The highest you've ever been

Some great stories here. I most totally ripped I've ever been was one Friday evening I took a hit of psilocybin (mushrooms). A couple of hours later I went to a concert where some friends were playing. The drummer for our band was moving away and we wanted to get him stoned. A friend of mine saw me and offered me some acid - which I bought two of, you know the $7 or 2 for $10 deal. I popped one hit. An hour or so later some friends said "Everybody is going out to __________'s house (a very safe and remote place!) so we loaded up and went out. I was getting off on the psilocybin pretty good and thought it was the acid for some reason. My best friend, Larry, started rolling joints and passing them left then right, left then right. There was probably a dozen of us sitting on the floor in this extremely trippy big room with thick shag carpet (yeah, 70's). Larry was directly across from me and kept grinning at me. He was the biggest dealer in town and always had great dope. When the doobies started crossing I had one in each hand and they were coming as fast as I could hit them. After probably 10-12 hits I was fucking wrecked. I decided to spend the night there so, on a really stupid decision, I decided to do the other hit of acid but instead of dropping it I would crush it up and snort it so I would get off quicker. Holy shit!!!! A couple of the guys started doing Zappa songs and was really fucking with everybody's minds - especially mine so I had to get out of there. I grabbed Larry and another bud and we went outside. All of it was hitting me, the psilocybin, 2 hits of acid and all that pot. As we were standing outside, Larry said something then the other guy said something; then Larry seemed to repeat himself, then the other guy repeated himself! They were not really repeating themselves; I was having severe audio hallucinations. One of them had a cigarette and flicked the ashes and the little red ash tumbled all the way to the ground then back UP again!! I saw trails everytime I did acid, no big deal but I had never seen that before. Larry decided he needed to get me out of that place and into a quieter, more sane environment so he suggested we go to his house. I had my dads new Pontiac Bonneville. Driving it to Larry's house was like flying the space shuttle! I felt like I was doing light speed and I was only doing like 35. I could not drive any faster. We got to Larry's house and his girl friend had gotten a dog, a damn man-eating dog. He ran out at me barking and growling and I just about freaked out. I was seeing red flashing lights. There was no way I could sleep; man I was wired. We always had music on and about 4am we put on the album "Blood Rock" and the song DOA. I should have stayed at the freak show, LOL. I also did some acid and "the bag" (Bactine in a plastic bread bag - dumb as shit) and got fried but it only lasted for a few minutes but extremely intense. That was not a good addition to my trip. BTW, I figure I did about 60 acid trips and not one bad one.
I agree, some dealers are pretty retarded, but they usually aren't around long (jail, dead, whatever). The guys who've been around for years and years - they're usually pretty damn smart, they have to be. Dealing is demanding work and a lot of guys just don't make the cut.

yea, i've been buying from the same guy for a couple years now, and others have been buying from him longer than that. as far as i know he's only ever been jacked once and never had a run in with the law. he seems to be doing pretty well for himself too :)
Some of the best men in the world have stole a bag when they are a kid. Shut the fuck up, you know nothing.

Some of the best men being? If you can give me 5 names of some of these "best men in the world" that steal weed then maybe I'll believe you.

Dawg I could get shot in the head and still be smarter then you:roll:
Some of the best men being? If you can give me 5 names of some of these "best men in the world" that steal weed then maybe I'll believe you.

Dawg I could get shot in the head and still be smarter then you:roll:

hahahahahhaha your lucky im too lazy to track your i.p. and i'll show you what it's like to be "smarter then me". erase the r from the end of your name, replace it with a D.

Hows that for "getting dangerous" bitch?
hahahahahhaha your lucky im too lazy to track your i.p. and i'll show you what it's like to be "smarter then me". erase the r from the end of your name, replace it with a D.

Hows that for "getting dangerous" bitch?

LOL at this. I'm glad I decided to pop my head back in here. We got a hood nigga up in this bitch. Haha god you make yourself look like such an ass, it's awesome lol.
the first time i got high, i was with some kids on a trail early morning....i gave them $5 to smoke me out....they were originally only gonna let me smoke 2 bowls because i only gave them $5 but they decided to let me hit every bowl because i had never been high....i got so fucked. we were walking and suddenly it hit me, i started waving my hands and i kept thinking to myself "oh my god im in slow motion!!!" and then i realised i had been yelling it out loud...then cottonmouth hit and i drank water out of a lake.

we also saw deer on the trail lol, it freaked me the fuck out
I was in the back seat in-coherent drunk. You can't judge somebody on one action, you don't know me I don't know you. end of story
I was doing bongloads and wating for some acid. This guy comes over and tells me that it is a fresh vial so be careful. I got the vial and lifted it up to my mouth and squirted it. I got about, IDK, a bunch of drops. Like a rocket I was on the ground pretty much seized up like I had just injected GOD. I cant describe but I was like a whole heard of horsed was about to rush out and carry me with them! And there I was for almost an hour gritting my teeth and clenching my hands and whisheoring "no doctors". My freinds thru me in the back of their truck and tooke me to Music trader to listen to music. As soon as i got there I realized I could only see in black and white. I was tripped out but happy I had acid. The the musix started. BOOM, color everywhere and I could see it ecoming out of speakers and red all over. Best trip ever. I even took more the next day. I lloved that shit. But I was like in convulsions. Hilarious.
is it necessary to defend something that happened all so long ago. I thought the thread was about how high you ever been, not a thread on morale. This is a pointless read.
I was in the back seat in-coherent drunk. You can't judge somebody on one action, you don't know me I don't know you. end of story

So we decided to call up a dealer we barley knew.. this was way back in the day. We asked if he had a half O to sell, he said yeah, I'll even throw in some hash if you can come to me. So sure enough we drove up to him, He handed us the shit and we sped off. We started rolling blunts by the eighth

You'e shown your colours now though, we know what you're made of ;)
I know what it's like to tell a true story and some asshole say it's not so. I was a member of an outdoors forum once and contributed some photos of my foot when I snapped the ligament off the bursa. I had no reason to make up the story or go looking for internet photos; I don't do that stupid shit. So this first class prick that had about 5,000 posts said the photos were not mine and I was making the story up. At first I just simply defended myself, then others jumped in with the other guy and I started get really defensive. Finally I just changed my avatar to flipping a bird, told them all to kiss my ass and never went back. They are the fucking loosers because I had a lot to contribute; fuck 'em.