Help Auto Accident Left Before the Cop Got There, Am I Fucked? Nobody Hurt, Gave Info

i just think you'll miss out on the insurance money. if she hit you from behind it'll be hard for her to somehow insinuate you were at fault.

she might be a bitch about you leaving, but more often than not a front-end crash like the one you described is caused by a distracted driver. she was probably on the phone at the time... if she wants to treat this as a court case you treat it as a court case. ask to see her phone records on discovery. if she was on the phone at the time, BULLSEYE.
Why she gonna take you to court bro?????? She hit you theres nothing criminal only ins shit you didnt hit any person RIGHT? Your fine I cant belive nobody else dealt with this b4 you stressing for nothing its only ins shit and dont admit you did something wrong to cause the ACCIDENT! Its her fault you must of heard the police wrong they probly said you should take her to court. And court has nothing to do with this shit its ins company shit, unless its something criminal. Your fine forgetaboutit:)

i remember clearly i wrote down the case number hes like oh by the way shes deciding to take you to court heres the case number. SO WTF
One, dont take the cop at his word. Sounds like he is giving you the business. Two, she hit you from behind, she is at fault. She wont take you to court, she has no case. Three, you dont have to call the police. If you want to make a claim against her auto ins., it helps to get a police report, but not necessary. You can still claim against her insurance for your damages, and they will pay. In short, you have nothing to worry about. If you want your car fixed, call her ins company or yours and make a claim. Prob have the cash in a week or so lol. Or just call it day and forget about it. Just to put you at ease, I am a product manager for a very large ins. company in Texas. Only saying this to give you some reasurrance that you have nothing to worry about. Smoke a bowl bro lol.
WHAT he/she said nothing more nothing less everybody else sounds like they dont have any sense or license
i just think you'll miss out on the insurance money. if she hit you from behind it'll be hard for her to somehow insinuate you were at fault.

she might be a bitch about you leaving, but more often than not a front-end crash like the one you described is caused by a distracted driver. she was probably on the phone at the time... if she wants to treat this as a court case you treat it as a court case. ask to see her phone records on discovery. if she was on the phone at the time, BULLSEYE.

ayo dude excellent advice damn good idea. yeah i have no idea how she even got the grounds to take me to court she seemed so nice she was cute young diddent seem like the bitchy type. i honestly think its her parents but HOW is she even allowed to bring me in to court?
i just think you'll miss out on the insurance money. If she hit you from behind it'll be hard for her to somehow insinuate you were at fault.

She might be a bitch about you leaving, but more often than not a front-end crash like the one you described is caused by a distracted driver. She was probably on the phone at the time... If she wants to treat this as a court case you treat it as a court case. Ask to see her phone records on discovery. If she was on the phone at the time, bullseye.
stupid do not listen to this bs
so how is she taking me to court?

if i need a police report how do i get one?

how does this case already have a number?

what the fuck is going on
Dont sweat the case number bro . . . all accident reports are given a number to organize them . . . it just means the officer filled out an accident report and that it. Forget about it, or call her insurance company for the cash. Those are the two options, both are easy for you. DONT SWEAT IT BRO lol.
Dont sweat the case number bro . . . all accident reports are given a number to organize them . . . it just means the officer filled out an accident report and that it. Forget about it, or call her insurance company for the cash. Those are the two options, both are easy for you. DONT SWEAT IT BRO lol.

