This kid just killed 6 people and wrote a 145 page manifesto

Lol do you also believe all those people hitler mass murdered were just sleeping in those graves they dug? If you don't believe the medias news articles about stuff that happened 30 years ago why do believe the media today? It doesn't matter i made my point to say bad shit just started happening is as believable as saying i just started breathing yesterday....
Lol do you also believe all those people hitler mass murdered were just sleeping in those graves they dug? If you don't believe the medias news articles about stuff that happened 30 years ago why do believe the media today? It doesn't matter i made my point to say bad shit just started happening is as believable as saying i just started breathing yesterday....

I don't believe the liberal media we are force fed each day.
Keep watching the TV and stay on top of the news.
And before the radio, there was the newspaper. There is certainly nothing new about people trying to kill others on their way out. Google "Bath, MI bombings".

I find myself in a similar dilemma with @Nutes and Nugs. It's hard for me to believe that people believe this shit.

But this does seem to be happening at an accelerated pace these days. I do feel that tech plays a role in it. The media has pretty much become based on cell phone videos and such giving serious wierdos a way to make a big splash. Not to mention the fact that no matter how skewed your view of society is, you can find like minded individuals on the web. Well, I guess I did mention it.

But I am seriously tired of people methodically purchasing high power weaponry in order to prepare for a killing spree. I personally do not put stock in the ridiculous concept of arming everybody as a solution either.

Tough call on the extent that the parents were responsible. I kinda feel for them. It's pretty clear that they knew that they had a weird kid from a young age. But it is also clear that he was spoiled and denied nothing in life. I think he worked a couple of days in his whole life and dropped about ten classes because of a couple or pretty girl. so he clearly was not used to working or waiting for what he wanted. I personally don't know if they could have prevented it.

I really feel for his family. I'm inferring this, but it seems like the reason he did not stop by his dad's house to slaughter his step-mom and half-brother was that his father was in town and the kid feared that he would lose his nerve if he had to kill him too. That would be tough to deal with.
The kids today are confused as is the world.
They have no religion, no rules and have the attitude "It's all about ME".

Obama and the liberal media telling us it's OK to cross the border or not go to work, fuck God and religion, marry a homo,
no rules no laws, just do what you like.
If you fail, then just kill yourself rather than that nasty jail time.

Who's gonna shoot who this week?
Where have our morals gone?

tell me, bible beater, where does your religion condone adultery and being a bigot?
No, that is no proof at all.
It's a picture.
Where are the guns and dead children?

CNN is as liberal to the media as Fox is conservative.

You spend a lot of time bickering about the left and right, just like the TV news wants you too. Way to fall into the trap and then try to convince yourslef that your not the idiot your referring too. Politics isnt left and right and news outlets are going to run stories to get views and sell advertising space. OH also its really funny you dont think anyone ever shot up a school or some shit before 1980. Like its some new thing that kids get picked on or have problems and dont take it out on their classmates. Seriously educate yourself man lol and dont just keep talking when someone proves you wrong.
And before the radio, there was the newspaper. There is certainly nothing new about people trying to kill others on their way out. Google "Bath, MI bombings".

I find myself in a similar dilemma with @Nutes and Nugs. It's hard for me to believe that people believe this shit.

But this does seem to be happening at an accelerated pace these days. I do feel that tech plays a role in it. The media has pretty much become based on cell phone videos and such giving serious wierdos a way to make a big splash. Not to mention the fact that no matter how skewed your view of society is, you can find like minded individuals on the web. Well, I guess I did mention it.

But I am seriously tired of people methodically purchasing high power weaponry in order to prepare for a killing spree. I personally do not put stock in the ridiculous concept of arming everybody as a solution either.

Tough call on the extent that the parents were responsible. I kinda feel for them. It's pretty clear that they knew that they had a weird kid from a young age. But it is also clear that he was spoiled and denied nothing in life. I think he worked a couple of days in his whole life and dropped about ten classes because of a couple or pretty girl. so he clearly was not used to working or waiting for what he wanted. I personally don't know if they could have prevented it.

I really feel for his family. I'm inferring this, but it seems like the reason he did not stop by his dad's house to slaughter his step-mom and half-brother was that his father was in town and the kid feared that he would lose his nerve if he had to kill him too. That would be tough to deal with.
Maybe he knew he couldn't take his dad and his step brother with nothing but a knife.....He wanted to be in control 100 percent of the time ..if I was his room mate I would have stopped his bullshit tirade before it started!!!
Liberals control most of the news.
TV, you have to look, listen and read other sources.

