The Religious Nuclear Bomb has been detonated.

Modern democrat motto: We have tolerance for anyone who doesn’t believe in personal and economic freedom.

Actually that could apply to the most republicans as well.
I have followed the Westboro church since they started acting up. This church is about hate and disrespect. There great claim to fame was protesting at funerals of our veterans that gave there blood for freedom. Now I don't know if I completely back our military machine, but I sure would not stand around with sick banners at funerals.

Now burning of the Koran, shows great disrespect for anothers belief. As a Christian and most importantly a person who believes in tending my own spirit and not others, I find it very hard not to HATE such assnine people.

As for the Afghans, it is sad that there reaction is as it is. I find no peace in a reaction that only hurts another human being.

I do agree this whole situation just goes along with the great "powder keg" of organized religion that is ready to explode.

Keep your lantern full. Peace to all.
The Death Toll is up to 24 now.

Why doesn't this guy go over there and stop the killing?
I'm guessing only one more person needs to die to get past this..


Special to The Herald

GAINESVILLE -- Terry Jones, the man who sparked an international furor in Afghanistan by burning a Muslim holy book and showing it on the Internet, was back in the pulpit Sunday.
On a day when three more people died in violent demonstrations, Jones approached the front of the Dove World Outreach Center, laid down his handgun and his Bible on a music stand, and said he did not feel responsible for the violence in the Muslim world triggered by the book burning.
Then, inside the locked sanctuary, Jones delivered a sermon that invoked the founding fathers, the first Christians, and Martin Luther King Jr. They were risk takers, Jones told the congregants, and so is he .
“When the civil rights movement first happened, many people died. Does that make [King] wrong?” Jones asked the parishioners. “NO!” came the answer from his flock, about 20 people, excluding reporters.
The three deaths on Sunday brought to 24 the toll from the violence unleashed when Muslims learned of the Quran burning 8,000 miles away in Gainesville.
Among the dead were several staff members at a United Nations post in Kandahar that was overrun by angry protesters who disarmed guards. Two were reportedly beheaded.
Jones first drew attention to himself last year when he threatened to burn a Quran on the anniversary of 9/11. Those threats landed the obscure preacher and his fringe flock in the international spotlight. Politicians, clergy members, even high-level members of the U.S. military pleaded with him to stop with the threats. In the end, he announced the Quran burning was off, to the relief of this college town, which prides itself on its tolerance and diversity.
Two weeks ago, with no advance notice, the burning was on again. The Quran was torched after a mock trial in which the book was found guilty of various transgressions.
Once more, Jones finds himself in the spotlight, talked about on CNN and Fox News, buzzed about on blogs and national news websites. He spent Saturday conducting various news interviews.
“Why do I do what I do?’’ he told the flock Sunday. “Because I’m more afraid of God than I am of you.”
It took one phone call to ruin Garrett Garner’s Friday.
Garner, a policy assistant for Gainesville Mayor Craig Lowe, sat on his couch at home, his television flashing black-and-white images of a World War II documentary. Then, the phone rang. It was the mayor saying things had gotten bloody in Afghanistan.
Immediately, Garner flipped open his laptop and went to GoogleNews to find out what all the commotion was about.
Then, he saw it: “Afghanistan. . . Koran burning . . .  Gainesville church. . . people dead.”
No more day off. . .
Within minutes, Garner was at city hall, working with the mayor and communications manager Bob Woods on a response.
For Lowe, Jones and his followers are more than a nuisance; they are an embarrassment to his city.
Later that afternoon, Lowe addressed the news media.“The world we live in is a volatile place,” he said. “While there is absolutely no justification for these horrific deaths and injuries, Terry Jones and his followers were quite aware that his actions could trigger these types of events.”
Police stepped up their presence around the church. Would the mayor reach out to the pastor?

I have followed the Westboro church since they started acting up. This church is about hate and disrespect. There great claim to fame was protesting at funerals of our veterans that gave there blood for freedom. Now I don't know if I completely back our military machine, but I sure would not stand around with sick banners at funerals.

