Hydro Hippy
Active Member
I know what it's like to tell a true story and some asshole say it's not so. I was a member of an outdoors forum once and contributed some photos of my foot when I snapped the ligament off the bursa. I had no reason to make up the story or go looking for internet photos; I don't do that stupid shit. So this first class prick that had about 5,000 posts said the photos were not mine and I was making the story up. At first I just simply defended myself, then others jumped in with the other guy and I started get really defensive. Finally I just changed my avatar to flipping a bird, told them all to kiss my ass and never went back. They are the fucking loosers because I had a lot to contribute; fuck 'em.
Haha I hate people like that, you did the right thing those guys are not worth your time