think i just got scammed please help

with all due respect bro ill have job by may 800 a week minimum garenteed but whats its it to u if i lose wait n shit have unsaid all u needed to say i said all i needed to i honestly have nothing more to say on this matter

And that sums it up perfectly

Comes on here asking for advice over possibly being scammed because of stupidity, shows an incredible amount of ignorance and then gives a big "Fuck You" to the one thing that WILL turn his life around.

The only thing to say now is this

Piss off, windowlicker

Oh, and I would love to see you 2 hours into your first day at work, you're going to find out what hard work is. And your starting salary will not be as high as you claim as you are quoting rates for EXPERIENCED scrubbers. You're not one of them.
I don't know how it works in your country as the banking laws are different country to country. Giggles is in Australia and can charge back if he didn't get what he paid for. No problem at all. And the CC company nearly always sides with the card holder in a dispute. (its one of the reasons seed banks give a discount to cash or Crypto currencies)

Not a credit card, it's a debit card. Guarantees do not apply.

And it don't matter where you are, handing over card details in such a manner will only result in you being laughed at as banks are there for one thing and it ain't to pull anyone's sorry ass out of the fire because they are stupid.

Try it yourself and let us know how you get on.
Not a credit card, it's a debit card. Guarantees do not apply.

And it don't matter where you are, handing over card details in such a manner will only result in you being laughed at as banks are there for one thing and it ain't to pull anyone's sorry ass out of the fire because they are stupid.

Try it yourself and let us know how you get on.
Direct debit are the same laws as a CC. It's why they are either Visa or Master card on the debit cards.
I'm not here to argue with you. Its just how it works here.
We can even cancel a bank chq.
And that sums it up perfectly

Comes on here asking for advice over possibly being scammed because of stupidity, shows an incredible amount of ignorance and then gives a big "Fuck You" to the one thing that WILL turn his life around.

The only thing to say now is this

Piss off, windowlicker

Oh, and I would love to see you 2 hours into your first day at work, you're going to find out what hard work is. And your starting salary will not be as high as you claim as you are quoting rates for EXPERIENCED scrubbers. You're not one of them.
the only reason im telling u to fuck off is becuse youre flogging a dead horse youev made youre point but uf gotta keep going get over youre self i had a job once never did nothing my hole life i lasted longer than th body buolders that where there tieng steel inaustralian summer all i know os tjay dident turn up on day 2 i did and for the last time u fucking stupid rat it wasent a thing where i was paying for it she made me an offer whare im going to get a code to be a free personel guest then got told tje debit card i gotta put in was for age verificarion i wrang tje bang immeadietly told tjem tje truth tje said i should cancell my card and if tjeres any un autharised transactions i would recieve tjet mony back i have screen shots of her telling me tje debit card was for age verification so if mony got taken it would be easy to proof its stolen as i have proof she said its free yes even if it wasent a scam thayed still tryn get u to spend mony n shit so fuck off you fucken oxygen thief
Direct debit are the same laws as a CC. It's why they are either Visa or Master card on the debit cards.
I'm not here to argue with you. Its just how it works here.
We can even cancel a bank chq.

Bank cheques can be cancelled here too, it's no different.

And a debit card is not the same regarding what your maximum liability is, it varies from bank to bank, even in the US. Wait longer than 48 hours to report a potential fraud, you're screwed, you're not limited to $50 loss. And since that's the Federal Reserve who say that, I'll take their word over yours. and since he did not actually order any goods or services which he failed to receive, this was allegedly for age verification purposes on FACEBOOK, these rules do not apply.

They now have his name, bank account details (these feckers do get that info) and will have his address too. Game over

Read the whole article, it is NOT comparable as he did not order a product or service which he failed to receive. He handed over personal details for alleged age verification purposes over a non-banking payment website called Facebook. That's a HUGE difference, that's why he will be laughed at if they clear his account.

The devil is in the detail, old boy.
Oh, and I would love to see you 2 hours into your first day at work, you're going to find out what hard work is. And your starting salary will not be as high as you claim as you are quoting rates for EXPERIENCED scrubbers. You're not one of them.
Its Australia..we don't do the $12 min wage thing that you yanks do..we earn a decent living for a fair days pay. Avg wage here is $80k (about 65k US)
Not a credit card, it's a debit card. Guarantees do not apply.

And it don't matter where you are, handing over card details in such a manner will only result in you being laughed at as banks are there for one thing and it ain't to pull anyone's sorry ass out of the fire because they are stupid.

Try it yourself and let us know how you get on.
clearly im dumb for falling for it but the bank did pull my ass out of the fire as if i offer somebody somthing for free and then take mony from them when thay said deit card was for age verification perposes there that is stealing tha bank told me dont worry well cancell the card and if any mony has been taken out il get it back remember this is in australia where not perfect but we dont fuck people over here shot is pretty fair just becuse youre bank wouod be happy tomsee its custemers get ripped cuse maybe thay profit from it or some shit australia is not like that we all get a fair go here u must be more sad then me if youre fuking a chik 18 years younger tjen u go and fuck her instead of spending all youre tome flogging a dead horse dick head
Bank cheques can be cancelled here too, it's no different.

And a debit card is not the same regarding what your maximum liability is, it varies from bank to bank, even in the US. Wait longer than 48 hours to report a potential fraud, you're screwed, you're not limited to $50 loss. And since that's the Federal Reserve who say that, I'll take their word over yours. and since he did not actually order any goods or services which he failed to receive, this was allegedly for age verification purposes on FACEBOOK, these rules do not apply.

They now have his name, bank account details (these feckers do get that info) and will have his address too. Game over

Read the whole article, it is NOT comparable as he did not order a product or service which he failed to receive. He handed over personal details for alleged age verification purposes over a non-banking payment website called Facebook. That's a HUGE difference, that's why he will be laughed at if they clear his account.

The devil is in the detail, old boy.

Fk me your an argumentative person..please go away.
I know what I'm talking about and giggles own experience confirms it.
Bank cheques can be cancelled here too, it's no different.

And a debit card is not the same regarding what your maximum liability is, it varies from bank to bank, even in the US. Wait longer than 48 hours to report a potential fraud, you're screwed, you're not limited to $50 loss. And since that's the Federal Reserve who say that, I'll take their word over yours. and since he did not actually order any goods or services which he failed to receive, this was allegedly for age verification purposes on FACEBOOK, these rules do not apply.

They now have his name, bank account details (these feckers do get that info) and will have his address too. Game over

Read the whole article, it is NOT comparable as he did not order a product or service which he failed to receive. He handed over personal details for alleged age verification purposes over a non-banking payment website called Facebook. That's a HUGE difference, that's why he will be laughed at if they clear his account.

The devil is in the detail, old boy.
o got a link thru messenger witch took me to the site i have creenshots of the convo i waited seconds b4 i wramg tje bank pretty mutch right after it happend
the only reason im telling u to fuck off is becuse youre flogging a dead horse youev made youre point but uf gotta keep going get over youre self i had a job once never did nothing my hole life i lasted longer than th body buolders that where there tieng steel inaustralian summer all i know os tjay dident turn up on day 2 i did and for the last time u fucking stupid rat it wasent a thing where i was paying for it she made me an offer whare im going to get a code to be a free personel guest then got told tje debit card i gotta put in was for age verificarion i wrang tje bang immeadietly told tjem tje truth tje said i should cancell my card and if tjeres any un autharised transactions i would recieve tjet mony back i have screen shots of her telling me tje debit card was for age verification so if mony got taken it would be easy to proof its stolen as i have proof she said its free yes even if it wasent a scam thayed still tryn get u to spend mony n shit so fuck off you fucken oxygen thief

Any transactions on the card AFTER cancellation does mean a refund. Any transactions on the card before that moment do not.

Anyone managing to transfer direct from your account, that's different and you will be waiting some time without money while the bank investigates the fraud.

That's standard practice.

And what the screenshots say are irrelevant, you still handed over your card details to a third party over a non-secure non-banking website. The bank has every right to tell you to do one because of your stupidity
o got a link thru messenger witch took me to the site i have creenshots of the convo i waited seconds b4 i wramg tje bank pretty mutch right after it happend

Doesn't matter, you still gave enough info for scammers to do all sorts of things and that places a shitload of liability on you.
tbhonest i tnink hes projecting hes self hatred on me or some shit p i wrang tje bank i told the person play by play what happend literely every thing i spaered no detail tjay wen tjru my transactions with me if u want ill ring em up and ask em again just for proof ill get em to send me n email or some shit verafying what i said amd that no matter what its ans un autrerised transaction there fore befp4 or after id have recieved my mony back im gunna go on a limb and say from youre perspective somebody ad acces to my details there for without my permission any mony taken out wouod of not been considered loss wether if its youre wallet or bank acount taking things without permission is called stealing
You clearly don't totally wrong and gigs convo with his bank is a complete lie. I have never worked in the banking and investment sector or as a business and insurance manager and the four pillar banking laws and Govt controls are all a make believe fantasy land..I wonder why we only have 4 main banks then....
I'm completely wrong and your 100% right.

Gigs, sorry mate I'm outa this thread. You know I'm right, what this idiot thinks doesn't matter. And maybe go back and re read that motivation to change your life style.
tbhonest i tnink hes projecting hes self hatred on me or some shit p i wrang tje bank i told the person play by play what happend literely every thing i spaered no detail tjay wen tjru my transactions with me if u want ill ring em up and ask em again just for proof ill get em to send me n email or some shit verafying what i said amd that no matter what its ans un autrerised transaction there fore befp4 or after id have recieved my mony back im gunna go on a limb and say from youre perspective somebody ad acces to my details there for without my permission any mony taken out wouod of not been considered loss wether if its youre wallet or bank acount taking things without permission is called stealing

They could have put a $500 transfer on your card before you got in touch with the bank, and had they done that you would have lost it, full stop.

And it's not stealing when you leave your wallet open in the way you did.

You don't like harsh truths, not my problem totally wrong and gigs convo with his bank is a complete lie. I have never worked in the banking and investment sector or as a business and insurance manager and the four pillar banking laws and Govt controls are all a make believe fantasy land..I wonder why we only have 4 main banks then....
I'm completely wrong and your 100% right.

Gigs, sorry mate I'm outa this thread. You know I'm right, what this idiot thinks doesn't matter. And maybe go back and re read that motivation to change your life style.
no wurries man allgood im gunna get fuken shreded im gunna change my life amd he will still bu a fuken idiot i can learn from my mistakes and o better but this cunt has no hope cheers bro