The Junk Drawer

Isn't the premise behind Japan's child issue one of their making?

Didn't they limit children at one point because small island country, many people?
If "they" means the government then I don't think so, not like China. But if they did, it didn't work out. It's still heavily overpopulated, there are plenty of Japanese to create more. Not enough housing though. They offered benefits for new parents to encourage people to make more babies for half a century. It's more a cultural thing. People, including women, choose careers/work over having children. They also don't like immigration, 98% of people in Japan are Japanese. Last year the number of people born was lower than deaths in NL for the first time since 1900. If it weren't for immigrants, our population would be declining too. Similar reasons really, people got 'better' things to do than get marries and make babies. A major difference is we have nearly free childcare and monthly government handouts per child per month regardless of income - cause we want more women to work, but still produce babies.

If "they" means the government then I don't think so, not like China. But if they did, it didn't work out. It's still heavily overpopulated, there are plenty of Japanese to create more. Not enough housing though. They offered benefits for new parents to encourage people to make more babies for half a century. It's more a cultural thing. People, including women, choose careers/work over having children. They also don't like immigration, 98% of people in Japan are Japanese. Last year the number of people born was lower than deaths in NL for the first time since 1900. If it weren't for immigrants, our population would be declining too. Similar reasons really, people got 'better' things to do than get marries and make babies. A major difference is we have nearly free childcare and monthly government handouts per child per month regardless of income - cause we want more women to work, but still produce babies.

Caucasian populace is on the decline in America as well, which highlights the mindset of replacement by minority populace.

Charlottesville 'Jews will not replace us'..Jews is not a race; it's religion and you can be any race and be Jewish.

You don't tip retail tip, driving, delivery. To Insure Proper Service. actually long ago did this prior to the service, not after like we do now. You drop your car at Valet you peel off a $20 to make sure he takes care of the car. If you're a Baller it's $100.
i don't go to places with valet parking, and if i do, they can get fucked, that 19 year old asshole isn't going through my car and fucking with my radio...
i live in a much different world than a lot of people, it seems. pretension of any kind is enough to make me refuse to go there. i don't wear a jacket to have dinner. i don't even own a dress jacket. seriously, not one. or a tie, not one. i have a white arrow button down shirt, and a black one. i have a nice pair of 501, or a pair of nice pleated khakis, and a pair of rockport loafers. if that won't satisfy a places dress code, then i don't need or want to go.
You don't tip retail tip, driving, delivery. To Insure Proper Service. actually long ago did this prior to the service, not after like we do now. You drop your car at Valet you peel off a $20 to make sure he takes care of the car. If you're a Baller it's $100.

My dad taught me a valuable lesson as a kid, if a guy says they are the parking lot attendant, just pay them the 5 bucks. Doesn't matter if it's clearly a scam, it beats getting your car trashed while you go into wherever.

I have always done 20%, even for crap service...but the snack counter was excessive, found it rude that it was asked.

For that house fee, I would much rather they just raise prices. It wouldn't cause me or anyone else I know to avoid a place, prices go up, its what they do. The secret fee does keep me from going in. It's not like anyone even knows if it goes to the back of the house, we don't see or hear about them getting a 20% raise.

I like that european style where it's just built in as part of the bill, that seems way better for all parties involved.
Caucasian populace is on the decline in America as well, which highlights the mindset of replacement by minority populace.

Charlottesville 'Jews will not replace us'..Jews is not a race; it's religion and you can be any race and be Jewish.

Judaism is a kind of weird deal...they are a religion, but the core considers themselves to be Israeli, and even before that, they still considered themselves to be a nation without a physical state.
You don't tip retail tip, driving, delivery. To Insure Proper Service. actually long ago did this prior to the service, not after like we do now. You drop your car at Valet you peel off a $20 to make sure he takes care of the car. If you're a Baller it's $100.
why don't you tip retail employees? they have to eat karen shit every day, they have to work late hours and miss things that are important to them...what is the distinction? most retail workers around here make about $15 an do most fast food workers...why would i tip one and not the other? Proper service should be insured, that's what having a job implies, that you will do that job properly.
i am all for worker's rights, but workers also have responsibilities. if you have a job and feel you are being asked too much, find another job. or negotiate.
I remember a time when there was a company called Ticketron circa 1960-90, where I could choose seats and get them for ANY concert and I'm talking the greatest of all time.

Then something happened- it became 1995.

The FCC has work to do; once again technology has been weaponized so they can scalp fast, in blocks re-selling at exuberant cost. Is this Free Market @Rob Roy? Gaming the monopoly?:lol: OMFG! I remember being that age and how important it was to get tickets.

I'm glad they're doing the above it's long overdue; sadly, Ms. Swift is her own monopoly- Many fans, not enough concert dates.

Unfortunately, someone is bound to be disappointed..I also understand what's it's like to follow the rules only to be disappointed.

Would need more information to assess whether free market or not. What are the terms the original ticket is sold with? Do buyers agree not to resell or scalp ?

If FCC is involved in something, it's very probably, it isn't "free market".
if you have a job and feel you are being asked too much, find another job. or negotiate.
Or be like the French, mass strikes. Tipping is degrading imo unless it's actually a bonus/extra. Too many people eager to 'play restaurant' while they're not capable of running a profitable business and paying decent wages. I had high hopes the lock downs would put many out of business, reset the industry.
Judaism is a kind of weird deal...they are a religion, but the core considers themselves to be Israeli, and even before that, they still considered themselves to be a nation without a physical state.

The nation without a defined physical state is not so weird though. Not long ago on the human time scale most people were nomadic and had no fixed boundaries.

Also, Panarchy provides some interesting ways people of similar persuasions can "belong" to something without all having to be in the same boundaries like how the present nation state plantation system uses to herd and farm their human livestock.

I'm a fan of Panarchy and think it holds some promise for actual co-existence, rather than the virtue signaling platitudinous "co-exist" we see on bumper stickers beside some political bumper sticker on the same car.
Or be like the French, mass strikes. Tipping is degrading imo unless it's actually a bonus/extra. Too many people eager to 'play restaurant' while they're not capable of running a profitable business and paying decent wages. I had high hopes the lock downs would put many out of business, reset the industry.

The best kind of restaurants are the unlicensed ones that don't obey silly lockdown orders issued by control freaks. Just like the best weed will still be grown by outlaws.

I don't think waitstaff thinks of tipping as degrading you cheapskate you! :D
Does anyone know if the new Volvo commercial song is a real song? I'd like to know starts 'there's a new world coming..that's been lost to me..'.
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The best kind of restaurants are the unlicensed ones that don't obey silly lockdown orders issued by control freaks. Just like the best weed will still be grown by outlaws.

I don't think waitstaff thinks of tipping as degrading you cheapskate you! :D

If they're unlicensed? Yikes, man! A hut business on tourist row Maui? Yes. Jerk Shack on the way to Boston, Montego Bay, Jamaica? Double can always score there..this part Main Island, Rob? No:lol: I love you too funny:hug:
While I kinda agree on some of the best restaurants just being weird pop ups...I'm 100% picturing that rat burger stand in Demolition Man.

Though, I gotta ask...does food safety fall under the slavery umbrella? Don't let "the man" dictate what temperature you cook that chicken to! 140 or fight!
If they're unlicensed? Yikes, man! A hut business on tourist row Maui? Yes. Jerk Shack on the way to Boston, Montego Bay, Jamaica? Double can always score there..this part Main Island, Rob? No:lol: I love you too funny:hug:
Do you want those fries to come with salmonella or norovirus?