
Well-Known Member
oh yeah a winner for sure.....

just weighed the Sensi Star that came down that had the tomato cage upside down hanging over it...... 153 grams...... probably going to lose another 20 or so grams..... but over a qp for sure from that little plant :D

the other two branches that were cut weigh in at 33 grams, but will still loose about 5-7 grams so about an ounce :)

And the PPP just weighed in at 139..... will probably lose about 20-25 grams from it..... :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah LOL..... thats why I haven't been calling it PP (Purple Power) is because it would sound a little funny if I wrote....

I just chopped my PP, and it looks really good, got some purple veins and everything.... LOL


Well-Known Member
all I have is the shitty camera right now...... but.....

Ask and you shall receive :)

Hopefully I will be able to use a better camera next week or the week after when the other plants are coming down :)

first four pics are SS (not quite the trim job I normally give, its because it hung for two days before I trimmed it)

the last three pics are PPP



Well-Known Member
whatever happened to those realy nice clean pictures you used to put up...? :P i LOVED those :D

Still SOOOOOOOOO BEAUTIFUL... either way :)

josh b

Well-Known Member
i love seing outdoor grows there so much easier and u get better yeilds cuz thy grow naturally


Well-Known Member
i kinda beg to differ on how much easier outdoor is compared to indoor.(outdoor is way harder) and loaded how u gonna invite strangers for photoshoots? i thought we had


Well-Known Member
lol well i would but im knee deep in my own shizzle right now!!!! jk bro ya know whats up one day one time we'll get 2gether by chance of course..strangers on a train


Well-Known Member
lol yeah...... me too :)

after this big storm (which leeched my soil pretty good!) I haven't been able to feed or water since..... because the ground/medium is too moist..... tomorrow should be dry enough for me to feed them, just bio bloom for the Sensi Star, at Full Strength + some ;).... PK will get some of it all, EJG, FFTB, BBB........ everything looks FROSTY :)