The 'Thankfull I Got A Jobby-Job' Thread


New Member
Well, if someone can give you a shotgun it should be about the same as a gravity bong. It's the sucking part of smoking that's no good for you with exposed gums. moisten the cotton a bit before you smoke as well.


Well-Known Member
The work situation definitly sucks. I have got a degree in aviation and I am a skilled carpenter. I have been making money by selling firewood for $160 a cord.:-( For the amount of work that goes into it the payout is very small. I have had some very laborous jobs in the past, but this one is definitely the most physically demanding.


Well-Known Member
Well, if someone can give you a shotgun it should be about the same as a gravity bong. It's the sucking part of smoking that's no good for you with exposed gums. moisten the cotton a bit before you smoke as well.

That;s a pretty good idea. Thanks dude. I think I'll wait a couple days and start out slow.

On a better subject, I'm getting a job at a haunted house yay :D


New Member
The work situation definitly sucks. I have got a degree in aviation and I am a skilled carpenter. I have been making money by selling firewood for $160 a cord.:-( For the amount of work that goes into it the payout is very small. I have had some very laborous jobs in the past, but this one is definitely the most physically demanding.
Working with wood onlys look like a fun/easy thing to do when ur watching someone else do it.

When I was a teenager, we had a fair amount of property with some really big big trees. My ol man never believed in taking the easy way round yardwork and such. Oh we had a chainsaw, but it stayed in the case till the tree was down. Big 2 man saws..... we'd go out early and about work..... then I was ALLOWED to cut the tree up with the chainsaw and roll these huge arse logs up the hilly woods about 200 yards to the "wood station". That was day 1. Day 2 was the Axe, maul and wedges...... till it got dark. Then the ol man would flick on the light so I could get another hour in.

When I went to school..... I paid attention.


New Member
Those 2 man saws look romantic and fun on TV.... uh..... wrong! It's takes a strong body and a light touch and real rhythm to do it right...... and lots and lots of stamina.


Well-Known Member
didnt you just work the fair? how do you get the hookup with these short-run jobs? its certainly better than not working!

Yeah but it ended a couple days ago. I worked my ass off and the manager of the ride I worked at in the state fair, asked if I'd be interested in working at his new haunted house and then I also have a chance to work at the chalet at a ski place by me as well :)

So If I can't find a job I can have all these smaller jobs till April. Which is way better then nothing!


Well-Known Member
Yeah but it ended a couple days ago. I worked my ass off and the manager of the ride I worked at in the state fair, asked if I'd be interested in working at his new haunted house and then I also have a chance to work at the chalet at a ski place by me as well :)

So If I can't find a job I can have all these smaller jobs till April. Which is way better then nothing!
whats up al!!
thats sweet you like a carnie now!
every since i was little i always wanted to work at the circus or fair with snakes hahaha
you'll definately have to ppost some pics of your work! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i am at work right now making almost $15 an hour. it is awesome but very booring, so i must get online. they try to scare me into working harder by talking about the shitty economy, but they have a hiring freeze, so if i get fired they dont get a replacement and that will hurt business.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
Yes, Life is going to be a bit tougher for you than it was for me. The opportunities are dwindling with the public sector drain on business.

Do urself a favor.... ur in school right? Make it a habit of dropping by the library and reading the wall street journal whenever you can. Don't worry if some it doesn't make sense at first. It will. By understanding how the business world (the true engine...not govt.) works, all sorts of things will fall into place. Your BS meter will become finely tuned. You will know upon quick examination if an idea is worthy (many are) and workable (many aren't).

Library.... wall street - chick magnet. The right kind of chick magnet.
Thank you for that bit of adivice..i could learn alot from you it seems :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
whats up al!!
thats sweet you like a carnie now!
every since i was little i always wanted to work at the circus or fair with snakes hahaha
you'll definately have to ppost some pics of your work! :mrgreen:

Peace mannne! Hell yeah I'm a carnie lol. I can work there every year now yay :)
I should, will when I get a chance, didn't take any myself so I'll just have to show you pictures I find off the internet, my lazy ass. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
i thought most of them smelled like horse poop and funnel cakes lol:mrgreen:
the ones we get around here smell like burnt meth and that spray shit 14 yr old girls wear. real classy folks. i look at these people and think to myself, 'this guy assembled this ride? no thanks!'