Well-Known Member
u no wat i dont wanna fight u dont like me cool im sorry 2 every one if i was being a whiny bitxh can we pleas move on or some shit i wasent expectin sypmethy i dont think some times about how shits gunna come accros
cancel the card. no wonder people believe man went to the moon they are DAF
Pot kettle black. In your almighty wisdom you believe we live on a spinning ball flying through space. Fuck me.
1st off i dident hire any one it was a scam in the guise of somthing that was free i got no one to blame for that lesson learned fyi i havent smoked pkt sicne last march maybe 3 times at the end of the year and i bought a couple times this year 2cnd of i have tried 2 comit suicide b4 so dont play the iv had it worse there for youre pain is invalid for all i know i xould hava a wrong diagnosis im the 1st to ad mit i can be lazy at times im sure every one is lazy at times iv got scars to prove it man also the last thing i want is sympatny here also not every one can just harden the duck up n get shit done ur clearly full of shit just yes there are alot of people with disabilitus that are pretty sucsessfull but did thay do it on there own im sure on some level thay had a good docter or some one who is knolege able in what thay have maybe some of what u said is true maybe its not i dont think just xuse if got problems that hardening up cant come into play but hay i need help i cant do this on my own id i piss u off that mjtch please nust hit the ignore butten i really dont wanna have an argument today can we agree 2 dissagre bit iv seen where the hole harden the fuck up mentality leads and it aint good and ps im not u u can not sleep 2 days n be fine not every one els can i can honesty say i did need alot more disapline whin i was younger i dont think xuse iv got problems its like oh nomu cant be man at me im not accountable iv got problems buul shit all im saying n i dident mean to bitxh about it n try n get sympthy but i do need some help tjere erias where incan get better if i try but u know id be a hell of a lot better if i can find aome one who knows adhd n all that shit n daosent just wanna theow pills at me but hay maybe i was being a whiny bitch im not perfect but ur no better then me but im over this i say we both get the fuck over it nd move on im sure u have better things to do than arfue with me
Bexuse im 6 foot 4 and a 160 kilos socialy awcward but that just practice n exersise with im doing tjats part of the reason imjoined the the dating site i thought if i start getting good at talking to girls there itsntha same as talkingbto a girls over the net and thusnit would motivate me to lose wait witch it has
its not a cam site its a chatting dating site i got pmd by somebodys face book name like a dumb cunt i did it om not going into more detail cuse iv got better things to do right now butmmy debit was involved like get over it bro u need to find somthing else have u been sitten there allday with youre hate on for me if so find somthing else to do im over it i think u should to
are u being seris bro on this site can chat with people theres no cams involved i got pmd a face book from there after agreaing to be a free guest and cliking on a link sent from messinger from tjere to the cam site nothing to do with tje site im a member of please get over whatever youre problem is man surly uve got better things to do tjan this every thing that can be said has so u need to move on
Lol. You said do do.I regularly do 2 days without sleep, that's no excuse.
I know people with SEVERE disabilities who do better than you, that's no excuse.
And I'm being straight with the one person who wasted his life instead of trying to improve it. Had you done something earlier, you would be in a better position, you would be in a better place, and even in Australia, a country where I have relatives with a kid with "learning difficulties", there is help to improve if you want to.
And that's the nub of it. You don't want to. You're smart enough to use a computer, smart enough to read, smart enough to be left in control of your own finances, etc, and that means your failure to make the best of what you have is YOUR fault and fuck all to do with anything else.
Depression? Suicidal thoughts? Piss off and don't play the sympathy card to someone who spent 3 months in a psych ward because he did more than just think about attempting suicide because of depression, your childish cry for help is nothing compared to what I've been through.
No, you're someone who needed a damn good foot up the arse years ago, you make the biggest bogan in the colony look like aristocracy. And there's nobody to blame but yourself, there's no excuse that changes that because millions of others with worse conditions around the world have done and do do better.
You don't like reading this, that's your problem. Fact is that you have failed yourself and should be ashamed of that. You're the one who has wasted his life and ability, and cold, hard truths are more likely to give you the whack you should have had instead of touchy-feely kumbaya platitudes.
Oh, if you cut the weed you'll remember things, be able to improve yourself. Your future is in your hands, and nothing changes how you have wasted some of the most important years of your life because you decided to wallow in a cesspit of self pity instead of pulling the finger out and making changes.
I don't tolerate fools, and tolerate the lazy less. You admitted you fall into the latter category. It's up to you to change that so cut the weed and get your arse into some learning after work to dig yourself out of the hole you put your lazy ass in.
Your choice, but don't expect sympathy from me next time you make an arse of yourself hiring internet whores to play with their tits when you can get that for free...
i can cop to being tje dumbest cunt in the world for falling for It iv said all i can say believe im not linking shit iv got better things to do than prove to u shit besides ur still just gunna be a prick anyway so i really dont see the point
you did the right thing by contacting the bank.i got no idia if this is the right place but fuck i feel stupid i was on tjis dsting site some one sent me a pm asking to pm her on fb so i did she sad she was gunna do a cam sho and wanted me to ne her free guest if got screen shots of the whole thing but when i went to put in my debit card info i asked her why i needed 2 do tjat and she said for age verificarion purposes sounded legit at that point so i put it in and it came up declined told her she said tjat means master card aint supported tried again with anotjer link same again then i was 99 percent sire it was a scam cuse how wouldent u know master card aind supported not once but twice but tjen when i said somthing about it being scam in a very short period of time she pmd me a pic of her holding a note pad saying its not bullshit and my 1st and last name it was to quick a response to right tjat neat and it looked kinda fake and kind of see throo iv gotten in contact with the bank i dont now if im sposed 2 get in contact with the cops but is ratjer not not unless im 100 percentany body got any advice or if any one knos if its 100 percemt a scam i mean if it is shes fuken stupid cuse i tookmscreenshots like seems 2 me tho if she was scamming me its gunma be really easy to catch her fuck i feel stupid tho
If you need motivation to start changing your lifestyle to be fitter ill give you one.all i can say is i made my bed now i got to lie in it lesson learned 1st thing i did was xontaxt the back card was cancelled
you did the right thing by contacting the bank.
If any charges come up on your card then you can ask for a charge back so that's not to much of an issue but is a hassle. Make sure you have your International services turned off (you can do this in internet banking). It may have even been turned off and that's why the transactions were declined.
I hope you didn't give them your birth date or address.. The big thing these days is identity theft. That can be a nightmare to sort out.
I don't know how it works in your country as the banking laws are different country to country. Giggles is in Australia and can charge back if he didn't get what he paid for. No problem at all. And the CC company nearly always sides with the card holder in a dispute. (its one of the reasons seed banks give a discount to cash, bank transfers and Crypto currencies)He won't get shit back from the bank because he VOLUNTARILY handed over the card details.