Iran To Execute Christian For Refusing To Return To Islam

How about we just tell them to live according to our laws and if they want to live under Sharia Law they can go live in Iran or some other hell hole that has Sharia Law.
It wont work cuz they arnt that sorta people....even in our own country they look at us like infidels.....i have zero love loss for them

that seems to just be a judge judging improperly. this does not mean sharia law is legal. you cannot use religion as a defense for harming someone else or infringing on their rights or liberties. just ask warren jeffs.

i think the problem may be that the immigrants falsely think you can use freedom of religion to do anything you want. america has this image of complete freedom for all religions. maybe they just dont realize the things are wrong because their religion says it is okay, and we have freedom of religion, so they think it should all work out fine.
It wont work cuz they arnt that sorta people....even in our own country they look at us like infidels.....i have zero love loss for them

We can't allow them to hide behind "freedom of religion". The left is too ignorant and too indoctrinated with political correctness to do anything.
It wont work cuz they arnt that sorta people....even in our own country they look at us like infidels.....i have zero love loss for them

christians view a lot of other citizens as sinners, me included. i think people should realize that religion itself is the problem, not the specific religion.
How about we just tell them to live according to our laws and if they want to live under Sharia Law they can go live in Iran or some other hell hole that has Sharia Law.

we already do that. our laws do not permit sharia law

We can't allow them to hide behind "freedom of religion". The left is too ignorant and too indoctrinated with political correctness to do anything.

the left isnt supporting sharia law by saying they have the right because of freedom of religion. they are saying there is no need to worry about it because it is illegal constitutionally. dont you think we would have a bunch of christian laws by now?! how hard has the evangelical right been trying to pass laws based on their beliefs? intelligent design, gay rights, prayer in schools, etc. are examples of this. even with huge numbers of support, they all get shot down because it is unconstitutional. a few judges may rule in favor of these things(like that case you cited), but that decision will be shot down in a higher court.

the constitution says we are protected from ANY religion invading into our laws. this includes sharia law. anyone that tries to use freedom of religion as a defense for a violent crime should, and will, be convicted. assuming they have proper evidence of course.
We can't allow them to hide behind "freedom of religion". The left is too ignorant and too indoctrinated with political correctness to do anything.
We also cant have a double standard, its just that these people are never satisfied with fuckall, we gave em land for mosques, they bithced and moaned becuz they wanted to build on Ground Zero

christians view a lot of other citizens as sinners, me included. i think people should realize that religion itself is the problem, not the specific religion.
I agree Luger, i was raised as a catholic but i quit religion when i was 14. Religion causes wars and kills people, i never saw the "peace and godliness of it" ...Jews and arabs, muslims and christians , prodastants and catholics and so on have been killing eachother for 100s and 1000s of years for what? whos religion is better? i dont see the spirituality there, jus a bunch of dead bodies that lay there for allah...there is no god, if there was the world wouldnt be this fuckin fubar
We also cant have a double standard, its just that these people are never satisfied with fuckall, we gave em land for mosques, they bithced and moaned becuz they wanted to build on Ground Zero

umm i think they planned to build it in that spot, and americans didnt want it because they believed it was a monument to a victory. only a small part of the building was going to be a mosque, and the rest is a community center where people OF ALL RELIGIONS can come and do activities. its not like a 7 story mosque or anything lol. oh and also there is a church a lot closer to ground zero, so denying them the permit would be accepting one religion(christianity) over another(islam). it is impeding the free exercise of religion.

the reason they wanted to build that mosque is because a bunch of muslims in new york have to pray in the streets. there is a big jewish community center there, but muslims probably dont like praying in a synagogue. so they decided to build this mosque there, and americans got their panties in a bunch because its too close to ground zero. even though technically the mosque could have been in florida, and people still could have complained because technically its still in america, and that would be claiming victory over america.

I agree Luger, i was raised as a catholic but i quit religion when i was 14. Religion causes wars and kills people, i never saw the "peace and godliness of it" ...Jews and arabs, muslims and christians , prodastants and catholics and so on have been killing eachother for 100s and 1000s of years for what? whos religion is better? i dont see the spirituality there, jus a bunch of dead bodies that lay there for allah...there is no god, if there was the world wouldnt be this fuckin fubar

yeah theyve been fighting eachother for thousands of years, and nobody seems to have won yet lol. it is an unwinnable war. its all based on voodoo nonsense. i really dislike religion. i will fight to protect their right to believe, but i will also call them insane for believing. hopefully over time, it will be looked down upon to be religious, although it will still be legal. kind of like being black(joking!)
muslim countries have more of a right to tell us to leave their country, than we have to tell their immigrating citizens to leave ours. we are the country made of immigrants. we are the country that allows anyone to come and have a good life, assuming they follow our laws.

we have been through many periods like this. the irish-catholics before JFK was elected, black people were hated on throughout our entire history, the chinese during the early 1900s, the russians and/or cubans curing the communism era. all of these were based on misconceptions, individual people being used as an example for the whole race, plain ol' racism/bigotry, and of course ignorance.
christians view a lot of other citizens as sinners, me included. i think people should realize that religion itself is the problem, not the specific religion.
One of my employees made the mistake of telling me how I should vote on the gay marriage issue. His pastor devoted an entire sermon to the sins of gay people and their corrupting influence on the "American Family"...To make a long story short...He picked the wrong person to tell how to vote especially when the legislation is all about stripping individuals of rights, freedoms, liberties.

He never made that mistake again...heh
One of my employees made the mistake of telling me how I should vote on the gay marriage issue. His pastor devoted an entire sermon to the sins of gay people and their corrupting influence on the "American Family"...To make a long story short...He picked the wrong person to tell how to vote especially when the legislation is all about stripping individuals of rights, freedoms, liberties.

He never made that mistake again...heh

aww come on man... im sure he had a good argument :roll: