This kid just killed 6 people and wrote a 145 page manifesto

What about the working welfare? Why is it ok for companies to subsidies a non livable wage with tax payers dollars?I know not all people have positive skill sets. I'm guessing those old vets that were walmart greeters didn't deserve a livable wage? What about the military families on welfare? There's alot. I get what you are saying and don't totally disagree. I think that as our economy has shifted productions to overseas to rely on cheaper labor (prison labor) there are less opportunites for people in this country. Manufacturing doesn't necassarily require great job skills and used to offer a decent wage. Where I'm from the medical industry is huge where as the manufacturing jobs have almost all but disappeared. It's a sad reality.

Yes I do agree. I think our system is flawed certainly but I'm not sure ballooning our deficit for the way these programs are run is the answer. Your point about sending productions overseas is one of the flaws. Americans won't buy American b/c it's too expensive. We'd rather be lazy and instantly gratified buying cheap, disposable products rather than support our own economy paying a bit more for goods and services. Oversimplified, I'm sure, but these kinds of things I part ways with conservatives on.

tracing that image back to google shows it to be a sweetheart of the intellectually devoid well of moronic conservatives and racist crybabies at 'the free republic' and other such similar sites. i especially like all the subtle race-baity references to food stamps and "obamaphones" and "yes you can!", that type of shit really worked well for newt when he was courting the southern evangelical conservative types to try and overtake mitt's lead with moderate repubs.

what that cute but moronic little caricature does not illustrate is that most of those people on the cart eating food actually do work and pay taxes, but their wages are so low that they can not make ends meet.

the fact that most of those people work is especially ironic considering the views of those over at the free republic, who view a livable wage as an affront to the freedoms of those majestic job creators. they love to crow about the "dignity of work", but it's tough to take them seriously when their worldview includes a 40 hour a week worker standing in a food stamp line, a line whose existence they then complain about.

but then again, i guess it's easier to think that hundreds of millions of americans are just lazy rather than realizing that there may be something inherently imbalanced in the system.

Agreed on that point Buck. I just used the image, not support necessarily the site it's on. I was trying to make the point that we (our economy) just can't continue to support programs in the same way it has in the past. We just keep printing more $?? I am for social programs, yes. But I just think they can be run more efficiently. That's all I was saying w/ the picture. I don't blame either party, or mindset. I believe each is extremely greedy in their own way.
I just watched a family on my block unload food, soda, a huge package of paper towels and toilet paper today.
All from Walmarto.
All fine and dandy but they don't work. For years they don't work.
Mom and dad are 23-27 and have 3 kids that go to private school.
They are in good health and speak both English and Spanish.
They have everything they need or want and have no intentions of getting jobs.

"Yes You Can" Shouted Obama.
How are you certain they don't work?
How are you certain they don't work?

I'm always 'on call' at work and see them at any part of the day, the rest of the block too.
People who have normal jobs have a schedule, even swing shift and it's not hard to figure out who works and who doesn't.

Some need it while others abuse it.
there are crazy people that kill every day. you just don't hear about it if it's not in the USA and doesn't involve multiple strangers.
there are crazy people that kill every day. you just don't hear about it if it's not in the USA and doesn't involve multiple strangers.
Yeah you are 100% right. Sad thing is half the stories (not so much this one) don't even have a story. It's completely fabricated by the media. Like that Treyvon Martin shit...they were saying "white male shoots black teen"...then they show dude, n I'm like where is the white guy? Lmao. Ehhhh I guess the stand ur ground part was something that needs to be discussed, but completely fabricated the racial aspect.
Yeah you are 100% right. Sad thing is half the stories (not so much this one) don't even have a story. It's completely fabricated by the media. Like that Treyvon Martin shit...they were saying "white male shoots black teen"...then they show dude, n I'm like where is the white guy? Lmao. Ehhhh I guess the stand ur ground part was something that needs to be discussed, but completely fabricated the racial aspect.

well that was in Florida so anything can happen....
there are crazy people that kill every day. you just don't hear about it if it's not in the USA and doesn't involve multiple strangers.

I'm not replying to you directly m3d1c1n3man, just in general..

Why should we allow people diagnosed with mental conditions to own/operate firearms when we know people with mental conditions are not stable enough to own/operate firearms?
are you talking about passing a law? i doubt that would be any solution. after all, you're on a website about marijuana....
Just to point out something, I make a living on the internet designing websites and writing code. I wonder if my neighbors think I'm a crack dealer or something with all the amazon packages I get delivered 0.o Only way they would know is if they were a true stalker and watched what I did at my computer through the window. Maybe you should step up your game and get some HD go pro surveillance setup ;) My grandma always said never to half ass anything lol

he plotted to kill his best friend and got locked in a aysalm for 5 weeks

Fucking wack job I meet him on omegle one night cuz my friend wanted me to troll child molesters I have his ema still if I can find it but shit ya he actually was a little funny but I chould tell right off the bat that something was off about him cuz he talked about how rich he was and how he went to school but no one cared outside of his home that he was pretty rich

I remember my conversations with him

We talked about weed and how to make friends and then he started to sound weird and after awhile he told me about the asylum and then he asked if he should go back and I told him to and I emailed him a few times after that but stopped because it was the same thing all the time about whining about this and that

Poor guy but I swear I knew that dude its freaky I got goosebumps when I saw his face and saw his name Elliot

Its a small world I guess
I'm not replying to you directly m3d1c1n3man, just in general..

Why should we allow people diagnosed with mental conditions to own/operate firearms when we know people with mental conditions are not stable enough to own/operate firearms?

HIPPA laws prevent dissemination of this knowledge? Not sure. Maybe firearms dealers can't have that private info by law. Also, He stabbed people as well so the fact that he had a firearm, registered or not isn't relevant IMO. He would have found a way to murder. Aren't many if not most of the murders committed in the U.S. done by firearms that were obtained illegally anyway? (meaning stolen, bought off the street, etc. my grammar hat is missing today, but you know what I mean)