The 'Thankfull I Got A Jobby-Job' Thread

Grobo- a man of many trades will make good dough working for landlords of commercial shopping centers. I used to do it all: carpentry, plumbing, electrical, hvac, asphalt, storm water management, landscaping, snowplowing, lotstriping, cement work, and on and on. Now I am just a consultant for a company my boss got involved with years ago. My boss fucked me so I fucked him and took all his contracts from him for this company ( they liked me better anyway ) I did all the above bullshit for years until I told them it would be more feasable for me to be a consultant and supervise and sub out all this work, and they bit. So now I run my own consulting firm for 6 different landlords of commercial properties for the entire New England area. It's a vicious circle, they need tenants to make money, tenants need customers to pay the rent, and customers will more often than not go to the shopping center that doesn't look like it belongs in South Central. And they pay twice what residential does for repairs if not more. Only problem is they require millions in insurance coverage to be considered a vendor. Check it out.

Simpson: Good luck bro, sounds like a great place in the making. My buds an exec. chef at a local upscale place and said the work is ball breaking, but worth it. I hope it works out for you. However, with outdoor dining, will there be a "smoking" section? ;) j/k, I know the reprecussions.
any good chef or kitchen worker knows the smoking section is in the walk in freezer ;)

but really it is.. i always kept a one hitter with me for those times when things get crazy... the work is ball busting to say the least... we have to start working/prepping before lunch and usually dont stop until well after dinner... its not uncommon for chefs and sous chefs to work 12 hour days.. i swear the only job that works as much or as often as chefs are doctors... not to say being a chef is anything like a doctor.. just similar in the sense of crazy ass hours...

i think i might get a good air purfier for my office tho.. the walk in can get cold.. and can have unwanted people walk in at bad times.. bongsmilie
I would think a walk in freezer would negate the effect of taking a rip or 2, but hell, I never smoked in a freezer so I can't speak. :) Do you usually get an over abundance of volunteers to get stuff from the icebox?

My buddy definately works 12 hours a day if not more, 6 days a week. However, he's hooked up with the finest, has a huge spread, smokin wife and 4 cars, so he don't complain much. Shit will wear on you though. I give him props, I couldn't do it, even if I had all the shit he does.
any good chef or kitchen worker knows the smoking section is in the walk in freezer ;)

but really it is.. i always kept a one hitter with me for those times when things get crazy... the work is ball busting to say the least... we have to start working/prepping before lunch and usually dont stop until well after dinner... its not uncommon for chefs and sous chefs to work 12 hour days.. i swear the only job that works as much or as often as chefs are doctors... not to say being a chef is anything like a doctor.. just similar in the sense of crazy ass hours...

i think i might get a good air purfier for my office tho.. the walk in can get cold.. and can have unwanted people walk in at bad times.. bongsmilie
:bigjoint: hahahathe walkins are 'blessed' for me hehe every time I go to a new restaurant, to either work or see a friend I have to "bless" it with a session.... I've yet to do it at this gas station though, too many cameras
isnt that your new job? glad its going well.

somehow, no matter how much i have, i just look at it and think...'now theres no way i have any i can sell'. maybe its just me...:bigjoint:

yea been there about 2 months
worked at the same gas station in south carolina
but this one is in a worse neighborhood
People are complaining due to the economy because they have people who come into their work and whine about having to spend money on they're products. Shit costs money, people need to get over that, it ain't like it's a new rule or something. I work at a very expensive grocery store and I have no idea why people even come in and buy some of the shit we sell, we have an 8 ounce bottle of pure cherry juice for $13.99, FOURTEEN DOLLARS FOR A BOTTLE OF JUICE! that's fucking ridiculous. needless to say we don't sell much of that but still, we also have a 16 ounce bottle of maple syrup for $13, I just don't see how people can spend that much money on it, and it's store brand at that... but believe it or not it flys off the shelf.

by chance do you work at trader joes?? cuz thats what come to my mind when you describe your store
I would think a walk in freezer would negate the effect of taking a rip or 2, but hell, I never smoked in a freezer so I can't speak. :) Do you usually get an over abundance of volunteers to get stuff from the icebox?

