The highest you've ever been

Hydro Hippy

Active Member
alright, let me tell you guys the story of me getting higher then I have ever been. It was a friday, chillin with 2 friends. We were dry and wanted some sticky extremely bad. We were all broke because we had spent all our money on booze, of course. But we drank it earlier that evening, So we decided to call up a dealer we barley knew.. this was way back in the day. We asked if he had a half O to sell, he said yeah, I'll even throw in some hash if you can come to me. So sure enough we drove up to him, He handed us the shit and we sped off. We started rolling blunts by the eighth, and man was this some crazy weed, left your hands more sticky then glue. Long story short(er) we got back to his house, smoked insane blunts, then took the craziest hits of hash from a 3 foot destroyer, I was literally leaning against the wall thinking I was laying flat on the ground. that was the day I smoked too much weed, any comments or stories are welcome, keep tokin:joint:
i smoked weed to the point where literally nothing existed. i just layed on my bed for hours. then fell asleep for like 10 hours. woke up stoned and barely able to move. mouth drier than i can describe. my trusty super lemon haze and a bowl of wheetos brought me back to life.
Are we only counting weed?

No I guess you can just tell us the story of the most destroyed youve been. and no lil czr I was more along for the ride, sitting in the back buzzin on some drink. It was a more of why the hell not, it's friday kinda thing haha. This was in my early days of smoking
i smoked weed to the point where literally nothing existed. i just layed on my bed for hours. then fell asleep for like 10 hours. woke up stoned and barely able to move. mouth drier than i can describe. my trusty super lemon haze and a bowl of wheetos brought me back to life.

Are you serious? How much did you smoke? haha
Are you serious? How much did you smoke? haha

fuck knows how much i smoked. im serious. i go on a big binge every few months to get rid of all my stress. i usually just lock myself in my room. leave the radio on a slow reggea station, bring a 0 or 2 and spend 2 days completely shut off from the world and all the troubles around me. try it? does wonders for your motivation.
alright, let me tell you guys the story of me getting higher then I have ever been. It was a friday, chillin with 2 friends. We were dry and wanted some sticky extremely bad. We were all broke because we had spent all our money on booze, of course. But we drank it earlier that evening, So we decided to call up a dealer we barley knew.. this was way back in the day. We asked if he had a half O to sell, he said yeah, I'll even throw in some hash if you can come to me. So sure enough we drove up to him, He handed us the shit and we sped off. We started rolling blunts by the eighth, and man was this some crazy weed, left your hands more sticky then glue. Long story short(er) we got back to his house, smoked insane blunts, then took the craziest hits of hash from a 3 foot destroyer, I was literally leaning against the wall thinking I was laying flat on the ground. that was the day I smoked too much weed, any comments or stories are welcome, keep tokin:joint:

Cool story, bro.
First time that I got high was like the 5th or 6th time I smoked and I felt like I was in a video game and everyone that was talking sounded like they were a narrator. There's no high like your 1st high.
First time that I got high was like the 5th or 6th time I smoked and I felt like I was in a video game and everyone that was talking sounded like they were a narrator. There's no high like your 1st high.

Yeah for real bro, about that many times after i started burnin (about 10 for me), I'll never forget it. Was an amazing high my ears were ringing so bad i couldnt hear my fingers snap right beside them and my vision was so blury, i couldnt see straight. it was great and ive never got high like that since that day. the bud i was smoking was really strong too, very sticky and fresh chop too.
Dude... on weed only.... I got so fucking high, I was in a Lazy Boy chair... and even slouched I couldn't hold up my body own body weight... guess I was stoned... Smoked like 4 joints... one with a friend... was sooo stoned couldn't sit up... crawled to the floor on a matress.. and passed out :leaf: .... Done it before too at a party where I smoked a full O in one night between two people.. hehehe... smoked 3 at once.. was awesome... passed out then too... if anyone should have EVER OD'ed from weed.. it's me =D =D :leaf: ... So wed don't hurt none...

I'm baked in a hotel room atm btw... heh heh heh :leaf: ... Blaze on y'all... Only smoke da herb too =p

:leaf Smoker Toker :leaf:
the highest i've been hmmm that would have to be the time my friends and i were hanging out at this old graveyard and one of them pulls out some stuff his neighbor sold him. idk what the hell it was but i was stoned stupid and every time i moved my hands after that i saw tracers:) looked like i had a dozen fingers on my hand lol. that night when i went to bed it felt like i was gonna sink through the bed. those were days when moderation wasn't a thought in my head lol.good times :) :peace:
i smoked over 16 grames of killer california skunk when i was 16 i was so high i layed in my bed for hours then fell asleep stoned out of my mind. i woke up with the worest cotton month ever ! i thought i was gonna die ! LOL i didnt i got some water drank played SEGA genisis
One time when I first started smoking i got so high that my friends were messing with me and i could of sworn they were trying to kill me :( and after that I fell asleep :sleep:
Fully agreed, who the fuck get's off nicking an ounce off a dealer, plus a dealer willing to give you extra shit to save himself a journey.

ukgrower2110 said:
it keeps goin till you find what your daily amount is. for me its around 23- 28 grams
ukgrower2110 said:
i go on a big binge every few months to get rid of all my stress. i usually just lock myself in my room. leave the radio on a slow reggea station, bring a 0 or 2 and spend 2 days completely shut off from the world and all the troubles around me.

so your daily happy clappy tolerance is an ounce, yet every couple of months you get REALLLLLLLLY fucked up on an ounce... which one s it? you really got to keep tabs on the stuff you post :lol:
I'm no were near perfect, but I'm far from a scumbag. How's this for constructive criticism. Stop being a piece of shit thief. I don't care how old you were that's fucking scummy. Asshole.

Im sure youve never stole anything.
Dealers are dumb, your whining because you have been jacked. Learn to get money before you hand over your bag, idiot.