"The Compassionate Tea Party State of Utah AKA What Sick Fucks"..


Well-Known Member

"he's got a phone and a pen, we have the constitution" is the latest rallying cry from the depths of the radical, racist right.

these people are like fucking sheep who will recite anything alex jones tells them to, they lack the ability to think for themselves, formulate their own opinions, etcetera.
And I doubt many of them have ever heard of Alex Jones or anything said or written by him, I know I haven't. If he has a website, I've never seen it. If he has a tv/radio show, they aren't available on any networks around here. If it wasn't for YOUR occasional use of his name in the above context, I wouldn't have ever heard of him. Is he a blogger or something?


Well-Known Member
lemme break it down one more step:

the lunch is then TAKEN from the child and THROWN into the garbage
I just can't see that as a good message for a kid. If we want to show the capacious and stupid way of power, You need an adult understanding of the games, Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders, to get this one.


Well-Known Member

"he's got a phone and a pen, we have the constitution" is the latest rallying cry from the depths of the radical, racist right.

these people are like fucking sheep who will recite anything alex jones tells them to, they lack the ability to think for themselves, formulate their own opinions, etcetera.

But, both are sheer Jingoism. Both sides have big mouths and paid script writers, is all.

The pen and phone are in the constitution and are allowed for use by Presidents, under the 1st Amendment.

His Executive Powers that he refers to, are also in there.

Therefore, the Constitution is a big stick that both sides beat each other with, in public, for our vast amusement.

Life is grand, because the merely amused far outnumber the partisan beaters. :)


Well-Known Member
1. utah is a tea party state which means those who work for the BOE are more than likely tea. 2. i don't cry to the mods..that would be you and your lackeys.
Those who work for the BOE are teacher's union members, not only members of the Democrat party, but the most powerful members of the Democrat party.


Well-Known Member
lemme break it down one more step:

the lunch is then TAKEN from the child and THROWN into the garbage

How anyone can defend this is beyond me. The level of stupidty indicated in that decision should result in immediate dismissal.


Well-Known Member
why, thank you! have a nice day!..i will it's sunny, 70's..i'm going to school and then happy hour with friends from school tonight..then i will come home and concentrate on my "hobby"..have you heard?..were voting on medical marijuana this midterm election..that combined with my marketing savant skills from kushy fortune 500 + hobby skills..you get the idea:wink:
Too bad you refused to sign the petition. So how is it you have all these "marketing" skills, yet can't sell an employer on hiring you? Crappy product? Or just so fat no one will hire you?


Well-Known Member
When you go to school, you are getting ready to sell your skills. Or perhaps you will be your own boss and hire others, eventually.

Horse before the cart, my man.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and the fat thing.....too bad. But, you just don't know about that do you? Ha ha.
But, both are sheer Jingoism. Both sides have big mouths and paid script writers, is all.

The pen and phone are in the constitution and are allowed for use by Presidents, under the 1st Amendment.

His Executive Powers that he refers to, are also in there.

Therefore, the Constitution is a big stick that both sides beat each other with, in public, for our vast amusement.

Life is grand, because the merely amused far outnumber the partisan beaters. :)


Well-Known Member
3.8??? We would hire you with a 3.8. Great Job!
Since nobody else has, I suspect that 3.8 GPA is imaginary. Not to mention her $80,000 a year salary. All that experience and still collecting food stamps and unemployment.


Well-Known Member
Since nobody else has, I suspect that 3.8 GPA is imaginary. Not to mention her $80,000 a year salary. All that experience and still collecting food stamps and unemployment.
You have a weird imagination, but I might have sure knowledge.....ya never know, do ya? :)


Well-Known Member
Since nobody else has, I suspect that 3.8 GPA is imaginary. Not to mention her $80,000 a year salary. All that experience and still collecting food stamps and unemployment.
No one else has that? Then I suppose I don't hire? Because, 3.6 is my very bottom, and I see 4.0 from MIT all the time.

Since you obviously don't have a brag for a GPA, that doesn't mean there are not the 5 sigma types, everywhere. Come on..what do you think college is for, to hiring managers like me?

I can only hire new colleges grads and for me only from a short list of the top schools in the world. Recently GA Tech got added to the list in the USA. And for marketing it is the same thing....different schools, Warton is always good, but the same GPA is needed to apply.


Well-Known Member
How anyone can defend this is beyond me. The level of stupidty indicated in that decision should result in immediate dismissal.
It's damn near impossible to fire a member of the teachers' unions. Two are on paid leave. Paid leave isn't much of a punishment. 'round here, we call that "vacation"


Well-Known Member
When you go to school, you are getting ready to sell your skills. Or perhaps you will be your own boss and hire others, eventually. Horse before the cart, my man.
She claims she "used" to make $80k a year. Now she's going to school. Try to keep up.


Well-Known Member
No one else has that? Then I suppose I don't hire? Because, 3.6 is my very bottom, and I see 4.0 from MIT all the time. Since you obviously don't have a brag for a GPA, that doesn't mean there are not the 5 sigma types, everywhere. Come on..what do you think college is for, to hiring managers like me? I can only hire new colleges grads and for me only from a short list of the top schools in the world. Recently GA Tech got added to the list in the USA. And for marketing it is the same thing....different schools, Warton is always good, but the same GPA is needed to apply.
Anybody can apply. Perhaps you meant "qualify"? You don't sound like a hiring manager to me. My GPA is anything I say it is by your standard.