Now burning of the Koran, shows great disrespect for anothers belief. As a Christian and most importantly a person who believes in tending my own spirit and not others, I find it very hard not to HATE such assnine people.

As for the Afghans, it is sad that there reaction is as it is. I find no peace in a reaction that only hurts another human being.

I do agree this whole situation just goes along with the great "powder keg" of organized religion that is ready to explode.

Keep your lantern full. Peace to all.
Westboro? What do they have to do with this? I think you might be confused as to who is doing what.
The other thing I have issue with is your assertion that US soldiers are in Afghanistan for freedom, who's freedom exactly?
Westboro? What do they have to do with this? I think you might be confused as to who is doing what.
The other thing I have issue with is your assertion that US soldiers are in Afghanistan for freedom, who's freedom exactly?

This all started when the Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps decided to burn the Koran last year.

I also stated " Now I don't know if I completely back our military machine". But I am talking in general about our veterans. I really question the use of force, but I do know that I probably don't know all the info that our leaders know. I wish we never had to use force, but what do you do when peoples' basic rights are abused. Do you just sit back and do nothing? Now remember I do not know if that is the case in Afghanistan.

What ever the case, when a soldier comes home in a casket, he/she has given the ultimate offer for peace and democracy. Total RESPECT should be given them and there family, whether you support what is going on or not.

I look forward to your response. Peace to you.....
What have we learned from the last few years..... Well I have learned that we could bring down the whole middle east by circulating cartoons of the prophet mohammed, burning korans by the dozen and airdropping massive shippments of Hustler magazine.... problems solved! The whole middle east will boil over with muslim men commiting suicide after seeing pictures of naked women.....

Rather than that perhaps we should try and track the dynamics.

There has been a surge of American viewers of Al Jazeera since our Secretary of State complained about or American media not making the grade.
So with a surge is awareness that Americans are watching, the massive change in political landscape of the middle East and North Africa the absolute idiotic and self-serving stunt of burning the Koran as a stunt for the media is reprehensible.

If I caused the death of 24 people from some stunt I would face charges in the USA but our own laws will not apply and yet we claim the superior right.

So it's rather serious that good men and woman of the U.N. peace mission have lost their whole lives while a fearful, gun carrying preacher who now locks the doors in fear still defends his actions as somehow justified because he believes in some mythology that disagrees with another mythology.

Demonstrations go on. Another man has been killed. Another father will not come home to his wife and children.

So yeah this is an old threat of burning a Koran and it isn't that burning a Koran would cause death it is turning burning a Koran into a media event that has taken the lives of untold numbers to come.
Yea that's it..... It was a fucking book....pieces of paper..... with no intrinsic value...... definitely not worth a life...... Who give a shit? Dumb ignorant bastards, that's who. You want to be outraged? Be outraged at the stupid bastards who felt they needed to kill someone because some pieces of paper were burned! They couldn't get to the guy who did it so any anglo saxon will do...... So when they burn the American Flag and make a media event out of it are you going to stand up for me if I go kill a bunch of Muslims here in the US? Of course not..... that's not the same in your view is it?


DISCLAIMER: I am not, have never and will never consider killing Muslims because they choose to burn an American Flag, that was just an example of how rediculous the notion would be.....

This all started when the Westboro Baptist Church pastor Fred Phelps decided to burn the Koran last year.

I also stated " Now I don't know if I completely back our military machine". But I am talking in general about our veterans. I really question the use of force, but I do know that I probably don't know all the info that our leaders know. I wish we never had to use force, but what do you do when peoples' basic rights are abused. Do you just sit back and do nothing? Now remember I do not know if that is the case in Afghanistan.

What ever the case, when a soldier comes home in a casket, he/she has given the ultimate offer for peace and democracy. Total RESPECT should be given them and there family, whether you support what is going on or not.

I look forward to your response. Peace to you.....
Phelps burned it back in 2008, not to much fanfare, in 2008 everyone was worried about their 401k, now its Muslim killin time brought to you by the MSM.

