The Path Of Love

"when all of a sudden I am surpriz'd to find, that instead of the usual copulations of propositions, is, and is not, I meet with no proposition that is not connected with an ought, or an ought not. This change is imperceptible; but is however, of the last consequence. For as this ought, or ought not, that expresses some new relation or affirmation, 'tis necessary that it shou'd be observ'd and explain'd; and at the same time that a reason should be given; for what seems altogether inconceivable, how this new relation can be a deduction from others, which are entirely different from it."

just because you ate meat in the past is not a reason to eat meat in the future...
A valid point worth exploring....

what other options are their?

Eating animals is one thing... taking millions and millions of animals and raising them in fields of poop, injecting them with chemicals and then slaughtering them sounds like it could be bad for the soul...

just as modifying, plants and cover the planet in chemical fertilizers and pest sprays sounds like a bad deal too...

In a recent trip to Mississippi, i came across a huge corn production area... they can;t grow any other food besides corn in that region because the chemicals they sed are specialized to kill all plants except corn... and now the people want to grow other vegetables.. but they can't

something to learn from...

It goes way beyond being a vegetarian or omnivore or meat eater... it comes down to intention and doing what IS BEST for yourself... IF ONE new what they were doing to their BEING as whole when they consumed this tortured energy called food, ONE wold never eat such foods....

Be 100% selfish and demand the best for yourself and that inclides the FOOD you eat....iloveyou

ok. so I only read the first two pages of this. but I just want to say: Garden Knowm, I really like the way you think. where did you get such wisdom? I especially like the everything is god idea, although I haven't completely wrapped my head around it, I've been working on it for a while though and it fascinates me.

anyways, I gotta say, I'm still eating meat. But honestly, I prefer to eat wild game that I have hunted. Organic man!!:peace:..except the killing it part.
Because the meatless path isn't for everyone.
just because you ate meat in the past is not a reason to eat meat in the future...

I believe that you should only take as much as you need, and hunting yourself is a good way to ensure baalnce.
ok. so I only read the first two pages of this. but I just want to say: Garden Knowm, I really like the way you think. where did you get such wisdom? I especially like the everything is god idea, although I haven't completely wrapped my head around it, I've been working on it for a while though and it fascinates me.

anyways, I gotta say, I'm still eating meat. But honestly, I prefer to eat wild game that I have hunted. Organic man!!:peace:..except the killing it part.
even if you dont care about animal rights, i still think being vegetarian is still very practical.
each trophic level you go through, you lose energy. so if you invest, for example, 1,000,000 calories in a cow, you will only get about 100,000 calories of energy. if you went right to the source of the plants, you wouldnt lose that energy, and there would be more food to go around and less waste.
I understand your point.I don't personally waste food, coming from a poor family.And I do like animals.I also eat certain animals for food.I am an omnivore.I don't feel bad about this.I don't torture them,I don't waste food.
even if you dont care about animal rights, i still think being vegetarian is still very practical.
each trophic level you go through, you lose energy. so if you invest, for example, 1,000,000 calories in a cow, you will only get about 100,000 calories of energy. if you went right to the source of the plants, you wouldnt lose that energy, and there would be more food to go around and less waste.
I am, frankly, stunned by some of the behavior I've just so unfortunately run across in this thread.
oh I get it... thanks.....

Now why don't your grab your ankles .. cause I am pretty sure your arse hole is made for my COCK.... looks like a perfect fit...

Everything makes sense now... I could never figure out what I was suppose to do with my COCK...

While your at it, have your WHOLE family line up... I think I got enough to go around...


Teeth are for KILLING MILLIONS of beings, burning them and soaking them in hot oil and then eating the remains...

fuck.. I thought teeth were just a gimmick and a scam devised by THE UNITED DENTAL ASSOCIATION...
Wouldn't that qualify as a personal attack made on someone, based essentially on nothing but a divergence of opinion? Wouldn't that qualify as a a "rule breaker" had it been done by any other member towards staff? What makes staff so different, so special, that they might be allowed to post in such a "friendly" manner? Even before our new shiny rules came into play... wow. At least have some creativity about it, then.

All because some people actually have the gall to admit they like meat. GK, you like to proselytize, a lot. And that's fine, many of the posts you like to put up have good messages. But, how about putting the behavior that better matches those words behind it? :? Honestly, was such a reaction really called for?
even if you dont care about animal rights, i still think being vegetarian is still very practical.
each trophic level you go through, you lose energy. so if you invest, for example, 1,000,000 calories in a cow, you will only get about 100,000 calories of energy. if you went right to the source of the plants, you wouldnt lose that energy, and there would be more food to go around and less waste.

exactly! learned that shyt in high school biology
wow...seamaidens got her panties in a wad...I do the way, I don't think your supposed to have that picture in your signature....just saying
I have a very simple diet. If it has a face and I can hug it,I'll eat it. I don't eat seafood.I don't eat vegetation (that's what food eats). I don't foist my diet on anyone. I don't look down on others for theirs. I eat what tastes good to me.

......Good call, sea,but I just avoid the mods, because it seems they can say whatever they want.
I am, frankly, stunned by some of the behavior I've just so unfortunately run across in this thread.

Wouldn't that qualify as a personal attack made on someone, based essentially on nothing but a divergence of opinion? Wouldn't that qualify as a a "rule breaker" had it been done by any other member towards staff? What makes staff so different, so special, that they might be allowed to post in such a "friendly" manner? Even before our new shiny rules came into play... wow. At least have some creativity about it, then.

All because some people actually have the gall to admit they like meat. GK, you like to proselytize, a lot. And that's fine, many of the posts you like to put up have good messages. But, how about putting the behavior that better matches those words behind it? :? Honestly, was such a reaction really called for?

I completely respect that.And thank you for respecting other opinions.
I have a very simple diet. If it has a face and I can hug it,I'll eat it. I don't eat seafood.I don't eat vegetation (that's what food eats). I don't foist my diet on anyone. I don't look down on others for theirs. I eat what tastes good to me.

oh I get it... thanks.....

Now why don't your grab your ankles .. cause I am pretty sure your arse hole is made for my COCK.... looks like a perfect fit...

Everything makes sense now... I could never figure out what I was suppose to do with my COCK...

While your at it, have your WHOLE family line up... I think I got enough to go around...


Teeth are for KILLING MILLIONS of beings, burning them and soaking them in hot oil and then eating the remains...

fuck.. I thought teeth were just a gimmick and a scam devised by THE UNITED DENTAL ASSOCIATION...

WOW! this is how staff talks to members......what kind of impression are you leaving on new members with comments like this.....your staff and should hold yourself at a "higher moral level". just my opinion!
WOW! this is how staff talks to members......what kind of impression are you leaving on new members with comments like this.....your staff and should hold yourself at a "higher moral level". just my opinion!

You are allowed to speak that way if you are staff..........Nothing against GK because he is being himself........Me on the other hand, I have recieved 2 infractions:peace:
but if they are smart they will slap him an infraction just it means anything or not is a different story:hump:
Seems "The path of love" is fraught with rude, egotistical staff, and chicken gods...No thanx. I'll take another road. IMO Much Love.
If I know GK like I think I do, he might have said that shit on purpose just to stir some shit........GK is all about nudity and freedom of speech......He by any means doesn't mean it:peace: