The French Cannoli` Hash Thread


Well-Known Member
Lol sorry. I get a lot of crap for it. I used to be able to put up I can't, I haven't gotten around to setup a photo bucket or similar account. I will eventually warmachine and vacpurge.. I have a feeling your out there laughing right now

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Not really, I think I did not phrase my question well.
Is the resin mass "corrosive" enough to absorb a certain amount of vegetal matter during the first 3-6 months of curing?
You can put your pictures on the thread by creating an album like I did, very simple and effective.
I would also very much like to see what you do.


Well-Known Member
No. The plant matter will "decompose" and break down similar to curing bud. You are correct in that the resin is corrosive but it will merely decompose it won't dissolve and disappear into the hash. The plant matter from a bad extraction, whether its solvent made or from pressed kief, unfortunately will remain. I think that's what your asking?

What do you mean by that? I'm not good at all with computers, it won't let me upload photos anymore. I've tried in my profile or whatever to make an album if that's what you mean. I think I'm gonna have to do a photo storing/sharing website and try and figure that one out


Well-Known Member
Merely classed differently. The other dude put up a good link. But the one I put up this morning on terpenes goes in depth.

Saying thc is a terpene, specifically a monoterpene and a phenol... which is why I said I thought the phenol was throwing you off yesterday... I forgot to put up article specifically talking about that this morning... I'll get to it in a few.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
No. The plant matter will "decompose" and break down similar to curing bud. You are correct in that the resin is corrosive but it will merely decompose it won't dissolve and disappear into the hash. The plant matter from a bad extraction, whether its solvent made or from pressed kief, unfortunately will remain. I think that's what your asking?

What do you mean by that? I'm not good at all with computers, it won't let me upload photos anymore. I've tried in my profile or whatever to make an album if that's what you mean. I think I'm gonna have to do a photo storing/sharing website and try and figure that one out
So if the resin mass is corrosive and it 'decompose' and break down the plant matter, what is left of the plant matter?
(By the way I am talking about the trichomes membranes and microscopic vegetal matter)
Assuming we all work for the highest quality.

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
Merely classed differently. The other dude put up a good link. But the one I put up this morning on terpenes goes in depth.

Saying thc is a terpene, specifically a monoterpene and a phenol... which is why I said I thought the phenol was throwing you off yesterday... I forgot to put up article specifically talking about that this morning... I'll get to it in a few.
Merely classed differently???
You gave me that link, quite awesome actually


Well-Known Member
The membranes are mainly plant lipids and waxes. It contributes to congestion and harshness in poorly made solvent extractions. To a lesser degree when your only collecting the heads like your method instead of also stripping leaves. It will stay in the product.the plant matter is still there think of smoking as you heat it it shrinks from being burnt away and decomposing eventually your left with carbon. Its basically the same in hash but the plant matter in hash wouldn't decay any faster than when just curing bud. So you don't want it in your product and it will breakdown but never be completely removed.

(Edit)Check that green chemistry page. The first page actually talks about it then it goes further in detail
Classes differently because it effects cb receptors the phenol isn't the classifying factor..but I could be wrong I'm not perfect...but it is a terpene


Well-Known Member
Yea cause it says 25 non cannabinoid terpene phenols have been identified. The only classifying factor making a terpene a cannabinoid is that it activates cb receptors. Is my conclusion

But in defining canabinoids it says
Cannabinoids are a class of diverse chemical compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors.. so I don't think it has to be a turpene to be considered a cannabinoid its anything effecting cb receptors. But thc is a monoterpene

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
From your latest link

D9-THC is an aromatic terpenoid
1 which is found naturally within the cannabis plant

1 Terpenoids resemble terpenes in their molecular structure (made of isoprene units). They can be thought of as modified terpenes, wherein methyl groups have been moved or removed, or oxygen atoms added.

If terpenoids just
resemble terpenes and furthermore are not even in the same compound class than cannabinoids, how can cannabinoids be actually terpenes when your link state that D9-THC is an aromatic terpenoid



Well-Known Member
Oi man... Terpenes are referred to as terpenoids when denatured by oxidation (like being dried or curing) thca is terpene thc with me here

Talked about in the Berkeley link


Well-Known Member
But it should be noted that thc a terpene degrades into delta 8 and a fraction of it converts to cbn, all also being terpines but with different qualities. The other terpenes also degrade from light into other compounds with differing effects and likewise flavors...we haven't studied every constituent of cannabis to know what each is degrading too and how the flavors are altered and effects produced....but likely to be much lesser

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
This morning going through Qwizoking links I got some details on decarb that give "credit to my instinct".
You know that I press with a heat that is under the acknowledged decarb temperature so that I never really go 100% .
This prove me right and the curing + aging will take care of finishing it.
When we heat cannabis to convert the THCA and CBDA into THC and CBD, we are also converting THC to CBN at a faster rate. At about 70% decarboxylation, we actually start converting THC to CBN at a faster rate than we are converting THCA to THC, so as you can see by the following graph, after about 70% decarboxylation, the levels of THC actually start to fall sharply. That of course means that the CBN also begins to rise and the medication is becoming more sedative.


Well-Known Member
So as I was saying before why do you decarb? I would think pressurizing at cold temps would help stop decarbing and would help prevent degredation of cannabinoids and volatile terpenes from flying away.. decarbing puts it in a more stable form but 240 days is when thca finishes decarbing naturally overtime. So unless you plan on storing your hash for a year or more I think non decarbed hash would be better and perhaps more flavorful. The heating just speeds the process that would otherwise happen naturally....have you ever tried pressing in this manner? I've never even had the opportunity to try real traditional hash so I'm just throwing out an idea that makes sense to me

Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
So as I was saying before why do you decarb? I would think pressurizing at cold temps would help stop decarbing and would help prevent degredation of cannabinoids and volatile terpenes from flying away.. decarbing puts it in a more stable form but 240 days is when thca finishes decarbing naturally overtime. So unless you plan on storing your hash for a year or more I think non decarbed hash would be better and perhaps more flavorful. The heating just speeds the process that would otherwise happen naturally....have you ever tried pressing in this manner? I've never even had the opportunity to try real traditional hash so I'm just throwing out an idea that makes sense to me
You are still asking me why I decarb my hash after the literature you fed me. I do not get it I guess. Something lost in translation somewhere
Have you ever try to press trichomes in your hand for 20 to 30 min???