The highest you've ever been

Well it was probally about my 4th time smoking a long time ago and i just started trimmping balls... I was shaking thought i was gonna die, i had to go outsie becasue i thought i needed fresh air and it was winter.. But it all started my and my brother seshin, then i went to the kitchen and he came and i burped and sawre i saw somke.. so im like"wtf i just burped and saw smoke... nigga i am high as hell" we had a good laugh and then i was leaving the kitchen and i like blanked out and was on the ground and thats when im like fuck i need air, then i was playing call of duty and quickscoping and everyshot felt like i got shot... I was so high i neded up faling asleep in my chair and i woke up at 5:30 in the moring like holy fuck..
i dont know if i have one experience thats "the highest i've ever been"...but i do have a few different experiences of some of my best highs :D

- first time i smoked ISO hash...i forgot how to stand up. and i couldnt stand up straight. or walk straight. lol. it was pretty wicked :D
- i dont remember what i was smoking...sour diesel i think...i literally was walking around my house looking at it like it was in another dimension, or parallel reality or something. it *looked* like my house...but it didnt feel the same. i felt completely detached like i was only half physically in this reality...and half my body and my whole consciousness were elsewhere.
- in one night i saw fairies, the aloe vera plant in our kitchen window started chirping at me like a bird, and then it sounded like there was a man drowning inside of the fan i have in my room lol. shortly after that i was *convinced* that i was about to be abducted by aliens...that night was white widow :D
- i've seen wormholes...just laying in bed with my eyes closed in the dark. sometimes if i continue following through the wormhole in my minds eye, i'll eventually start to see visions. quite a few of the visions i've seen have happened, its pretty weird lol. sometimes i'll have an open-eye hallucination of the wormholes too. right in front of my face. they just start to come out of nowhere lol. i dont know how to explain what they look like though :( that happens when im just blazed in general.

i've never used anything other than cannabis to get high :D different variations of pot...but still pot all the same lol
thanks for posting guys, keep them coming! A long ass time ago, the only thing I had was a can and I was living with my parents at the time, I was really young. I had to sneak out and I found a nearby un-built house and me and my friend went in it, smoked about 2 grams as I was walking back to my house I was going right down the middle of the road I swear I was doing the running man or something because the ground felt like a treadmill it was like I was a lab rat running in a wheel. that walk took forever haha.
Im sure youve never stole anything.
Dealers are dumb, your whining because you have been jacked. Learn to get money before you hand over your bag, idiot.

Wtf at first I was kinda on your side that's fucked up that's how some ghetto ass trailer trash mother fucker would think. Damn and that dealer didn't kill your friend or at least beat the shit out of him and rob him? That's fucked up your dealer was being nice and you robbed him for an O and some hash:confused: Suck a d

Yea even though you weren't driving the fact that you're backing up the behavior and saying it's all good makes it just as bad.

Oh yea and the highest I've ever been was my first time getting high. It was like my third time smoking weed and I got fucking HIGH! I had "shutter vision"...nuff said. Also pretty much my first couple times I could let my head fall back with my eyes closed and picture it from a 3rd person point of view. In a frame by frame type of thing too it was badass.
shutup no one cares what you think you give weed a bad name. Judging somebody on one action is ignorance at its best.
Im sure youve never stole anything.
Dealers are dumb, your whining because you have been jacked. Learn to get money before you hand over your bag, idiot.
dealers shouldent have to worry about getting jacked and having to get the money first, if i were that dealer you probly wouldent be posting this now
one time i got so high and i had the muchies and i was in the kitchen i was about to eat something but then i taught to my self how do i chew again so i had to google it that high it was when i was way younger and barely started smoking
shutup no one cares what you think you give weed a bad name. Judging somebody on one action is ignorance at its best.

If I kill am I not a killer?
If I rape am I not a rapist?
If you steal weed your a douche bag


lol I'm kinda just fuckin around but still you shouldn't condone that shit
shutup no one cares what you think you give weed a bad name. Judging somebody on one action is ignorance at its best.

