The Religious Nuclear Bomb has been detonated.

When I look at the world's situation, I wonder, how long can we exist at this pace. The Middle East is just an absolute mess of war and anger. Most of Africa is about people getting killed, horrible acts of humans' dark side. China and North Korea stand at the top of oppression. US with its out of control spending and trying to police the whole world. And then there is the environment of the Earth. How long before everything just falls apart?

It's unbelievable what people are capable of.

Ignorant preachers safe in their Win-Dixy World there in Florida have Mickey Mouse, the Space Race and a history of White towns and Black towns.
It's a simple extension for those types to take Christian Hype and converts it to money and maybe if they are really lucky fame.
This lame gator thinks his snap is a big old chomp on Comunislam I am sure.
What this back water bible thumper forgot was "Thou Shall Not Kill."

What a idiot..
It's unbelievable what people are capable of.

Ignorant preachers safe in their Win-Dixy World there in Florida have Mickey Mouse, the Space Race and a history of White towns and Black towns.
It's a simple extension for those types to take Christian Hype and converts it to money and maybe if they are really lucky fame.
This lame gator thinks his snap is a big old chomp on Comunislam I am sure.
What this back water bible thumper forgot was "Thou Shall Not Kill."

What a idiot..
How can you be about tolerance and then judge someone like this? You calling someone a "backwater bible thumper" and an "idot" offends me. I think it's over the line. What say you?:o
How can you be about tolerance and then judge someone like this? You calling someone a "backwater bible thumper" and an "idot" offends me. I think it's over the line. What say you?:o

I lived there so I was 13? 12,13,14..

Back Water is a term for Swamp land and fishing in Florida.
The Winn-Dixi is a supermarket chain.

I guess I am calling the kettle black being a pot-head because it is fair speech.
Idiot because he violates his own belief system.

Bible thumping and Gun toting is the two terms that could be used dramatically. I skipped he has a gun at the pulpit so he is ready to shoot while sharing "God's Word."

Over the line? I'll work on that.. Maybe.
I wish everyone had a gun strapped to their hip, just like you see in the old west movies. People would be much more polite and willing to help one another way more. Don't you think?
My counter is..

He took it up on himself to speak for us all internationally. I think first amendment is not the issue.. Common sense yeah.

So how do you see this as a First Amendment issue?

I'm curious.. I admit he had the right to express himself but this is the act of taking the life of 24 people. Indirectly I admit but still a real risk to his actions.

No one has said he is mentally ill so I assume he has to take full responsibility?

Show me my errors. I'll listen.
My counter is..

He took it up on himself to speak for us all internationally. I think first amendment is not the issue.. Common sense yeah.

So how do you see this as a First Amendment issue?

I'm curious.. I admit he had the right to express himself but this is the act of taking the life of 24 people. Indirectly I admit but still a real risk to his actions.

No one has said he is mentally ill so I assume he has to take full responsibility?

Show me my errors. I'll listen.
Dude, think of the Danish Daily when they published a Cartoon of Mohammad. Do you think they were responsible for a bunch of deaths too?

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.
I don't know how to separate the levels.

But that is a different country and are we not discussing the American First Amendment?

Oh this will pass and that man will live a long life I assume.. Good for him.

I'll ask are you alright with the killings?


A poll at
Poll Results

Thank you for voting.
Do you think Florida pastor Terry Jones' burning of the Koran is to blame for the deadly attack on a U.N. compound in Afghanistan?

Yes, he sparked outrage that led to the attacks. 77%

No, the protesters are the only ones responsible for the murders. 23%

I'm not sure. 0%
You know I need to read up.
Koran-burning pastor Terry Jones defends himself against Bill O'Reilly who called him 'insane'

Read more:

The bloodshed started Friday with a massacre at a U.N. compound in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif that left four Nepalese guards and three European staffers dead.

Jones has a $2.2 million price on his head.

Republican law makers will be taking up this issue since Jones essentially aided the enemy by burning the Koran in a media event that helps him sell his own book.

Source NPR
afganistan is stuck in the 19th century in terms of education, social organization, and technology. they take things like this a bit more seriously than we do, so it's not the same....

You are being entirely too generous with your timeline.