Help Auto Accident Left Before the Cop Got There, Am I Fucked? Nobody Hurt, Gave Info

You are cracking me up . . . the police dont have shit to do with this at all, they could care less . . . they file the accident report and that it . . . it is civil not criminal . . . call her insurance company and make a claim . . . wait for check that should be coming soon. I suggest getting some real good med strain dank to ease all you pain lol.

haha alright i know im paranoid but they were the last people i spoke to who mentioned court ect about the accident. i still dont even understand why the cop said this would be taken up in court but fuck it youre absolutely right
haha alright i know im paranoid but they were the last people i spoke to who mentioned court ect about the accident. i still dont even understand why the cop said this would be taken up in court but fuck it youre absolutely right

i think what he was saying was "i'm done with what i need".
just go in and say you were rear ended and your neck hurts.

the medical records will help if it ever goes to court.

i would have a hard time faking an injury, but some people do it.

if any at all, "Call your insurance company and let them know". they get pissed whent hey find out about this stuff from someone else. they will find out so it's best you tell them first.

my most honest advice:

these things take some time. it may be weeks before you hear any more. if you do feel sore at all you should get a quick once over. call your insurance company. smoke a fatty. :cool:

yeah man after i get back from the police station with the copied file first thing i'll be sure to do is call my insurance company. i cant thank you all enough for the comfort i was freaking out
Dont call your insurance company and tell them you got in an accident. Depending on the company, they rate on twp types of accidents: At Fault and Not At Fault. Thats right, your company may raise rates for accident that was NOT YOUR FAULT. Here is a great quote from the famed Twitter site Shit My Dad Says: "that womens out of your league? Son, let me tell you something, let women figure out why they dont want to fuck you, there's no need to help them." Let your insurance company figure out how to charge you on their own, dont help them.
haha alright where would i be without you dude, so do i still need the police report? or should i not even worry about anything anymore and do as you said wait for the check. i mean no ones even seen my car i left before the cops got there no one has my statement and i dont have the girls information everything feels up in the air
If you dont get the accident report, how are going to get her insurance companies info? Yes, get report. Call her ins company. Lol . . . no worries, now I am ordering you to go smoke a bowl . . . a big one!
yeah dude my bad lol you already said that i forgot haha..whoops been on that for a lil bit now but im packing another one for you and thanks for all the help youve given me tonight. i really appreciate it thanks bud foreal
Get your ass to the hospital with a bad back. Then get the police report and call the bitch and tell her your lawyer will be calling about a suit for medical problems from the wreck. If that don't change her mind make her a offer she can't refuse.
ok a few yrs ago i rear ended someone, BAD!! lol i laugh now cause i got a new car but then i freaked out 2!!! I was never charged , and heres why,
Right after it happend i looked in her car- evidence cell on floor and coffee and bagel on floor. The Moron was talking on her cell, drinking and eating, dropped her cell, hit her brakes( we were going about 80km/h) to grab her cell, then enter me, i hit her ass so hard and fast i thought i was done. The cop was a complet jerk (probly because my age, he thought i caused the accident) but i stayed calm and insisted he check her phone, or records because i knew she caused the accident, not me. The cop says he will look into it and let me know. Guess who won, me, she was half way threw a text when it happened. I luv my new vibe
in my state, the police do not respond unless there are injuries or traffic is blocked and requires routing. Your local may have different regs. You exchanged info, so you have her contact info and insurance. If you think you are injured, seek out a doctor and get checked.

same here in my state. I would think more places are getting this way with all the budget cuts.
Did she look good? You said she was your age, I got lightly tapped on the rear bumper by a hot babe who was 16 back when I was 19 , it didn't do anything to my 94 Mazda truck, or her car, it was at a red light and she tapped me at walking speed. She was shaken a little bit, we swapped information, she called a day later apologizing again and I was glad too because I asked her out and 2 weeks after that I got to tap her rear bumper. We dated for about 3 months, damn .... your fender bender situation brought back some good memories. You made one bad mistake, NEVER tell a stranger in a wreck that you have shit in your car! All they have to do is tell the cops that, especially in a situation where they are in the wrong, if they think of anything that they can use to take attention away from their fuck up and put the spotlight on you, they most likely will do it. That's the only bad mistake you really made, but yeah judges do look down on people who flee an accident, and I used to live in Georgia and there if someone hits you in the rear you can win against them in court.

I don't know what she said to the cop after you left , but not getting to tell your side at an accident isn't a good situation even if the evidence points at her being at fault. I have no idea how this may turn out, leaving the scene like that probably had an affect on her wanting to try to spin things around and try to fight you even though she's at fault. Friends she told about the accident could have persuaded her to try and fight you, leaving the scene like that looks suspicious and most likely if you had stayed and NOT told her anything , then told your side to the cop then I'm 100% positive there would be a closed case to this event. I can't stress enough, NEVER tell a stranger you have weed in your car, especially when they have the incentive to use that information against you to lessen the soon coming cops attention against them self by shifting the attention on you.
Dude all I will say is this I was hit from behind by an 8 ton catering truck and they are sueing me for damages because they can they totaled my wife's car and my stepson went to the er in an ambulance and I left the scene in the ambulance with him and they are trying to use that against me saying that I left before the officer could talk to me.