The highest you've ever been

I know what it's like to tell a true story and some asshole say it's not so. I was a member of an outdoors forum once and contributed some photos of my foot when I snapped the ligament off the bursa. I had no reason to make up the story or go looking for internet photos; I don't do that stupid shit. So this first class prick that had about 5,000 posts said the photos were not mine and I was making the story up. At first I just simply defended myself, then others jumped in with the other guy and I started get really defensive. Finally I just changed my avatar to flipping a bird, told them all to kiss my ass and never went back. They are the fucking loosers because I had a lot to contribute; fuck 'em.

Haha I hate people like that, you did the right thing those guys are not worth your time
hahahahahhaha your lucky im too lazy to track your i.p. and i'll show you what it's like to be "smarter then me". erase the r from the end of your name, replace it with a D.

Hows that for "getting dangerous" bitch?

Alright dude it's like this, I'm not even trippen on anything you said cause I'm high and just chillin right now. However, if you wanna be some tough guy you can SUCK MY DICK. Yea bro seriously what's the point of threatening me online? Niether of us are gonna follow up on anything said. If you wanna get my ip come over dude but you better swallow! lol j/p I'll smoke with you just don't jack my weed...bitch
highest iv ever been was last friday, i was at a snoop concert and ate way too many brownies, i passed out an slept for 36 hours an still woke up buzzin
i agree i have done some silly things but never jacked anyone especialy your dealer if it was me i would ok kicked your arse big time thats scum bro weather you was young or not think about it say if someone done that to you joker
what a dick u still havent grown up
if i was your dealer u would of been slapped up for that shit no good scum bag
rate this thread terrible
Most High = Stoned on herb, snorting oxy's, rolling on mdma, tripping on liquid, blowing hits of crack into a Nitrous balloon.
I was sucked up into another dimension. I was in this large pink room with a pillow floor. I woman with the head of a cat and pharaoh headdress (sphinx-like) was motioning me to her with her finger. I crawled to her, and came to underneath the end table next to my couch in the living room.
Awesome experience, but I don't do drugs like that anymore. Now I limit myself pot and the occasional xanax.
Shrooms and mdma or acid and mdma were awesome together. I could see the world connected into some type of digital cartoon. I would take mass quantities of psychedelics and take one roll and have the best trips ever.
the highest i remember ever being lol... the first time i tried some local skunk (started off with mids) lol i was like 13 and came home late and put the tv on...i felt like i was hearing echoes as i layed there ...something similiar to nitrous but off pure herb i almost thought the shit was laced. but at the time i had never tried that potent of bud so i learned later on it was just a side effect from being so small and having such high level of thc for the first time. after that i hadnt been so high until i first went to LA ..actually glendale and tried OG kush for the first time in a bubbler ... 25 dollars a gram when i tried it ... that shit tastes good smells good gets you good ... fuck i want some right now
few years ago. was probably only about the 4th time i smoked. ended up going to get food, basically ordered everything they had, lol. pizza... more pizza... chicken fingers, fries, etc. big case of the munchies. anyway, the place was closing so they had already closed the cash register because the guy didn't see me in there, he was telling me to just take the food for free, but i couldn't hear/understand him. i just said what?, he kept repeating it but i still couldn't hear/understand him, felt like i was standing there for hours, eventually he just gave up and walked away, lol. good shit only happens to you when you're high, lol.
One time when I first started smoking i got so high that my friends were messing with me and i could of sworn they were trying to kill me :( and after that I fell asleep :sleep:

hahahahha omfg that reminds me of a time back in the day with two who was on my tolerence level and the other wasn't. We smoked a couple blunts together and the the kid started freaking out so i told him to go ahead and take a shower to kill his high. So he goes into my friends bathroom and turns the shower on and me and my other friend start laughing our asses off like so bad i couldnt breath lol. So he comes out a few minutes later and says he had been listening to us and he knew we were talking about killing him. After he says this we laugh even harder b/c the whole time we had not been saying anything so he must of been hearing shit. Well he is still freaking so he says he is going to take another shower so he goes into the bathroom again but this time the kid that is not freaking out with me brother comes in. So we tell his brother that our friend is freaking out and to scare him more. Well the kid comes out of the shower and the brother is like "is your heart beating real fast" and the kid who is freaking out is like yea. and the brother is like "omg well my friend had the samething happen to him and his heart exploded and he died" well me and my friend start laughing our ass off again and the kid freaks out harder. Well after like 3 hours the kid calms down and sobered up. lol we still make fun of him to this day