The Old Farts thread

Old fart follies, I needed gypsum to finish amendments for a new batch of super soil. Walked all the way out to my barn, found newly hatched ducklings in said barn, caught them and mom up, and put them in a safe pen until the kids are a bit bigger, went back to the mixer, forgot the gypsum. Went back, some of our young bunnies escaped the colony. Caught them, fixed escape hatch, went back to mixer, right, no gypsum:dunce:.
Broke out my emergency bong, much better. Then, I asked my lovely wife to go to the barn and bring me the gypsum!
Screw it man, I'm old. If at first you don't succeed, have someone else do it:lol:...
I always planned, on my deathbed, of getting "last tag"........I remember seeing that classic move in a "Mad" magazine , maybe early 60's.
You're it?
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Has anyone had injections for golfers or tennis elbow?

Was it effective for you?

I've had injections into my elbows but that's a month now and it's still aches sufficiently to keep awake at night.