"The Compassionate Tea Party State of Utah AKA What Sick Fucks"..

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
calling utah a "Tea Party State" is ridiculous.

utah is a religious fundamentalist state which votes republican consistently because the church tells them how to vote, rather than based on any REAL Republican ideals (as in, support for the Republic as a political form) or support for the republican party.

if the church decides to throw their support to the socialist party of the greens, utah will swing that way overnight.

the church has NOT supported the Tea Party or it's ideals.

california has more Tea Party supporters as a % of the electorate than Utah does.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Rob Roy has become the invisible man again.
And all I did was ask him what he has accomplished in life
so when you demand somebody justify their existence they have two hours to comply and submit their curriculum vitae for your approval or they receive an Incomplete and have to take your class again?

funny how the leftists are always the ones demanding people justify their existence.


Well-Known Member
so when you demand somebody justify their existence they have two hours to comply and submit their curriculum vitae for your approval or they receive an Incomplete and have to take your class again?

funny how the leftists are always the ones demanding people justify their existence.
You said Justify their existancve not me

And 2 hours?
More like 2 days and he still hasnt answered in anything but hollow platitudes

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
You said Justify their existancve not me

And 2 hours?
More like 2 days and he still hasnt answered in anything but hollow platitudes
posted by you, at 2:37 pm, today.

So what have you accomplished in Life Rob? Not interested in platitudes.
Tell us how you have been successful
yep 2 hours to justify his existence to your satisfaction, or be declared irrelevant.

Protip: you cant justify your existence to me either, but i dont demand it.


Well-Known Member
calling utah a "Tea Party State" is ridiculous.
let's sea, who gave the TEA PARTY rebuttal to the state of the union?

that would be this guy.

yes, that's right. mike lee, tea party senator from utah. the same guy who helped ted cruz with his faux-libuster.

rob bishop, who is in the house of reps, is a member of the TEA PARTY CAUCUS. you can probably throw a stone and hit his district from uintah elementary school.

kynes' crusade against reality continues.


Well-Known Member
Utahns, famous for their wholesomeness and frugality, buy online pornography at higher rates than the rest of America.
That's the conclusion of a Harvard economics professor who tracked subscriptions to online porn sites. Utah ranks No. 1 in subscriptions, according to Benjamin Edelman, who reported his findings in the article "Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?," published in the most recent edition of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
The most porn-watching ZIP codes in Utah, "with unexpectedly high subscriptions relative to their population and broadband usage," are 84766 in Sevier County, 84112 in Salt Lake County, 84018 in Morgan County, 84006 in southwest Salt Lake County, and 84536 in San Juan County

Why would you link the same thing I did but come up with a erroneous statement after reading it? Are you just trying to prove my point about your poor information consumption?


Well-Known Member
So let me get this straight....
Cause well, I am on the"Dole" also...
I really want to understand your rage at this "Taking the Food Away"

Why should the parents feel entitled to lunch that is not paid for?

Why are you "Mad" at the school?

You should be mad at the parents that paid! For they sent the message that there are consequences
"I paid for your lunch on time Timmy, you see if you pay your bills on time, you get a lunch..."
"But MOM.... My Friend Jerome didn't pay, and he was really hungry!!!"
"You see son, if you don't pay your bills there is no "Free Lunch"..."

What a great lesson to be learned... I am sorry your off spring missed a great Life Lesson....
When should they learn this lesson? Isn't it better in school, where their minds can accept change ?
Much better than their parents having to learn about 'not having any money' in their account while in front of me in line at Wally world....

IDK... Free shit to those that are either too stupid to pay, because seriously, those that could not pay...
The ones seriously broke... they got there meals... because those that truly needed a hand out, didn't need a balance in their account...
Their lunch is always free... You are barking up the wrong Troll tree here....
i'm going to break this down to it's least complex:

a child is given a lunch in error..the lunch is then TAKEN from the child and THROWN into the garbage..the child is then given a piece of fruit and milk.

do you REALLY NOT SEE or do you NOT WANT TO SEE?


Well-Known Member
I put myself in the child's position...
I know my moms already not as good as little Timmy's mom...
He get's to wear Levi's to school, I get hand me down Penney's brand pants...
I know I am poor... There is a poor area in town... I live on the good side of the tracks, except, the tracks are right behind my house...
My mom has embarrassed me in the past...
The time she put a piece of strawberry cake in my lunch...
Yea, I notice that she dropped the Dawn dish washing detergent, the day before on my cake, I heard her yell CRAP....
So, my cake tasted like soap...
My mom doesn't really have it together...
I love my mom... but she's not that together...
Oh no... she forgot to pay my tab...
I guess I will do without lunch AGAIN.....
Utah school worker screwed up...
Fig Bucking Deal...
But don't you care about the children ?
Come on Sand... it's for the children....
Don't you care?
Life Lesson Fail....

There is no such a thing as a free lunch...
Didn't you learn that somewhere along your life's path?

This kid learned it in grade school... Big F/N deal...
I don't expect all to understand, and most will think me too harsh...

Reality is---- There is no free lunch in life...


Well-Known Member
If a state had 1 person population and that one person had watched porn at any time, then the rate would be 100%.

Utah doesn't have the largest number of Porn watchers, it has the highest RATE of pornhub subscriptions. ( a rate of .547%) California has the highest number of porn watchers by far, it has the highest population.


Watch out!! almost half of one percent of People in Utah have a Pornhub subscription. Must be an epidemic!! Probably has something to do with the fact (LOL Cheezy facts) that All people from Utah belong to the TEA party.

You are a terrible consumer of information Cheezy.

and this is case in point that bible beaters are so sexually frustrated..


Well-Known Member
Utahns, famous for their wholesomeness and frugality, buy online pornography at higher rates than the rest of America.
That's the conclusion of a Harvard economics professor who tracked subscriptions to online porn sites. Utah ranks No. 1 in subscriptions, according to Benjamin Edelman, who reported his findings in the article "Red Light States: Who Buys Online Adult Entertainment?," published in the most recent edition of the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
The most porn-watching ZIP codes in Utah, "with unexpectedly high subscriptions relative to their population and broadband usage," are 84766 in Sevier County, 84112 in Salt Lake County, 84018 in Morgan County, 84006 in southwest Salt Lake County, and 84536 in San Juan County

standing o:clap:


Well-Known Member
I put myself in the child's position...
I know my moms already not as good as little Timmy's mom...
He get's to wear Levi's to school, I get hand me down Penney's brand pants...
I know I am poor... There is a poor area in town... I live on the good side of the tracks, except, the tracks are right behind my house...
My mom has embarrassed me in the past...
The time she put a piece of strawberry cake in my lunch...
Yea, I notice that she dropped the Dawn dish washing detergent, the day before on my cake, I heard her yell CRAP....
So, my cake tasted like soap...
My mom doesn't really have it together...
I love my mom... but she's not that together...
Oh no... she forgot to pay my tab...
I guess I will do without lunch AGAIN.....
Utah school worker screwed up...
Fig Bucking Deal...
But don't you care about the children ?
Come on Sand... it's for the children....
Don't you care?
Life Lesson Fail....

There is no such a thing as a free lunch...
Didn't you learn that somewhere along your life's path?

This kid learned it in grade school... Big F/N deal...
I don't expect all to understand, and most will think me too harsh...

Reality is---- There is no free lunch in life...
lemme break it down one more step:

the lunch is then TAKEN from the child and THROWN into the garbage