
Active Member
uh, will be good to sleep thru this storm, knowing you've got your plants all situated for it. Feel better!


Well-Known Member
didn't get to go back to sleep for long.... had to get up and make a fire and take care of kids...... wife went to school...... and when I walked into This room just now..... I had to wonder about the smell..... is that the Sensi Star stinking the shit out of this place like some really fire dank? or the nugs in the jars..... or just from the smoke from earlier...... facebook.... catching up on how far behind I have fell....


Active Member
Hi TLD - it's me, the super novice.
Good news: 3 plants in containers are on the deck, safe from wind and rain.
Bad news, the garden plants in the ground... well lets just say my makeshift protection of tomato cages with plastic around them sorta 'blew down' , leaving my plants damaged, soaking, and muddy. FAIL.
I just cut em down and they are hanging whole to dry up a bit before I get to work on them.
Any advice for dealing with wet, damaged plants?


Active Member
keep them as dry as possible....

I chopped a SS down this morning too.....

The runt? Could you give me a wet weight so I can see how much weight it loses over the drying and curing time. I hear its like 1/4 to 1/3 of its weight...

Good to see you made it out of bed today its wet outside...


Well-Known Member
The runt? Could you give me a wet weight so I can see how much weight it loses over the drying and curing time. I hear its like 1/4 to 1/3 of its weight...

Good to see you made it out of bed today its wet outside...
u loose about 75% of the wet weight


Well-Known Member
no idea what the wet weight was...... she was chopped and half trimmed two days ago.....

sadly it wasn't a runt that was chopped this morning, it was one of my favorite SS that I would have liked to try to reveg as a mother :(..... seeing as how I was very very sick yesterday, I expected my wife to cover everything since she was there anyways.... she didn't :(........ Im REALLY sick my temp right now is 103.7, coughing up tiny bits of blood and all kinds of nasty shit, haven't smoked a cigarette in two days (maybe I will quit :) )............ So this morning when I went out there, I just stuck everything in the greenhouse that I could, and Half ass stuck up a fiberglass panel over the PK that's in the tires..... the panel didn't even cover half the PK and wasn't fastened down by anything....... the one that was harvested this morning was the one that had the upside down tomatoe cage over her.... a little early...... she was drenched and couldn't be moved into the greenhouse...... the way this storm is going, when I go to check tomorrow, the PK may be severely thrashed...... but in the greenhouse all was well, there was even a great breeze going through there..... not pouring rain in there.....

But DAMN...... THIS STORM IS HARDCORE!!! Exactly what I expected..... just wish SOME ONE had actually done the prep work that was all set up and easy to do yesterday!


Well-Known Member
damn TLD, hope you get to feeling better. This sure is some shitty weather when you're sick and trying to take care of things. Good luck with your girls.


Active Member
no idea what the wet weight was...... she was chopped and half trimmed two days ago.....

sadly it wasn't a runt that was chopped this morning, it was one of my favorite SS that I would have liked to try to reveg as a mother :(..... seeing as how I was very very sick yesterday, I expected my wife to cover everything since she was there anyways.... she didn't :(........ Im REALLY sick my temp right now is 103.7, coughing up tiny bits of blood and all kinds of nasty shit, haven't smoked a cigarette in two days (maybe I will quit :) )............ So this morning when I went out there, I just stuck everything in the greenhouse that I could, and Half ass stuck up a fiberglass panel over the PK that's in the tires..... the panel didn't even cover half the PK and wasn't fastened down by anything....... the one that was harvested this morning was the one that had the upside down tomatoe cage over her.... a little early...... she was drenched and couldn't be moved into the greenhouse...... the way this storm is going, when I go to check tomorrow, the PK may be severely thrashed...... but in the greenhouse all was well, there was even a great breeze going through there..... not pouring rain in there.....

But DAMN...... THIS STORM IS HARDCORE!!! Exactly what I expected..... just wish SOME ONE had actually done the prep work that was all set up and easy to do yesterday!
Damn that sucks my guy. I really hope your PK makes it through today. Shit has been coming down all damn day. Well I hope all is well out there. Good luck with that rain......


Active Member
Dam that sucks man, I feel you man my outdoor crop is officially ruined by this storm.

wasnt much just 2 white widows and a night shade...

but I am also happy that my truck is getting a thurough rinse down, starting to get really brown havent washed in months haha...


Well-Known Member
I been meaning to wash the beasts for two weeks now...... now I don't have to..... will have a damage report tomorrow afternoon..... the SS I chopped dropped 3 1/2 cups of water through out the day after being hung immediately after the chop...... no mold to speak of :D....... didn't start raining here till 5 am..... they only got rained on for three hours! 3 1/2 CUPS!!! Thank Big momma in the sky for all this wind..... be fucked otherwise ;)


Active Member
Only three hours of rain? How was the wind where you're at? We got pummled all day with rain and fat ass gusts that fucked some shit up.