If its basic rights you are worried about, then we should damn well be invading Cuba, Russia, China, N. Korea, Congo, Zimbabwe just to name a few. Human rights issues is just the flavor of the month reason they use to justify their bloody deeds. There is no fight for Democracy or freedom in the middle east, its all about resource domination, empire building and control, lots and lots of control. To most other countries in the world, the USA is the big bully, the biggest oppressor of them all. How would you feel if China were dropping bombs on people in Wisconsin because they don't like it when public unions fight to keep bargaining rights? You would really be ok with that? I mean since its for human rights issues and all.

The Westboro should show some respect for the dead, but they have to do the most heinous and morally reprehensible yet still legal action just to get attention for themselves. They are whores for media attention and love nothing better than to engage in hate speech and fear mongering.
It was purely a political money raising stunt. The pastor of that church is about to go under financially. He perpetrated this stunt strictly to get donations and financial backing. I personally think he has the right to burn whatever the hell he wants to because it's a free country. However it was a stupid ass stunt that placed Christians and allied soldiers in the middle east in grave danger. Fucking moron.
It was purely a political money raising stunt. The pastor of that church is about to go under financially. He perpetrated this stunt strictly to get donations and financial backing. I personally think he has the right to burn whatever the hell he wants to because it's a free country. However it was a stupid ass stunt that placed Christians and allied soldiers in the middle east in grave danger. Fucking moron.

Yeah I would agree with you that burning a book is symbolic and it is covered under our First amendment just like burning Beatles Albums was all those years ago.


However we are talking about a foreign country where they would burn the Actual Beatles not Beatles albums.

It's horrid.. 24 or more dead..
LMAO you're calling THAT a religious Nuclear Bomb!?! that idiot with the Lemmy Kilminster mustache is a fucking joke. this wasn't even a religious M-80. Just wait till they raze the Temple Mount to rebuild Solomon's Temple (the entire structure's supplies are dry docked in Israel as we speak.) Sea of Glass ring any bells?
LMAO you're calling THAT a religious Nuclear Bomb!?! that idiot with the Lemmy Kilminster mustache is a fucking joke. this wasn't even a religious M-80. Just wait till they raze the Temple Mount to rebuild Solomon's Temple (the entire structure's supplies are dry docked in Israel as we speak.) Sea of Glass ring any bells?

There is archaeological evidence that Solomon's temple was not built where the mosque now stands. The theory goes that the Al Aqsa Mosque was built over a roman temple and the actual site of Solomon's temple was elsewhere. There are two sites that are likely candidates. One is to the south of Al Aqsa Mosque and the other to the north.
I lived in Florida in the 1970's and it is relative to that Southern ideal set.

It has gravity as to it being a religious-political move aimed at keeping the Muslim of the world the enemy.

It was timed to have a maximum effect that I cannot see helping the situation.

Yeah I'd say it makes the world a little more unsafe for Americans in general.

So like a Nuclear Bomb it's the fall out that kills.
LMAO you're calling THAT a religious Nuclear Bomb!?! that idiot with the Lemmy Kilminster mustache is a fucking joke. this wasn't even a religious M-80. Just wait till they raze the Temple Mount to rebuild Solomon's Temple (the entire structure's supplies are dry docked in Israel as we speak.) Sea of Glass ring any bells?

Do you know this about the structures supplies being dry docked? I have not heard of it, would be interesting to see your facts about it. Thanks

I am always the last to know about these things, doggone it.
When I look at the world's situation, I wonder, how long can we exist at this pace. The Middle East is just an absolute mess of war and anger. Most of Africa is about people getting killed, horrible acts of humans' dark side. China and North Korea stand at the top of oppression. US with its out of control spending and trying to police the whole world. And then there is the enviroment of the Earth. How long before everything just falls apart?
How long before everything just falls apart?

I think you just answered your own question. We're in the process of falling apart right now. While our Congress is playing Who Has The Bigger Dick, the government is going to shut down and things are just going to get worse. If you have any shit to get done that involves a government agency? Get it done TODAY.
Do you know this about the structures supplies being dry docked? I have not heard of it, would be interesting to see your facts about it. Thanks

I am always the last to know about these things, doggone it.
know any 33rd degree Freemasons? if so, ask one; there are several in my family.