But not Fox news by God!
Translation: "My biased news is better than your biased news" guys don't really exist do you? I thought only the "controlled media" was that radical / extreme, and real people in real life had their own brains. Most people I meet IRL don't swing so far to either side as Nutjobs @ fox or bloody hearts @ msnbc...not to mention they're all the same thing basically with different people paying the bills. The people that are the face of conservatism (ie; "controlled media") don't give a shit about conserving your rights or government being too big - just like the faces of the left (ie; "controlled media") don't give a shit about some ghetto...they all want votes and $ and school shootings and votes and money and lobbies and regulation and deregulation and votes and money.
View attachment 3163465 These guys loved jesus ! Are you saying these guys were less barbaric then people
Are today?

I have to respectfully disagree with you. Those guys through their agenda and their actions did NOT love Jesus.

@ Nutes: Seriously? You think Fox news is fair and unbiased? They are no better than CNN. All the mainstream media is controlled by a few huge corporations now. Nothing is fair and unbiased there.

This kid is part of the increasing "entitlement" attitude in younger people. He felt he should be getting laid and have what he wanted, and since it wasn't working out that way, he felt justified to eliminate human beings. He never saw his part in his lack of girlfriends. Standard. We have more eduction and "raising awareness" (I'm coming to loath that phrase) about bullying, gun violence, blah blah blah, yet these things continue.
I have to respectfully disagree with you. Those guys through their agenda and their actions did NOT love Jesus.

@ Nutes: Seriously? You think Fox news is fair and unbiased? They are no better than CNN. All the mainstream media is controlled by a few huge corporations now. Nothing is fair and unbiased there.

This kid is part of the increasing "entitlement" attitude in younger people. He felt he should be getting laid and have what he wanted, and since it wasn't working out that way, he felt justified to eliminate human beings. He never saw his part in his lack of girlfriends. Standard. We have more eduction and "raising awareness" (I'm coming to loath that phrase) about bullying, gun violence, blah blah blah, yet these things continue.
Yeah I mean it's sad when people die like this or w.e, but no amount of education or regulation or mental health advances will stop every bad nut from falling out of the tree...It's a pretty big fucking tree after all.
21 killed - July 18, 1984 - In San Ysidro, California, 41-year-old James Huberty, armed with a long-barreled Uzi, a pump-action shotgun and a handgun shoots and kills 21 adults and children at a local McDonalds. A police sharpshooter kills Huberty one hour after the rampage begins.

18 killed - August 1, 1966 - University of Texas. Charles Joseph Whitman, a former U.S. Marine, kills 16 and wounds at least 30 from a university tower. Police officers Ramiro Martinez and Houston McCoy shot and killed Whitman in the tower. Whitman had also killed his mother and wife earlier in the day.

13 killed - September 25, 1982 - In Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, 40-year-old George Banks, a prison guard, kills 13 people including five of his own children. In September 2011, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturns his death sentence stating that Banks is mentally incompetent

9 killed - January 7, 1973 - In New Orleans, Louisiana, 23-year-old Mark Robert James Essex, using a .44 magnum carbine, kills nine people in a rampage at a Howard Johnson motel. Police snipers later kill him.

8 killed - September 14, 1989 - In Louisville, Kentucky, 47-year-old Joseph Wesbecker armed with a AK-47 semiautomatic assault rifle, two MAC-11 semiautomatic pistols, a .38 caliber handgun, a 9-millimeter semiautomatic pistol and a bayonet kills eight co-workers at Standard Gravure Corporation and then kills himself. He had been placed on disability leave from his job due to mental problems

8 killed - May 17, 1984 - In Manley Hot Springs, Alaska, 25-year-old drifter Army veteran Michael Silka kills eight people in a three-hour rampage. Two days later, Silka is killed in a shootout with police.

Here you go...

First off, I'm sorry but I never saw the link last night.
If I would have, I would have pointed out that all the people mentioned were adults.

Could you imagine Joanie on Happy Days scared to go to school because Potsie and The Fonz were planning an attack?

Kids now are different and I'm not sure what changed.
I have to respectfully disagree with you. Those guys through their agenda and their actions did NOT love Jesus.

@ Nutes: Seriously? You think Fox news is fair and unbiased? They are no better than CNN. All the mainstream media is controlled by a few huge corporations now. Nothing is fair and unbiased there.

I wasn't implying Fox news was unbiased.
LOL, not at all.
They lean as far right as CNN leans left.
The mere mention of Fox news in the political form upsets a lot of people.
Tell me Buck, when have I EVER quoted the Bible?

People get my avatar mixed up with the face value of Orel.
If you really understood the show, you wouldn't think that way.

little baby jesus is sad that you do not like him.

still got 11 minutes to mention manus and dick sucking though. don't break your streak now.