuals' preferences as insults, or as little tools in a megalo-maniacal, masturbatory, on-line ego trip. yer ten pounds of shit, in a five pound bag, buddy. if I was gay, I would be able to suck the chrome offa trailer hitch, and not be ashamed. you fucking bigot. :)
I do not use homosexuals' preferences as insults, or as little tools in a megalo-maniacal, masturbatory, on-line ego trip. yer ten pounds of shit, in a five pound bag, buddy. if I was gay, I would be able to suck the chrome offa trailer hitch, and not be ashamed. you fucking bigot. :)

why do you think it is insulting to love cock? men and women alike often love cock, and there is nothing wrong with being gay.
here she is with her mum, m8



It also must have fucked with him deep down knowing that his own sister was one of those hot girls who reject guys with shit personalities. It was like the whole world was against him in his head. I think he was way beyond help though, getting laid would not have helped. He could have done any number of things to get laid.. approached more average looking girls, tried internet dating, hired a high class hooker. I wonder how often he actually approached women. I bet he never even tried and just expected them to flock to him.
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It's the sisters fault for not hooking him up with one of her friends. Incarcerate that bitch, she is no good. Look at her, probably just got done enjoying some cock and simple pleasures.
What a little fuck-hole. I've pretty much ignored this moron until now. I can't resist a manifesto though.

Utterly amazing personality. He'll go on for pages and pages about 1st class flights, red carpets, gourmet food, international travel, unlimited free time and free money but in every single case, he gets totally derailed as soon as he sees a couple walking together or a tall blonde. The whole time he's reflecting on life's unfairness and wanting to punish those who have what he wants. I kinda wish some covetous poor person would have gotten to him first.

Had it not been for the tragic climax of this tale, I think I would have tended to believe that this clown was a masterful troll. There is something so utterly unreal to his vids and writing. The way he primps and poses to "How Will I Know" is really hard to watch without thinking the whole thing is a gag.

The way he seriously refers to himself as a "magnificent gentleman" was surreal. I usually only encounter narcissism this bad on reality tv.

No, it does not seem that he ever approached a women unless it was in some drunk ass state where he would get cocky and put them down as an intro - before trying to push them off a ledge when they react with insults. I don't think prostitution was an option for this guy. He felt that it was hollow and felt that he would feel worse for having to pay for something that women were giving out to "brutes" and "slobs".

As an aside, if being gay was a choice, this never would have happened. Had this guy jumped the fence, he would have been laid every which way in a week. Those blowjob lips. But alas, Elliott dug the ladies.

At one point, this guy is lamenting that he will probably never achieve world power to the extent that he was allowed to put his master plan in gear. He wanted to exterminate all women except for a few which would be kept in secret labs for breeding purposes. Eventually men would forget that there were women and be able to devote themselves to sexless pursuit of the arts. Lol. Just lol. Anyway, when he figured he wouldn't make it - he kicked in this little plan.

Originally, he planned on murdering his roommates (which he did) so that he could have the whole place as a torture chamber. He planned on luring attractive people in and subduing them. Then they would be tortured for having sex because this 22 year old had lived without it for "his whole life". Then young Elliott was going to decapitate them, collect the heads in a bag and roll them out the car window as he plowed into a crowd of "the enemy" (people getting some).

Oh yeah, he was also going to kill his younger brother to prevent him from surpassing him in life. He also planned on chugging all his Valium and Vicodin with booze before shooting himself in the head with two guns. Yup.

I wonder why girls hated him?

Is it just me or does there seem to be no real national dialogue on this problem? By this I mean people going on murder-suicide sprees to punish society for their perceived injustices.
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" Had it not been for the tragic climax of this tale, I think I would have tended to believe that this clown was a masterful troll "

I thought it was some type of satire on the immature spoilt rich kid, who had every material advantage the world can offer, but was deeply jealous of anyone who could maintain a garden variety relationship.

At one point he starts going on about a 12 year old, at his karate club, who seems to think he could fight him on the street, because he (the 12 year old) has a brown belt whilst he is only a white belt.
He then goes on to say that the 12 year old wouldn't stand a chance.

Everything about this kid could've been fixed if he'd been less sheltered from real life.
i'm waiting for the fallout about the weapons he used. The guns were registered, not stolen guns. (for the anti-gun people) AND he stabbed other victims, (for the pro-gun people.) Wonder if that's going to be all over the media. (or has been) I've been gone.
Is it just me or does there seem to be no real national dialogue on this problem? By this I mean people going on murder-suicide sprees to punish society for their perceived injustices.

Excellent assessment

There's never any real national dialogue when these things happen.. the go to is always to blame violent media because it's the easy route.

This happened because this kid didn't know how to handle reality and lived a sheltered life

His parents hold part of the blame, although they did get him evaluated after they began suspecting something was up..

The questions I'm left with about why someone would do this or how someone could do this are all left unanswered..
Excellent assessment

There's never any real national dialogue when these things happen.. the go to is always to blame violent media because it's the easy route.

This happened because this kid didn't know how to handle reality and lived a sheltered life

His parents hold part of the blame, although they did get him evaluated after they began suspecting something was up..

The questions I'm left with about why someone would do this or how someone could do this are all left unanswered..

The kids today are confused as is the world.
They have no religion, no rules and have the attitude "It's all about ME".

Obama and the liberal media telling us it's OK to cross the border or not go to work, fuck God and religion, marry a homo,
no rules no laws, just do what you like.
If you fail, then just kill yourself rather than that nasty jail time.

Who's gonna shoot who this week?
Where have our morals gone?
The kids today are confused as is the world.
They have no religion, no rules and have the attitude "It's all about ME".

Obama and the liberal media telling us it's OK to cross the border or not go to work, fuck God and religion, marry a homo,
no rules no laws, just do what you like.
If you fail, then just kill yourself rather than that nasty jail time.

Who's gonna shoot who this week?
Where have our morals gone?

Do you really think things like this happen because less people are religious today than they were 30 years ago?

I know how this kid felt i quit smoking today....ughhhh no weed makes you want to just quit life!

Why did you quit?