The 'Thankfull I Got A Jobby-Job' Thread

I feel very sad for those without a college education of some sorts. Those people are hit really hard in times like these. Personally I can't find a job I want to do so I'm just going to school full time and finishing up my degree quicker and then going to grad school next spring (hopefully). Luckily school is free for me due to my grade making me eligible for various grant, subsidies, and financial aid. I'm very fortunate in that fact.

Even someone like me with my qualification in the business field is have a hard time finding a job. It's not that I can't find a job, it's that I can't find a job that's worth my time money wise. The least I'm normally willing to make per hour is 12-15 dollars in hour. Shockingly it's hard to find even 10 dollar an hour jobs. Also most employers are real shade balls in this economy i.e. wanting people to work 35-38 hours as part employees and expecting part timers to pull in those kind of hours is kind of unreasonable. It's just a shady way of not paying a part timer a full timer's wage to save money. It's pure stupidity.
JimmyPot said :
The only way to be truly free in this world is to have your own bizzness
100% spot on truth. After years and years in the rat race, I came across the business books in the library and spent about 2 months in constant study. I've attempted to start my own business, and failed each time. But I will never, ever stop trying over, and over, and over again. He may have went off topic, but he was just adding some insight to all the workers out there.

I initially came back to this forum a year later while researching any info related to urine testing. I had to get tested for a job yesterday(yes I'm still in the rat race - I do not own my own business because apparently what I got ain't worth shit to nobody - yet)


I quit smoking once I began job hunting, but you know how that goes, even though you quit buying, friends and fam come over, and we end up toking anyway. I got high a few weeks back, but couldn't remember exactly when. Don't got no $$ for detox or supplements. I was confident I was clean upon taking the test, but when I got home, I started getting paranoid skeptical. damn. . and I was the one talking shit about self discipline(hangs my head in shame)

naw fuckit I'm happy that I passed the drug test, I too, am employed. :peace:
A lot of jobs now like factory and warehouse give a raise based on the time you have been there lazy or hard working you get paid the same raise.Working hard in your own bizz is the way to get real rewards.Not having a boss not having to justify the way you are or work is huge.The stress of trying to keep a bizz a float is a lot better then the stress of answering to other people all the time.I am the type of guy that just can not follow in life or work.
I hear you just venting

It's not venting at all. I made a good portion of my lifetime of income with my own business, and was quite successful at it.
I also went 7 years without a single vacation that wasn't more than three days, and those rarely.

I'm not saying you think it's easy, but to successfully run a "real" business, takes a heck of a lot more work than being someone's employee.

I wish you the best of luck. Be ready to throw 100% at it....
not to mention right now is one of the hardest times in recent years to start a business. im already in business and established but if i wasnt i sure as shit would be jumping on somebodys coattails that already was!
Vent away Slik... :wink:

I was going to add not to think there will be boom times in the near future. There's a mountain of taxes and debt looming in the wings. I was going to add that last time, but he might have gone suicidal.
Woo just started at the haunted house. All the workers I work with are stoners and drunks running around scaring people in silly costumes. I think I can make this job work until halloween.

I get to be a scarecrow lmao.

I wanted to work in the trippy haunted house but eh, I don't want to work with the preppy high school kids that don't know what me and my workers are talking about thank god. ;)