
Well-Known Member
yeah.... those pics were taken early this morning.... when it was still shady there..... :) here are the rest, :)

as you can see....

the Purple Kush is really just getting going :) four more weeks still on her..... :)

bout three on most of the Sensi Star.... and just a week left for the runt..... bout two weeks on the PPP, :), thats her in the last picture, :)



Well-Known Member
most of them still have a good bit of fattening up to do ;)..... happy I am.... especially if I can pull a mother out of it as well.... or two or three......

Oh, and picture # 18 was the worst damage I could find on all the plants....... :)


Active Member
:weed:You know its picture like those^^^^^^^ that keep my really really excited about the ladies! Which ones are the SS I was trying to figure it out but most of them have nice amount of trichs.


Well-Known Member
pics 1-18 are Sensi Star.....

the next couple are purple kush, and the girls right outside the greenhouse......
then PPP.... couple more SS and last pic is of PPP :)...... there are about 17 more pics on the page before this that I uploaded this morning..... :)


Well-Known Member
Great pictures !
That one tall girl looks like she is trying to escape over the fence.
Those buds are getting nice fat and frosty.


Well-Known Member
my humble thank you..... :)..... means a lot :)...... the tall one is purple kush.... I wasn't able to get very good bud shots of her yesterday..... so I went and took some more today :) bout to load them up :)


Well-Known Member
sorry its taking so long...... here we go :)

pics of the PK aren't the best, but they will do for now..... :).... that runt is almost done.... you can kind of make out the purpling of her leaves..... passed a bunch of water through her today...... may not water her again..... we shall see..... The PPP got a full dose of BBB today, and the PK got a little extra BBB and E&J GROW :)..... everything else just got water..... can't be till next week that I can snap pics of the PK momma, but she is very heavily into flower, :D......

Only two more picture sessions before most of the harvest is complete....... then a couple harvest and cure sessions and this journal will be complete..... :)...... yes Im a little anxious..... but holding it at bay :).......

Was thinking the runt may be done this upcoming Tuesday......... Maybe I should take pics and get some second/third opinions???? lol..... :twisted::peace:



Well-Known Member
hehe lets get somethin up here from last year to compare with....... hmmmm ok....

October 24th Last Year..... PK looked like this........ lets compare the pics with this year in a couple weeks :D

Edit: And Yes, that is the picture that is my new avatar :)



Active Member
TLD those are all great f**kin pics. Looks like you have a great looking green thumb too. Just hope my garden looks as half as good as yours. Looks like I will only be flowering maybe 4 plants out of the 7 I have. :-/ Check it out when you get a chance I have an update with some pics too.

The Purple Kush will be looking good once they start to fatten up.

Happy Growings


Well-Known Member
well...... looks like I am going to feed the PPP again with both BBB and FFTB....... then the BBB flush, so two weeks and she should come down..... the reason I have gone back and forth on her so much is she went back and forth from flower to veg all summer and I couldn't place any kind of decent flower start time..... because she started throwing out pistil/calyx packages in May! but based on the growth I have seen, the development and reactions to nutes, water, and seasonal changes.... I would place her at 6 1/2 weeks right now on a 9 week flowering period starting the end o the third week of August...... sounds good anyways....

plants got nothing but loving attention and powerful sunshine today....... gunna pass a shitload of water (comparible to her pot size ;) through the small SS runt tomorrow and not water her again after that..... Everything else will get nutes tomorrow :)....... full strength BBB, and 1/4 strength FFTB, BBB should get used up tomorrow as its readily available nutes are easy for the plants to suck up quickly, and just a tiny amount of slow release because a storm is coming.......