Haha, and sopmeone that does not regret "one action" and proudly makes threads about the experience and backs it up with terrible moral values, well you're a waste of all our time and space, maybe you should quietly disappear and maybe come back under a new user name :lol: you have no respect here
highest I've ever been was off of 2 brownies; I should have only ate one . . . had a pretty hardcore high for 7 hours that was trying to give me a panic attack/whitey but I fought it off . . . never been that high before in my entire life.
That happened to me approximately 4 weeks ago: I was smoking one insanely potent joint all by myself, fucker had about 1 gram in it, then the world was becoming "multiple", which means that EVERYTHING I looked at was also summoning many different related memories from the back of my brain and supplied me with some kind of a God-vision, because I was able to recognize the inter-connectedness of every object or person within the bigger picture. Also, I swear I was able to read people's minds too, albeit just for a short period of time. And yes, even weeks after it actually happened, I still defend that point that telepathy is real.
If I kill am I not a killer?
If I rape am I not a rapist?
If you steal weed your a douche bag


lol I'm kinda just fuckin around but still you shouldn't condone that shit

Some of the best men in the world have stole a bag when they are a kid. Shut the fuck up, you know nothing.
Other then these people whining thanks for posting guys. Anytime i start a thread I get ridiculed it never fails, you guys can judge me by one petty action but I know who I really am, you don't.

highest I've ever been was off of 2 brownies; I should have only ate one . . . had a pretty hardcore high for 7 hours that was trying to give me a panic attack/whitey but I fought it off . . . never been that high before in my entire life.

Haha this has happened to me also, when I ate hash brownies using about 3.5 grams of hash I cooked them, sliced them and went to town. Let's just say paranoia and extreme audio hallucinations
I don't even know how concentrated this person made them. she said she made it with a crock pot and 4 sticks of butter . . . .

I have a feeling it depends on how long you cook the edibles how effective they are . . . because I've used utter shitloads of shake (like 1-2 oz to one stick of butter) and it still didn't get me nearly as fucked up per cookie than that batch she made . . .

she wouldn't even tell me specifically how much she put in there either, she just said 'whatever I can get . . . " bah..

either way, it was so intense that I don't care togo back ahaha.
Im sure youve never stole anything.
Dealers are dumb, your whining because you have been jacked. Learn to get money before you hand over your bag, idiot.

really? do a lot of people seem to have dumb or crappy dealers? my dealer is wicked :D he's been jacked too...once, lol. he let the kid get away...but the little bastard got it back later when he wasnt expecting it. you do not want to piss off my dealer hahaha. he's actually very very smart.
That happened to me approximately 4 weeks ago: I was smoking one insanely potent joint all by myself, fucker had about 1 gram in it, then the world was becoming "multiple", which means that EVERYTHING I looked at was also summoning many different related memories from the back of my brain and supplied me with some kind of a God-vision, because I was able to recognize the inter-connectedness of every object or person within the bigger picture. Also, I swear I was able to read people's minds too, albeit just for a short period of time. And yes, even weeks after it actually happened, I still defend that point that telepathy is real.

thats how i am when sober now :) weed really opened up my consciousness to the universe. i used to only experience certain things when i was blazed...but now i've learned to control that part of my consciousness while sober to achieve those experiences without using bud :D
really? do a lot of people seem to have dumb or crappy dealers? my dealer is wicked :D he's been jacked too...once, lol. he let the kid get away...but the little bastard got it back later when he wasnt expecting it. you do not want to piss off my dealer hahaha. he's actually very very smart.

That's an obvious slip of the tongue on my part, certain dealers are dumb.. I wasn't even coherent when my friends were doing this. But we're past this subject anyways, unless people choose otherwise.
I agree, some dealers are pretty retarded, but they usually aren't around long (jail, dead, whatever). The guys who've been around for years and years - they're usually pretty damn smart, they have to be. Dealing is demanding work and a lot of guys just don't make the cut.