My buddy definately works 12 hours a day if not more, 6 days a week. However, he's hooked up with the finest, has a huge spread, smokin wife and 4 cars, so he don't complain much. Shit will wear on you though. I give him props, I couldn't do it, even if I had all the shit he does.

the cold sort of enhances it for me.. maybe its just me.. but i like it.. just not after an extended time.. the cold actually makes it feel like taking bong rips with ice water in it..

its definitely a trying job.. it takes a lot out of me and most chefs.. but the love of the job makes it worth it.. and your right about being taken care of... we definitely get taken care of... sometimes its just hard to find the time to enjoy it... bongsmilie

:bigjoint: hahahathe walkins are 'blessed' for me hehe every time I go to a new restaurant, to either work or see a friend I have to "bless" it with a session.... I've yet to do it at this gas station though, too many cameras

i have blessed many a walk ins.. i like the term blessed.. i've always called it breaking in.... but blessed seems.. better... hope you can find time to bless your unblessed walkin!!!
Hey everbody i thought this was a cool thread because lately thats all i think about is having another job to go to. I live in Florida and work as an owner (carpenter) of a small construction company, been in business for 13 years and a carpenter for over 20 years. Its been slow down here for almost 3 years and it aint gettin no better any time soon. We do all high end custom carpentry and even these rich a holes we work for are hurtin and just not building anything new,mostly of what weve done is alot of remodels in last 3 years . Im tryn to keep all 9 employees busy and its almost impossible .All the guys have beeen with me for almost 10 years and have families to, not to mention I have 6 kids .It sucks right now but all we can do is hang in there and help each other out best we can. Hope all goes well for everybody and peacemane stay safe dude no way id want to work in a gas station at night with all of the crazy people out there especially now when people are so desperate.
I feel VERY lucky to have a job. I work in a manufacturing plant that produces exhaust and other types of formed tubes, for the trucking and heavy duty equipment industries. If more people paid attention to the truck suppliers (our customers include Mack/Volvo, International, Freightliner, Paccar, and many many others) they would see that they have been affected by the down economy just as much if not more than the auto industry. We have gone from a hi of about 250 employees last summer, down to about 120 now. With the 3 more people getting laid off last week.

I've been working there for 13 years, I started less than a month after high school. I spent the last 2 years of high school at a vocational school taking drafting. I got my interview through the school and got a job in the engineering dept. A lot has changed since then. I started out drawing tubes of all sizes and shapes and mufflers for all different types of machines. As time went on and people came and went I started doing more. We had just a hand full of computers and someone needed to fix them, it turned out to be me. I no longer draw (unless absolutely necessary), I check every body else's drawings. I don't only fix the handful of computers, I now have set up, including hand pulling over 7000ft of network line, and maintain a network of over 100 computers (at max) and over 30 printers.

Then a few years ago we got CNC benders. Some one had to learn to program them, me again. I don't do that anymore either, unless there's a problem. About that same time we started getting more complicated parts from our newer customers. We need some one to build assembly fixtures for the welding department, who else but me. I also take technical calls from customers. I could go on but I'll stop, sorry for the rant. Thanks for listening and good luck in all you do!
Hey everbody i thought this was a cool thread because lately thats all i think about is having another job to go to. I live in Florida and work as an owner (carpenter) of a small construction company, been in business for 13 years and a carpenter for over 20 years. Its been slow down here for almost 3 years and it aint gettin no better any time soon. We do all high end custom carpentry and even these rich a holes we work for are hurtin and just not building anything new,mostly of what weve done is alot of remodels in last 3 years . Im tryn to keep all 9 employees busy and its almost impossible .All the guys have beeen with me for almost 10 years and have families to, not to mention I have 6 kids .It sucks right now but all we can do is hang in there and help each other out best we can. Hope all goes well for everybody and peacemane stay safe dude no way id want to work in a gas station at night with all of the crazy people out there especially now when people are so desperate.

its cool
i love it. im good at dealin with people who are on edge
all it takes it patience and politeness
cph you arent ranting id say venting is the right word . I think everyone here could vent on something right now because everything is so messed up with the government and how only big business is gettn help and all the average hard workin middle class who make america go round and what it is arent receiving any help at all .See now im ranting
Peacemane you are a better man than me then i dont have the patience to deal with people like that . I guess your name says it all.
cph you arent ranting id say venting is the right word . I think everyone here could vent on something right now because everything is so messed up with the government and how only big business is gettn help and all the average hard workin middle class who make america go round and what it is arent receiving any help at all .See now im ranting

It's pretty easy to get on a soap box with these subjects. Thanks for understanding!

hahah i am a woman love

A very good looking one, I might add!:mrgreen: