This kid just killed 6 people and wrote a 145 page manifesto

To bad the kids dead, he deserved to die a much more horrible death than what he experienced. Maybe something along the lines of what Arial Castro got. BTW, his favorite website was "The Young Turks", a liberal internet rag. Just sayin'......
To bad the kids dead, he deserved to die a much more horrible death than what he experienced. Maybe something along the lines of what Arial Castro got. BTW, his favorite website was "The Young Turks", a liberal internet rag. Just sayin'......

he only subscribed to the channel.

his views fell way more in line with the conservative, racist views you espouse quite frequently on this forum.

Rodger, who was Eurasian, wrote in his manifesto that being mixed race made him "different from the normal fully white kids".[47] On an online forum, Rodger would postmisogynistic statements.[41] On another forum, Rodger stated that he opposed interracial dating and made several racist posts regarding African American, South Asian, and East Asian peoples, stating that seeing people of these ethnic groups with white people "makes you want to quit life".[48][40] In one online post, Rodger stated:

Full Asian men are disgustingly ugly and white girls would never go for you. You're just butthurt that you were born as an asian piece of shit, so you lash out by linking these fake pictures. You even admit that you wish you were half white. You'll never be half-white and you'll never fulfill your dream of marrying a white woman. I suggest you jump off a bridge.[48]
a message he posted to

Today I drove through the area near my college and saw some things that were extremely rage-inducing.

I passed by this restaurant and I saw this black guy chilling with 4 hot white girls. He didn’t even look good.

Then later on in the day I was shopping at Trader Joe’s and saw an Indian guy with 2 above average White Girls!!!

What rage-inducing sights did you guys see today? Don’t you just hate seeing these things when you go out? It just makes you want to quit life.
I wanna see a pic of his sister.
here she is with her mum, m8

I imagine you Buck as some angry liberal dude who just sits around eating rice crisps or kale chips or something and getting baked like The Dude while milking the govt for all the freebies it can give you. Not a bad thing, I loved el duderino but how is anyone supposed to take your google searched arguments seriously when you have almost 58,000 posts on a weed forum?! How can anyone have so little going on in their life that they sit on this shit ALL day EVERY day?
I haven't seen something this unnerving in a while..

Elliot Rodger, 22, went on a killing spree on Friday night killing two UCSB sorority students and wounding a third, then he drove to a deli hitting bicyclists with his car on the way there and shooting at random people wounding a woman at a 7-11, killed another kid there and was finally involved in a shootout with police and that's where it ended, not clear if he killed himself or the police killed him. They later found his 3 roommates stabbed to death in his apartment..

To add an epic twist to the story, his father was an assistant director for The Hunger Games and his family was very well off, you can get a little taste of the affluenza while reading his manifesto



His entire youtube channel is all the same..

This guy really did think highly of himself.

How stupid everyone else was for not recognising his magnificence
I imagine you Buck as some angry liberal dude who just sits around eating rice crisps or kale chips or something and getting baked like The Dude while milking the govt for all the freebies it can give you. Not a bad thing, I loved el duderino but how is anyone supposed to take your google searched arguments seriously when you have almost 58,000 posts on a weed forum?! How can anyone have so little going on in their life that they sit on this shit ALL day EVERY day?

I imagine you Buck as some angry liberal dude who just sits around eating rice crisps or kale chips or something and getting baked like The Dude while milking the govt for all the freebies it can give you. Not a bad thing, I loved el duderino but how is anyone supposed to take your google searched arguments seriously when you have almost 58,000 posts on a weed forum?! How can anyone have so little going on in their life that they sit on this shit ALL day EVERY day?

Exactly. This is his life. Sad, isn't it?