ahh lol so you think the cop was just trying to fuck with me saying shit about court? i have no idea who her insurance company is she never gave me any of her information so isint that criminal in itself when i gave her mine? all i know is her name is shea. the only other girl who ive known with that name was a drunk fucking slut so this bitch was probably drinking straight dubra
also id just like to thank all of you i diddent expect all these responses so fast. the whole world needs to get deeply medicated so the love can start comin around like it is right here. thanks again
How old are you bro? Haha, dont let it stress you out, she is at fault, she's the one that needs to be worried. But auto accidents happen and they are civil. Police involment is not necessary. If you want her ins info, go the police station and get a copy of the report, it will be on it. Call her insurance company and make a claim to get your car fixed (or pocket the cash). Trust me, rear end crash at 40 mph it not something her insurance company wants to be draw out. If call and tell them that your a little sore, but right just want you car fixed, they will send an adjuster out to you ASAP and prob cut a check right there on the spot lol. If it just damages, they will pay out that 1000 dollars to keep you happy, get you sign a release of liability, instead dicking around trying to blame you, when you could very easly hire an attorney, and sue for bodily injury, which would cost them 10's of thousands of dollars. Trust me, they want to give you the cash, say everything is cool, and get you on your way. Last thing they want is a court case: they will lose and it will cost them 20 times more in fees and damages. Chill dude.
you and your passenger are both having neck and back pains and need to get to the ER ASAP.

she hit you, you are not at fault.

after you visit the ER stop at the police station. go to the front desk and tell them the case # and what happened. they will not arrest you. they will send someone out to take YOUR statement and they will enter it into the case file. you NEED a statement on file ASAP.

go back to the DR and say it hurts worse.

the DA will look at the case and determine if she has any grounds to file against you. it will most likely be dropped.

file your own case or counter sue for pain and suffering.

buy new toys. ;)


How old are you bro? Haha, dont let it stress you out, she is at fault, she's the one that needs to be worried. But auto accidents happen and they are civil. Police involment is not necessary. If you want her ins info, go the police station and get a copy of the report, it will be on it. Call her insurance company and make a claim to get your car fixed (or pocket the cash). Trust me, rear end crash at 40 mph it not something her insurance company wants to be draw out. If call and tell them that your a little sore, but right just want you car fixed, they will send an adjuster out to you ASAP and prob cut a check right there on the spot lol. If it just damages, they will pay out that 1000 dollars to keep you happy, get you sign a release of liability, instead dicking around trying to blame you, when you could very easly hire an attorney, and sue for bodily injury, which would cost them 10's of thousands of dollars. Trust me, they want to give you the cash, say everything is cool, and get you on your way. Last thing they want is a court case: they will lose and it will cost them 20 times more in fees and damages. Chill dude.

im 20, yeah i still with my parents because im paying for college so half of the worrying is coming from them now instilled into me...but thats a good idea tomorrow im going to get a copy of the report. haha should i really say im sore? i'll definitely do that if it will yank some more cash. crypnotic thanks for being straight up with me too i really diddent know if i was fucked or not or know how these things work.
in my state, the police do not respond unless there are injuries or traffic is blocked and requires routing. Your local may have different regs. You exchanged info, so you have her contact info and insurance. If you think you are injured, seek out a doctor and get checked.
fdd2blk injury wise im 100% fine but say i do go to the er will the police require a report from the doctor? i really dont know how these things work
Yes, say your sore and not certain if your neck/back is ok and that your waiting for a couple of days to see if it will heal up. Trust me, that will be an indicator to the adjuster that they need to settle asap. Bogus claims for bodily injury can be greatly influenced by dicking around the claimant (you) who gets pissed b/c the ins company wont pay up. So they get pissed, get a lawyer and sue for injuries. Call her ins company and make a claim, get your two G's and improve your grow room lol.
You are cracking me up . . . the police dont have shit to do with this at all, they could care less . . . they file the accident report and that it . . . it is civil not criminal . . . call her insurance company and make a claim . . . wait for check that should be coming soon. I suggest getting some real good med strain dank to ease all you pain lol.
fdd2blk injury wise im 100% fine but say i do go to the er will the police require a report from the doctor? i really dont know how these things work

just go in and say you were rear ended and your neck hurts.

the medical records will help if it ever goes to court.

i would have a hard time faking an injury, but some people do it.

if any at all, "Call your insurance company and let them know". they get pissed whent hey find out about this stuff from someone else. they will find out so it's best you tell them first.

my most honest advice:

these things take some time. it may be weeks before you hear any more. if you do feel sore at all you should get a quick once over. call your insurance company. smoke a fatty. :cool: